



主演:Erin Brown,Justin Brown,Amy Bullard,John Bullard,Jerry Byrd,Brad Cooney,Qilin Dai,Michael Dennin,Morgan Gates,Steve Gonsalves,Walter Grayson,Jeanette Harper,Mary Alice Hydrick,Alice Jackson,Ilene Jone
简介:A beautiful documentary telling the real story of a homeowner living with a haunting. Bridging the paranormal, real science and the human experience this documentary shows a detailed look at what could be the most haunted house in America.
Erin Brown,Justin..


主演:简妮特·比德曼,约翰内斯·波兰特,芭芭拉·菲利普,Matthias Gall,Manuel Harder,Moritz Klaus,茱莉亚碧霍德,David Ali Hamade,穆拉利·佩鲁马尔,Janina Esser,Victoria Stadtlander,Heinrich Cuipers,Manfred Erwe,Rebecca Madita Hundt,Georg Marin,Mary
简介:弗兰西斯卡从事一项特殊工作,专门帮助已婚女人考验丈夫是否忠诚。因为自身性感火辣,已婚男人屡屡跌入陷阱。弗兰西斯卡坚信男人百分百都是混蛋,因为她有一个不堪回首的往事——她痴爱的男友忽然变成别人的新郎。  奇怪的是新目标与众不同,无论她使何种手段都不能使之心动。弗兰西斯卡坚持不懈制造各种偶遇,可她越来越感觉吃力,工作受到前所未有的阻力……而与此同时,她发现自己竟然悄悄爱上这位有趣的已婚男人。工作和个人情感的矛盾,她该如何化解?


主演:玛蒂妮·贝丝维克,Edina Roday,Michael Latimer,Stephanie Randall,卡罗尔·怀特,Alexandra Stevenson,Yvonne Horner,西德尼·布罗姆利,Frank Hayden,Robert Raglan,Mary Hignett,Louis Mahoney,Bari Jonson,Danny Daniels,史蒂文·伯克夫
玛蒂妮·贝丝维克,Edina Ro..


主演:保罗·辛普森,大卫·卡拉丁,乌多·基尔,诺曼·瑞杜斯,比利·德拉戈,马克斯·佩利希,尼克·詹姆森,杰克·多内尔,Ingrid Sonray,Lisa Gleave,Sofie Norman,Mary Christina Brown,赫拉奇·蒂蒂赞,阿萨夫·科恩,Nick Wall
简介:A Medieval Knight resurrects to fulfill his vow and bestow a blood-thirst vengeance upon the kindred spirits of those who betrayed him long ago. In the course of one night, identities will be revealed, destinies met, and a poetic justice of the macabre maniacally served. Here lies a tale of passion, loyalty, deceit, betrayal...and revenge. They were Warriors. They were Crusaders. Under the leadership of the righteous GREGOIRE, this band of brothers in the Holy Order of the Knights Templar selflessly fought back-to-back, defending GOD and the True Cross. Until one dark night of utter betrayal... Glorious was their victory that night, gold their find. The spoils were to be taken to their Grandmaster for use in furthering their Cause. Yet greed had infected one of their number - RENAULT - and under the influence of the demon of lust, he embraced and fiendishly persuaded others to help him carry out his nefarious plan of betrayal. Among those whose hearts he blackened was the already resentful MENAS, envious of his brother MELKON, the man famed as being both the greatest swordsman in all of Europe and the right hand of Gregoire. The following morning Renault's heinous plot went into effect and Gregoire, Melkon and their beloved steward KOKO were ambushed and executed for purposes of greed. But as he lay dying, Gregoire vowed his revenge. Ten lifetimes of excess Renault and his murdering compatriots would enjoy. And then he would return to deliver their souls to Hell for all of eternity. Ten lifetimes of excess... The centuries pass and after 700 years, the allotted time of the evildoers nears culmination. One dark, stormy night, the Crusader, upon his steed, resurrects to execute his pledge of vengeance upon the now kindred spirits of those who victimized him so very long ago. The stage is set for retribution as an eclectic group assembles at a secluded manor home under the guise of a promised fantasy weekend to fulfill personal desires. JAKE, the events coordinator will have his hands full playing host to his young guests; CELINE, the alluring and promiscuous Eastern-European, ASHLEY, the contemptuous yet beautiful socialite, AMY, the innocent and meek girl-next-door, HURCOS, the predatory Middle-Eastern playboy, and JAPONIKO, the uninvited and mysterious Asian minimalist. SHAUNA, the abrasive Irish cook, and her cohort in crime BENOIT, the bone-idle English caretaker, along with the enigmatic PRIEST and the benevolent SHOPKEEPER, round out this unusual and extremely colorful cast of characters. Jake assigns the position of assistant recreational coordinator to Amy, and as she reads from an obscure storybook, the tale of Gregoire and his righteous band of Templar Knights animates, and the story of betrayal is reenacted for the guests. Blood will flow excessively as the cursed and unsuspecting kindred spirits meet their imminent destinies one-by-one during the Crusader's maniacal reprisal.


