



主演:詹妮弗·格雷,帕特里克·斯威兹,辛西娅·罗德斯,杰里·奥尔巴赫,杰克韦斯顿,Jane Brucker,凯利·毕晓普
简介:弗朗西丝(詹妮弗•格雷 饰)与家人到了凯勒曼山区度假。17岁的弗朗西丝对男孩子、舞蹈和家庭游戏都不感兴趣。  一次偶然,她来到了一家旅馆,里面的男男女女非常缠绵地在一起跳舞。弗朗西丝马上觉得这样的舞蹈不堪入目。舞蹈教练约翰尼(帕特里克•斯威兹 饰)来到了她跟前,他为弗朗西丝解开顾虑,并教她舞蹈的基本步。学习过程中,弗朗西丝也发现自己爱上了约翰尼。因为害怕被解雇,约翰尼不敢与弗朗西丝发展下去。  这时约翰尼的舞伴怀上了大学生罗比的孩子,弗朗西丝让自己的医生父亲帮忙检查,但弗朗西丝的父亲误以为孩子是约翰尼的,继而阻止女儿与约翰尼交往,他们俩只好暗中见面。因为被诬陷,约翰尼失业了。


主演:Miranda Colclasure,Suzanne Ramsey,Dirty Martini,马修·阿马立克
简介:Joachim 是一个生活在巴黎、事业成功的电视编剧。四十岁生日的临晨,他决定放弃一切——孩子、友人、敌人、爱情与遗憾——去美国从零开始。之后,他带领“新滑稽艳舞团”(New Burlesque )回到故乡进行巡演。艳舞团团员因Joachim 而对法国巴黎充满向往。幽默的表演和脱衣舞娘丰满的身材令男女老少沉迷不已。尽管下榻的旅馆平庸不堪,使用的电梯音乐(musique d’ascenseur )乏善可陈,又缺乏资金,女演员依然营造出了新奇、热情而欢乐的气氛。但是,他们决定在巴黎演出压轴戏,将巡演推向高潮的梦想破裂了:Joachim 的老“朋友”背叛了他,取消了其预定的演戏场所。巴黎之行似乎注定来去匆匆,过去种种伤感的回忆突然被揭开……  Joachim, a former Parisian television producer had left everything behind - his children, friends, enemies, lovers and regrets to start a new life in America. But he returns with a team of New Burlesque strip-tease performers whom he has filled with romantic dreams of a tour of France, of Paris!  Traveling from town to town, despite the cheap hotel rooms and lack of money, the curvaceous showgirls invent an extravagant fantasy world of warmth and hedonism that wins an enthusiastic response from men and women alike.  But their dream of a tour culminating in a last grand show in Paris goes up in smoke when Joachim is betrayed by an old friend and loses the theatre where they were due to perform. An obligatory return journey to the capital violently reopens the old wounds of his past...
Miranda Colclasur..


主演:米盖尔·弗尔,Julie Entwisle,Dan Monahan,Michael H. Moss,John Bennes
简介:这晚,纽约州又一名机场管理员巴克暴毙在停机坪上,尸体乾瘪瘪的被人完全抽干了所有的血。这一事件震撼了新闻界,因为先前在缅因州也发生了类似的命案,于是,“吸血鬼复活”的传言传遍了美国的大街小巷,一时人人惊慌。这晚,在马里兰州雷雨之夜,身穿漆黑大披风的夜行者再次驾驶飞机犯案,又两位无辜的市民度惨死在他手中,犯案情节竟和《吸血鬼瑞菲》的电影情节一模一样。报社主编莫里森(丹尼•莫纳汉 Dan Monahan 饰)让拥有飞机执照的资深记者理查德(米高•佛瑞 Miguel Ferrer  饰)越州对这一事件进行深入报导,到底还有多少人命丧恶魔之手?
米盖尔·弗尔,Julie Entw..


主演:Rudy Graham,Blair Harris,Carla Harwood,Angela Haze,Kristine Heller,Amber Hunt,约翰·莱斯利,Turk Lyon,Lyn Cuddles Malone,Sandy Pinney,Amber Rae,Kathryn Reed,Dan Roberts,Ken Scudder,Molly Seagrim,乔伊·塞尔文,Otis
简介:Alex de Renzy (FEMMES DE SADE, PRETTY PEACHES) was one of the greatest directors of adult films ever, his career starting in the late 60's and preceeding well into the 90's. So saying that BABY FACE, stands as his crowning achievement is no small praise. This ranks as one skinflick that truly has it all, a complete storyline, fine production, and a couple of decent acting performances and some of the hottest sex scenes ever assembled in a single movie.  Big, lumbering Dan Roberts stars as the hapless construction worker who has to go into hiding following his seduction of underage but willing Priscilla (Lyn Cuddles Malone) which incurs the wrath of her religious fanatic of a man. After a near-fatal accident leaves him unconsciously drifting in the bay, he is saved by fan favorites Amber Hunt (FIONA ON FIRE) and Linda Wong (SWEET CAKES) who clean him up and then some. Hunt comes up with the brilliant idea of taking him to the Training Camp, a brothel catering exclusively for rich women and run by her aunt, affectionately referred to as the Champ.  This fancy cathouse provides the perfect backdrop for the movie's myriad sexual situations, nearly all of them handled with great style and enthusiasm by cast and filmmaker alike, shot through with a wickedly subversive humor. Standout scenes include gentle giant Roberts tender initiation of the eager Malone, their contrast in size providing an instant thrill all by itself, and the late great Kristine Heller taking on pretty much all the guys present in what has to stand as the single greatest gang bang sequence ever committed to film or video.
Rudy Graham,Blair..


