



主演:丹尼尔·阿尔希诺夫,Asel Kaliyeva,Azamat Marklenov,Yerlan Primbetov,Dulyga Akmolda,Almat Sakatov,Rustem Zhanyamanov,Yerkebulan Daiyrov,Bekaris Akhetov,Kadirgali Kobentay,Kilishbek Kassymbek,Gauhar Sagingalieva,
简介:入围2020年华沙电影节自由精神单元  It all starts trivially – with a quarrel between a young married couple. The spouses are waiting for their first baby which is due very soon. Every day the situation is heating up. There comes a point when the main character – Dastan – can no longer stand the constant pressure from his wife. He decides to escape, just for one day, to go on a fishing trip with two friends. The future father, the unlucky businessman and the local police officer plan to get away from it all and just focus on fishing. However, a series of unforeseen events, turns their trip into a wild Tarantino-esque rollercoaster. A dynamic, ironic and funny story about real male bonding.
丹尼尔·阿尔希诺夫,Asel Ka..


主演:Dusan Pekic,米兰·马里奇,德拉甘·比耶洛格利奇,布兰卡·卡蒂奇,米基·马诺伊洛维奇,Gorica Popovic,维斯娜切瓦里克,Andreja Jovanovic,尼古拉·科约,Zorka Manojlovic,达尼罗 -巴塔-斯托科维奇,丹妮卡·马克瑟莫维奇,拉多斯拉夫·米伦科维奇,Nikola Pejakovic,Milorad Mandic,Dragan Maksimovic,
简介:How easy is it for desperate youngsters to become dangerous gangsters in a decaying society washed all over by the blood of war Fairly easy indeed. Rane shows incidents, probably somewhat facts, that took place in Serbia of the war era. Things similar to what you see on this film could happen virtually everywhere, but this film gives a very Yugoslavian feeling to everything. Yugo style mafia, Yugo style murder, and all that. Revolting politicians and their greed are to blame, not only the desperate young men who lose their reasoning while trying to be someone. The film and the casting is overall successful, and it's so very Serbian. I recommend it to anyone who.. well anyone who likes a good film. But don't expect anything American style on this one, as I say it's Yugo to the bone.
Dusan Pekic,米兰·马里..


主演:英格·贝克曼,Garth Breytenbach,Tshamano Sebe,Chris April,Keita Luna
简介:Grounded in South African folklore, this moody, menacing supernatural thriller follows a white family newly arrived on an inherited farm. Soon after moving in, they meet a mysterious local outcast named Lazarus, who carries with him a dark secret that will put everyone at risk. With evocative images, spine-tingling sound-design, and a terrific central performance by Tshamano Sebe, director Harold Hölscher conjures up both visceral scares and a heartbreaking narrative.
英格·贝克曼,Garth Brey..


主演:Larissa Manoela,Thati Lopes,Bruno Montaleone,David Sherod,Kathy-Ann Hart,Valeria Silva,Ray Faiola
简介:Barbara (Larissa Manoela) and Talia (Thati Lopes) decide to exchange in the US. They have no idea of the obstacles and cultural shock. Barbara who always dreamed of visiting NY discovers they'll be living in the Town of Woodstock, NY. Two hours north of New York City. Accustomed to the comforts of her mother's home. Barbara now has to get accustomed to doing household chores and act as a nanny for her sponsor, a stern Sheryll (Kathy-Ann Hart). While Talia who is defiant and free spirited is staying with a patriotic and conservative couple. These two girls befriend Brad (David James), an American flight attendant who loves Brazil and Lucas (Bruno Montaleone), a Brazilian who works at Ski Station. A ski resort not far from Woodstock, NY. Despite difficulties, these friends find love and friendship while living unforgettable moments.
Larissa Manoela,T..


主演:Jaden Michael,Ivan Diaz,莎拉·加顿,谢伊·惠格姆,马索·曼恩,克里斯·里德,亚当·大卫·汤普森,Vladimir Caamano
简介:A group of young friends from the Bronx fight to save their neighborhood from gentrification...and vampires.
Jaden Michael,Iva..

甘泉玛侬 Manon des sources[电影解说]

简介:玛侬(艾曼纽·贝阿 Emmanuelle Béart 饰)是一个游荡于山林之中的牧羊女,在她温婉美丽的外表下,隐藏了一段悲惨的往事。玛侬的父亲死于一场阴谋,而罪魁祸首正是帕比特(伊夫·蒙当 Yves Montand 饰)和格林特(丹尼尔·奥图 Daniel Auteuil 饰)叔侄二人。 一次偶然中,格林特看见了正在沐浴的玛侬,不知真相的他深深的为玛侬的美貌而着迷,但此时,玛侬早已和教师贝莱德(西波里特·吉拉多特 Hippolyte Girardot 饰)两情相悦了。玛侬逐渐得知了父亲死亡的真相,愤怒的她将仇恨埋藏在心底,期望着雪耻的一天到来。在玛侬的设计下,她在所有村民面前解开了帕比特和格林特伪善的面具,格林特羞愧而死。但是,悲剧并没有就此结束。


主演:梅拉尼·罗兰,阿黛尔·艾克萨勒霍布洛斯,伊莎贝尔·阿佳妮,费利克斯·莫阿蒂,菲烈·卡特林,Manon Bresch,Leona D'Huy,LucieLaffin
简介:改编自漫画《La Grande Odalisque》,讲述一群专门偷盗高档物品的女盗贼专家的故事,以巴黎和科西嘉岛为背景,是部群戏。


简介:A film essay about a singular couple, Paco and Manolo, two Catalan photographers from the outskirts of Barcelona, who have been together for thirty years. Both have managed to work as a single photographer and have captured their imagery in the Kink magazine, a very personal photography fanzine with an essentially Mediterranean homoerotic aesthetic. Paco and Manolo’s style can ...

上帝之手 È stata la mano di Dio[电影解说]

简介:荣获奥斯卡金像奖的编剧兼导演保罗·索伦蒂诺(《大牌明星》《绝美之城》《年轻的教宗》)以 20 世纪 80 年代动荡的那不勒斯为背景,讲述男孩法比托·斯基萨的故事。《上帝之手》中既有意料之外的惊喜,例如足球传奇人物迭戈·马拉多纳的到来,也有同样出乎意料的悲剧。对法比托而言,在欢乐与悲剧相互交织中,命运的齿轮已然开始转动。索伦蒂诺回到家乡讲述了他最具个人色彩的故事,故事主旨为命运与家庭、体育与电影、爱与失去。