主演:Larisa Rusnak Maryna Koshkina Oleg Shulga
简介:入围2020年华沙电影节新导演竞赛  Do you have to be a war widow all your life Especially when you are only 25
Larisa Rusnak Ma..


主演:Mary Demas,迈克尔·鲁克,Anne Bartoletti
简介:HENRY热中于杀人,他把杀人当成一种艺术,在相同的时间用不同的方法杀死不同的人。他把房子租给了一个叫OTIS的人,当他的姐姐来访的时候,HENRY的杀人冲动又开始萌动了。。。。。  这部片子是美国黑色电影的代表作,在80年代末曾多次获奖,电影的表现手法及剪辑都相当精彩。  谓“黑色电影”?它是否一种类型,运动或潮流?至今仍无定论,有的学者认为“黑色电影”是一种类似西部片,音乐喜剧片,恐怖片的的片种,是一种有着深厚历史与社会背景下产生的1940-1960年间的电影潮流或运动,有的甚至认为“黑色电影”必须是黑白片,60年后便再也没有“黑色电影”了。但我个人认为“黑色电影”不是任何一种类型片,虽然其称号来自30,40年代的强盗片犯罪片与侦探片。那“黑色电影”到底是什么呢?我个人认为,它是一种含有“黑暗或黑色”情绪与心理色调的特质电影,所以它与一些类型片如强盗片犯罪片,侦探片(有人认为黑色侦探片是强盗片的延伸),音乐喜剧片,甚至科幻与恐怖片都会有互相重叠的部分(因为划分标准是不同的)。  黑色电影所具有的历史社会背景很大如战争,经济大萧条,政府与社会制度的弊端等;一般取材于现实生活(当然也有少量的科幻题材);描写的阶级层面并不仅限于社会底层,也可涉及中上流社会;影片中常常出现夜色下的城市,兰色的灯光洒在湿漉漉的街道上,周围是高大的水泥墙……,光色抑郁,影片人物愤世或觉醒,气质忧郁,有宿命感和悲观主义,但又往往具有独来独往不受约束,什么都不在乎的无政府主义,如果是女性角色则大多具有独立精神,甚至邪恶,放荡如通过性来操纵男人达到目的,但无论影片的主人翁是英雄还是匪徒,其结局往往是失败(因为影片总体是从批评与讽刺的角度来描写的),表现出秩序与反秩序的冲突,并抨击追求物欲产生的堕落与残暴。  这部片子还有一个译名:连环杀手的画像」听起来不是很吸引吗?
Mary Demas,迈克尔·鲁克..


主演:Raha Khodayari,Mahan Nasiri,利萨·贝赫布迪,Maryam Boubani,Shiva Ordooie
Raha Khodayari,Ma..


