主演:卡斯德特·普洛克坡尔,吉拉查彭·斯里桑,普西特·迪塔皮西,Ohm Thiphakorn Thitathan,辛纳拉·西里朋查瓦雷,萨塔布·莱德克,缇欧·提英纳潘·坦维,Java Bhobdhama Hansa,利欧·索塞,Lookjun Bhasidi Petchsutee,Yardpirun Poolun
主演:黎耀祥,米雪,黄浩然,梁竞徽,李施嬅,陈茵媺,岳华,陈国邦,萧正楠,唐诗咏,张国强,曹永廉,张国强 Kwok Keung Cheung,曹永廉 Wing Lim Cho
简介:李莲英(黎耀祥 饰)与安德海(曹永廉 饰)同被前朝老太监刘多生(钟景辉 饰)收为徒弟。数年后,李莲英只是景仁宫中侍奉待罪妃子婉太嫔(李诗韵 饰)的一名小太监,而安德海却为西宫太后慈禧(米雪 饰)身边的红人。御药房太监姚双喜(黄浩然 饰)因出宫探母一事得罪总管太监陈福(岳华 饰)的舅甥彭三顺(陈国邦 饰),险些丧命。幸被李莲英所救,两人结为挚友。太监彭三顺睚眦必报,此后处处为难李莲英。婉太嫔在太监陈福的挑唆下,想起自己皇儿死因的蹊跷之处。恭亲王(张国强 饰)不顾慈禧阻拦,一意孤行推行洋务运动。同治帝(梁烈唯 饰)年纪尚小,朝中虎视眈眈。清末的紫禁城内忧外患。李莲英如何全身而退,成为一代大太监? 本剧为2012年TVB台庆剧。
简介:李莲英(黎耀祥 饰)与安德海(曹永廉 饰)同被前朝老太监刘多生(钟景辉 饰)收为徒弟。数年后,李莲英只是景仁宫中侍奉待罪妃子婉太嫔(李诗韵 饰)的一名小太监,而安德海却为西宫太后慈禧(米雪 饰)身边的红人。御药房太监姚双喜(黄浩然 饰)因出宫探母一事得罪总管太监陈福(岳华 饰)的舅甥彭三顺(陈国邦 饰),险些丧命。幸被李莲英所救,两人结为挚友。太监彭三顺睚眦必报,此后处处为难李莲英。婉太嫔在太监陈福的挑唆下,想起自己皇儿死因的蹊跷之处。恭亲王(张国强 饰)不顾慈禧阻拦,一意孤行推行洋务运动。同治帝(梁烈唯 饰)年纪尚小,朝中虎视眈眈。清末的紫禁城内忧外患。李莲英如何全身而退,成为一代大太监? 本剧为2012年TVB台庆剧。
主演:艾米莉·布朗宁,Megan Smart,凯特琳·斯塔西,Claire Lovering,Emma Horn,Steph Tisdell,Sana'a Shaik,Rose Flanagan,Chi Nguyen,Bernie Van Tiel,Shay Cohen,Sarah Krndija,黛博拉·劳伦斯,Rosaleen Cox,Sarah Takau,Andrea Solo
艾米莉·布朗宁,Megan Sma..
主演:史蒂夫·佩姆伯顿,里斯·谢尔史密斯,凯文·毕晓普,杰玛·韦兰,罗莎·罗布森,佩特逊·约瑟夫,迪诺·凯利,茜安·克利福德,阿德里安·敦巴,琳赛·邓肯,尼克·穆罕默德,德里克·雅各比,莎拉·帕里什,Bhavna Limbachia
简介:The two brand new series will promise more fantastically twisted tales from the brilliant minds of Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith.The announcement comes ahead of the series five finale this evening (Monday 9th March 2020) on BBC Two at 10pm.Since Inside No. 9 first launched in 2014, over 30 episodes have now been broadcast including the incredibly ambitious live episode Dead Line. The latest series has again received plaudits from fans and critics alike.Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton said “Little did we know when we started Inside No. 9 in 2014 that we would end up with as many episodes of it as Countryfile. We are delighted and exhausted in equal measure at the prospect of two more series-worth of tall tales and fearsome fables. However, we will endeavour to showcase the very best of what the BBC can do in every genre with 30 minutes of story-telling and some half-decent wigs. We might even try a Countryfile episode, no one would expect that…”Shane Allen, Controller, Controller, BBC Comedy Commissioning says “With over 30 distinctive and dazzling shows to date, their ability to master and nail every genre of story-telling with brevity, invention and flair is unparalleled. Oscars have been won for less than Reece and Steve manage to conjure up with each original concept for every single show. Quite simply they have the most fertile minds in British comedy and god knows what magic the next series will bring.”Josh Cole, Head of Comedy, BBC Studios says “Reece and Steve continue to make and break all the rules of comedy in ever more spectacular and horrifying fashion, and we are delighted that the BBC have given us the opportunity to make two more series. To paraphrase the show itself, not since the escaped cow has there been such excitement. Long live Inside No. 9!”Series six and seven will stay true to show’s anthology format with each series containing six brand new half hour films, each set in a different location. The style and tone changing each week, combining a different mix of horror, thriller, drama and comedy - always aiming to surprise, delight, unnerve and amuse.As ever, a host of talented actors will join Reece and Steve, with series five including actors such as Jenna Coleman, David Morrissey, Ralf Little, Fionn Whitehead, Maxine Peake and Phil Davis. Series five also included a surprise Psychoville cross-over episode, Death Be Not Proud, which saw the unexpected return of fan favourites David and Maureen Sowerbutts and Mr Jelly.Inside No. 9 series six and seven have been commissioned by Shane Allen, Controller, BBC Comedy Commissioning and Patrick Holland, Controller, BBC Two. The commissioning editor for the BBC will be Gregor Sharp and they will be executive produced by Jon Plowman with Adam Tandy as producer.