主演:杰尼斯·纽沃纳,安德烈·赫尼克,茱莉亚·克斯奇兹,托马斯·萨巴彻尔,巴尔巴拉·奥尔,马克斯·毛夫,莱昂·赛德尔,Carsten Strauch,Ella-Maria Gollmer,Robert Alexander Baer,Romina Küper,Matthias Lodd,Christine Rollar,Anja Antonowicz
简介:A graduate of the Offenbach College of Design, Piotr J. Lewandowski has made his directorial debut with JONATHAN (working-title) based on an award-winning screenplay. The moving drama about family secrets and the obstacles to achieving one’s own happiness features Jannis Niewöhner, one of this year’s European Shooting Stars, in the title role of the 24-year-old Jonathan. The young man is caring unstintingly for his terminally-ill father Burghardt, but then sees his life in a new light after falling in love with Anka, who has come to nurse his father. However, the story takes another twist when Ron, Burghardt’s long-lost friend from his youth, re-appears — and a well-kept family secret is uncovered....


主演:Kasia Szarek,Shantell Yasmine Abeydeera,Janeva Zentz
简介:网红艾比·罗斯因其生活方式、时尚和化妆视频而在社交媒体上广受欢迎。  在与Nutro con签订合同后,艾比发现她在好莱坞的家被一群激进分子入侵,这些激进分子侵入了她的社交媒体,为了执行他们一项高风险的巨额支出计划。。。
Kasia Szarek,Shan..


主演:欧嘉·柯瑞兰寇,妮内特·塔伊布,佐贺·史塔斯,李伦·勒夫,Lior Habra,亨利·大卫,Vladimir Friedman,Yana Goor,Shalom Micahelashvili
简介:影片在希伯来语片名Kirot是“墙”的意思,意指片中两位女主人公从素不相识,隔墙交流,直至最终走到一起,一个要摆脱当地黑帮的控制、去俄罗斯与小女儿团聚,一个为了反抗有严重虐待倾向的丈夫,两个女人为理想和生存而战,俨然一部新版《末路狂花》。  幕后制作  影片由以色列、法国、美国合拍,片中对白以英语为主,还有希伯来语和俄语。执导本片的是以色列导演丹尼·勒纳,毕业于特拉维夫大学电影系的他曾在2005年拍摄了处女作《梦魇》,其作品充满复杂的社会元素及深层的心理描写,成为以色列新生代导演中的佼佼者,并在国际影坛暂露头角,《危墙》是他的第二部电影。


主演:Charles Bonet,黄家達,黄杏秀,陳龍,孟海,鍾發,小侯
Charles Bonet,黄家達..


主演:法布莱斯·鲁奇尼,朱丽叶·比诺什,瓦莱丽亚·布鲁尼·泰德斯基,让-吕克·文森特,布兰德·拉维夫,哈弗,迪迪埃·赫斯特佩,赛瑞尔·里戈,Laura Dupré,Thierry Lavieville,Caroline Carbonnier,Manon Royère,Lauréna Thellier,Maya Sarac,Noah Noulard
简介:1910年夏天,法国北部的斯拉克海湾。多起游客的神秘失踪事件为当地笼上了不安的氛围。Machin警长和他精明的副手Malfoy共同展开调查。他们被卷入一场奇怪而危险的爱情故事中:一方是鲁莽的Ma Loute,行为怪异的渔人之家的长子,另一方则是年轻淘气的Billie,她是富有的里尔没落贵族Van Peteghem家族的女儿。他们奇异的爱情扰乱了两个家庭原来的节奏。


主演:Adam Brooks,Mackenzie Murdock,Amy Groening,Garrett Hnatiuk,Conor Sweeney
简介:朋克打扮的汀克(科纳·斯温尼 Conor Sweeney 饰)是一个正处在叛逆期的年轻人,他终日和朋友沃纳(盖瑞特·耐提克 Garrett Hnatiuk 饰)鬼混,偷盗、抢劫,无恶不作。可就在某天,厄运突然降临身边。亚哈的父亲被一个变态杀人魔残忍杀害,人生巨大的悲剧让他倍感混乱。来自教会的沙利文神父愿意为他提供帮助,却遭到安德鲁的拒绝。在此之后,沙利文神父找来了亚哈(亚当·布鲁克斯 Adam Brooks 饰),与汀克、约翰神父(马修·肯尼迪 Matthew Kennedy 饰)等有着相同人生经历的人们联手,一起寻找那名专门在父亲节残杀父亲的恶魔……  本片荣获2011年多伦多暮色电影节观众奖最佳影片奖。
Adam Brooks,Macke..