



主演:Zofia Marcinkowska,Henryk Boukolowski
简介:50年代-60年代初波兰电影学院派的经典作品之一,堪称与同时代意大利导演安东尼奥尼的《奇遇》相比,改编自Józef Hen在社会主义波兰时期被禁的小说。  In 1960 his second film NIKT NIE WOLA NOBODY'S CALLING, based on a Jozef Hen novel that was never published in Poland, described the fate of Poles on the Eastern Front. Kutz used the film to explore new formal solutions, collaborating closely with cinematographer Jerzy Wojcik to reveal the psychological landscape of a pair of lovers who are strongly affected by wartime events. The camera recorded the couple's inner experiences, contrasting their muted intimacy against the surrounding scenery of a ruined town. The film did not win over critics at the time of its release. It was not until later that critics recognized Kutz's effort to experiment with aesthetics in a manner akin to that pursued by filmmakers of the new wave. NOBODY'S CALLING came to be compared with Michelangelo Antonioni's THE ADVENTURE, which was produced around the same time.
Zofia Marcinkowsk..


主演:Kazimierz Witkiewicz,Zygmunt Apostol,博古谢·比莱夫斯基,Mieczyslaw Czechowicz,Andrzej Gawronski,Andrzej Herder
简介:Polish comedy of 1971, the species 'crazy'. In a September, the Monday (and exactly 15 September), a group of residents and visitors struggling with adversity. Despite the light of criticism of Polish reality, expressed in a typical director Tadeusz Chmielewski surreal way, the movie is laurką for Warsaw, full of optimism, nicely showing her beautiful places.
Kazimierz Witkiew..


主演:卢茜娜·温尼斯卡,安娜·齐皮勒夫斯卡,玛丽亚·赫瓦利布格,弗朗齐歇克·皮耶奇卡,Halina Billing-Wohl,Mieczyslaw Voit,Kazimierz Fabisiak,Stanislaw Jasiukiewicz,Zygmunt Zintel,Jerzy Kaczmarek,Jaroslaw Kuszewski,Marian Nosek,Jerzy Walden,Marian
简介:故事发生在十七世纪的波兰。书亚(Mieczyslaw Voit 饰)是一名德高望重的神父,坚定的坚持着自己对主的信仰和理想。某一日,他被派往了一间修道院中工作,有传闻魔鬼偷偷潜入了这间修道院,在其中作祟。  修道院的院长是一个名为乔安(卢茜娜·温尼斯卡 Lucyna Winnicka 饰)的女人,这个女人的身上散发出一股强大而又神秘的美丽,让众多的修女们为之疯狂。随着时间的推移,神父书亚发现魔鬼的力量实在是过去强大,仅凭他一人之力无法驾驭,于是向一个老法师寻求帮助。然而,最终,书亚亦没有能够拒绝魔鬼的诱惑,为了帮助乔安,他甚至犯下了杀人的罪孽。


主演:西尔维斯特·史泰龙,迈克尔·凯恩,贝利,鲍比·摩尔,奥斯瓦尔多·阿迪列斯,保罗·凡·西姆斯特,Kazimierz Deyna,Hallvar Thoresen,Mike Summerbee,Co Prins,Russell Osman,John Wark,Søren Lindsted,Kevin O'Callaghan,马克斯·冯·叙多夫
简介:二战末期,德国纳粹的攻势渐显疲态。位于法国的某纳粹集中营内,德国军官为鼓舞士气,同时打击盟军的气焰,竟别出心裁地想出了一场国际足球赛。由兵强马壮的德国队,对抗羸弱不堪的国际战俘队。前英国国脚科尔比(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰)认为这是绝佳的越狱良机,于是欣然接受德军 的提议。  科比一方面网罗足球方面的人才,抓紧训练,一面委派美国人哈奇(Sylvester Stallone 史泰龙 饰)逃出集中营,联络巴黎的地下组织,准备在比赛那天里应外合,集体越狱。比赛的日子逐渐临近,他们最终能否成功?