简介:The two brand new series will promise more fantastically twisted tales from the brilliant minds of Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith.The announcement comes ahead of the series five finale this evening (Monday 9th March 2020) on BBC Two at 10pm.Since Inside No. 9 first launched in 2014, over 30 episodes have now been broadcast including the incredibly ambitious live episode Dead Line. The latest series has again received plaudits from fans and critics alike.Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton said “Little did we know when we started Inside No. 9 in 2014 that we would end up with as many episodes of it as Countryfile. We are delighted and exhausted in equal measure at the prospect of two more series-worth of tall tales and fearsome fables. However, we will endeavour to showcase the very best of what the BBC can do in every genre with 30 minutes of story-telling and some half-decent wigs. We might even try a Countryfile episode, no one would expect that…”Shane Allen, Controller, Controller, BBC Comedy Commissioning says “With over 30 distinctive and dazzling shows to date, their ability to master and nail every genre of story-telling with brevity, invention and flair is unparalleled. Oscars have been won for less than Reece and Steve manage to conjure up with each original concept for every single show. Quite simply they have the most fertile minds in British comedy and god knows what magic the next series will bring.”Josh Cole, Head of Comedy, BBC Studios says “Reece and Steve continue to make and break all the rules of comedy in ever more spectacular and horrifying fashion, and we are delighted that the BBC have given us the opportunity to make two more series. To paraphrase the show itself, not since the escaped cow has there been such excitement. Long live Inside No. 9!”Series six and seven will stay true to show’s anthology format with each series containing six brand new half hour films, each set in a different location. The style and tone changing each week, combining a different mix of horror, thriller, drama and comedy - always aiming to surprise, delight, unnerve and amuse.As ever, a host of talented actors will join Reece and Steve, with series five including actors such as Jenna Coleman, David Morrissey, Ralf Little, Fionn Whitehead, Maxine Peake and Phil Davis. Series five also included a surprise Psychoville cross-over episode, Death Be Not Proud, which saw the unexpected return of fan favourites David and Maureen Sowerbutts and Mr Jelly.Inside No. 9 series six and seven have been commissioned by Shane Allen, Controller, BBC Comedy Commissioning and Patrick Holland, Controller, BBC Two. The commissioning editor for the BBC will be Gregor Sharp and they will be executive produced by Jon Plowman with Adam Tandy as producer.
主演:史蒂夫·佩姆伯顿,里斯·谢尔史密斯,大卫·莫瑞瑟,史蒂夫·斯皮尔斯,纳尔夫·李特,迪泼·欧拉,珍娜·科尔曼,卡迪夫·克尔万,莎拉·索蕾玛尼,戴维·鲍姆伯,鲍比·斯科菲尔德,菲恩·怀特海德,菲尔·戴维斯,玛克辛·皮克,吉尔·哈弗本尼,汤姆·古德曼-希尔,Debbie Rush,Gaby French,Sandra Gayer,Ioanna Kimbook
主演:大卫·卡罗素,斯蒂芬·格维顿,保罗·吉尔福伊尔,乔什·卢卡斯,彼得·穆兰,布兰登·萨克斯顿,Charley Broderick,Lonnie Farmer,拉瑞·凡斯登,Jurian Hughes,Sheila Stasack,Sean Daly