主演:安德鲁·加菲尔德,大卫·莫瑞瑟,约翰·亨肖,安东尼·弗拉纳根,沃伦·克拉克,詹妮弗·亨内斯,Mary Jo Randle,蕾切尔·简·阿伦,丽塔·梅,格雷厄姆·沃克,Berwick Kaler,Katherine Vasey,丹尼·坎宁安,米歇尔·道克瑞,罗伯特·席安,埃迪·马森,丹尼尔·梅斯,卡拉·西摩,彼得·穆兰,杰拉德·基恩斯,伊恩·默瑟,丽贝卡·豪尔,西恩·哈里斯,托尼·穆尼,史蒂文·罗伯
简介:1974年的英国约克郡,时刻笼罩在一片氤氲雾气之中,空气中弥漫着哀愁和不祥的气息,接连数起儿童绑架案件让约克的气氛愈加压抑起来。年轻气盛的记者埃迪·丹福德(安德鲁·加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰)对此极为关注,积极展开调查,甚至无暇顾及业已病危的父亲。然而随着调查的深入,他却发现这些并非简单的绑架案,设计政界的黑幕渐渐浮出水面,埃迪也不自觉地为层层危险所包围。浓浓黑雾,难以散去……  本片改编自David Peace的四部悬疑小说(分别以年度为书名:1974、1977、1980、1983,合称Red Riding Quartet),由英国第4频道主持拍摄为三部影片,被称作“血色侦程三部曲”。


主演:弗朗索瓦丝·罗赛,安德烈·阿莱尔姆,让·缪拉,路易·茹韦,Lyne Clevers,米舍利娜·谢雷尔,Maryse Wendling,Ginette Gaubert,玛格丽特·迪库雷,贝尔纳·朗克雷,阿尔弗雷德·亚当,Pierre Labry,阿蒂尔·德韦尔,Marcel Carpentier,亚历山大·达西,Claude Sainval,Delphin,保罗·哈特曼,Francine Bessy
简介:Released in France as La Kermesse Heroique, Carnival in Flanders is set during the long-ago war between the Dutch and Spanish. A tiny village in Flanders is invaded by Spanish troops. The townsfolk have heard of Spanish cruelties in other towns, and decide to deflect the vanquishers by playing dead. This isn't terribly effective (you have to take a breath once in a while), so the wife of the burgomaster tries to soften up the invaders with a lavish carnival. So successful is this venture that the Spaniards allow the village to escape being decimated, or even taxed. An award-winner many times over, Carnival in Flanders was banned in Germany; evidently, Goebbels caught on that director Jacques Feyder and scenarists Bernard Zimmer and Charles Spaak were drawing deliberate parallels between the Spanish and the then-burgeoning Nazis.


主演:Nargess Mamizadeh,Maryiam Palvin Almani,Mojgan Faramarzi,Elham Saboktakin,Monir Arab,Maedeh Tahmasebi,Maryam Shayegan,Khadijeh Moradi,Negar Ghadyani,Solmaz Panahi,弗里施特·萨德尔·奥拉法耶,Fatemeh Naghavi,Ataolla
简介:本片讲述了7个伊朗女性的悲惨故事。妇女从医院领到了尚在襁褓中的女儿,但是她并不开心,因为此前的超声波显示,她怀了一个男童,如今倒凤颠鸾,令她措手不及。当地重男轻女的风俗,令她如堕冷宫。刚出狱的女孩跟女伴到处找钱,历尽千辛万苦,凑齐了钱,却最终怯于踏上返乡的列车。未婚先孕的少女被哥哥扫地出门,在男友死亡后只得去做了人工流产,出狱后的中年女人发现男人已出轨。当了护士的女孩想方设法帮她,自己的婚姻却陷入僵局……  本片获57届威尼斯电影节最佳影片金狮奖。
Nargess Mamizadeh..