Adam Brooks

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主演:Adam Brooks,Mackenzie Murdock,Amy Groening,Garrett Hnatiuk,Conor Sweeney
简介:朋克打扮的汀克(科纳·斯温尼 Conor Sweeney 饰)是一个正处在叛逆期的年轻人,他终日和朋友沃纳(盖瑞特·耐提克 Garrett Hnatiuk 饰)鬼混,偷盗、抢劫,无恶不作。可就在某天,厄运突然降临身边。亚哈的父亲被一个变态杀人魔残忍杀害,人生巨大的悲剧让他倍感混乱。来自教会的沙利文神父愿意为他提供帮助,却遭到安德鲁的拒绝。在此之后,沙利文神父找来了亚哈(亚当·布鲁克斯 Adam Brooks 饰),与汀克、约翰神父(马修·肯尼迪 Matthew Kennedy 饰)等有着相同人生经历的人们联手,一起寻找那名专门在父亲节残杀父亲的恶魔……  本片荣获2011年多伦多暮色电影节观众奖最佳影片奖。
Adam Brooks,Macke..


主演:Adam Brooks,Matthew Kennedy,Conor Sweeney,乌多·基尔
简介:From members of Winnipeg’s infamous Astron-6 collective comes a loving homage and absurdist send-up of the Italian giallo genre. Rey Ciso was once the greatest editor the world had ever seen — but since a horrific accident left him with four wooden fingers on his right hand, he’s had to resort to cutting pulp films and trash pictures. When the lead actors from the film he’s been editing turn up murdered at the studio, Rey is fingered as the number one suspect. The bodies continue to pile up as Rey struggles to prove his innocence and uncover the sinister truth lurking behind the scenes. (Tiff 2014)
Adam Brooks,Matth..


主演:Matthew Kennedy,Adam Brooks,Meredith Sweeney,Conor Sweeney
简介:简介:  Manborg大概讲了个什么故事?科学家无意中打开了时空隧道,各路地狱机甲兽开始围攻地球,主角是个废材兵哥,被地狱将军打残后再醒来,发现自己被科学家改装成了MANBORG,地狱军团也已经统治了地球。于是,MANBORG协同飞刀暴走靓妹、霹雳舞双枪文盲哥、翻译腔NO.1功夫王,开始大闹地狱纳粹城!  八十年代风特效土到掉渣的科幻大片!红白机横版通关情怀大致敬!脑残改造机枪人、飞刀暴走靓妹、霹雳舞双枪文盲哥、翻译腔NO.1功夫王,四个人物任你选,大战各路地狱机甲生化怪……假到暴的神演技!粘土血花四溅!最后的BIO COP假预告片也是各种神奇!
Matthew Kennedy,A..