



主演:让-皮埃尔·利奥德,德菲因·塞里格,克洛德·雅德,迈克尔·朗斯代尔,哈里-马克斯,安德烈·福尔肯,丹尼尔·塞卡尔迪,玛丽-弗朗丝·皮西尔,雅克·里斯帕尔,保罗·帕维尔,马汀娜·波萨,罗杰·特拉普,Catherine Lutz,Claire Duhamel,Martine Ferrière,François Darbon,塞尔日·卢梭,Marcel Berbert,Jean-François Ada
简介:本片是特吕弗著名的“安托万系列”的第三部,但影迷通常忽视短片《Antoine et Colette》误将其认作第二部。  23岁的Antoine Doinel(Jean-Pierre Léaud 让-皮埃尔•李奥)从军队逃出后,虽侥幸逃脱惩罚,却因殴打警察入狱,不良记录对 他找工作造成妨碍,他先后做过旅店守门人、私家侦探等职业。过程中,安托万联系上了昔日女友克里斯汀。两人的感情暧昧而不确定。而按客户要求混进一家鞋店盯梢风情万种的老板娘时,他又将其迷上,感情的天平开始在两个女人之间摇摆。


主演:皮埃尔·布拉瑟,西尔瓦娜·潘帕尼尼,保罗·盖尔,雅克·图亚,Marcel Raine,Constant Rémy,莉娅·迪·雷奥,Cristina Grado,Jacques Mafioli,Rivers Cadet,Hugues Wanner,保罗·德曼格,克洛德·西尔万
简介:Paris, 1315. The Tour de Nesle, a guard tower on the banks of the Seine, has become a symbol of mystery and fear. Each morning, at its base, the bodies of handsome young aristocrats are found floating in the river, all butchered by sword or arrow. One evening, two noblemen, Buridan and Philippe d'Aulnay, find themselves in the infamous tower, lured there on the expectation of a night of unbridled passion. Little do they realise that they are to be the next victims of a woman who is determined to take revenge against all men - Margaret of Burgundy, the present Queen of France. Although Philippe is killed, Buridan escapes, and intends to blackmail the Queen. Unless she makes him her prime minister, he will expose her crimes to Philippe's brother and her husband, King Louis X. When she moves to eliminate Burdan, Margaret makes a terrible discovery...  In the twilight years of his long and pretty uneven career, the great avant-garde film director Abel Gance made a number of films which, whilst not as grand and artistically inspired as his early silent masterpieces (La Roue (1923), Napoléon (1927)), still compared very favourably with the work of his contemporaries.  Of these, La Tour de Nesle is a film that still stands up remarkably well today - an ambitious historical drama based on the famous 1832 play by Alexandre Dumas. It makes a nice companion piece to Gance's subsequent historical romp, Cyrano et d'Artagnan (1964).    Needless to say, the film isn't to be commended on its historical accuracy. As any historian will tell you, the Alexandre Dumas version of French history is wildly fanciful, to say the least. However, this doesn't prevent La Tour de Nesle from being an entertaining and, at times, highly poignant, piece of cinema.  Whilst the characterisation and dialogue leave much to be desired, the plot (a murky tale of cruel revenge and political intrigue) is gripping, and the film's artistic design is exceptional for a film of this period. Gance brings a strangely expressionistic touch to his use of colour and shade, something which adds to the darkly sinister nature of the plot, whilst imbuing the film with a striking sense of historical realism. A propos, Gance's assistant director Nelly Kaplan makes her screen début in a small role, shortly before she herself embarked on a successful film making career.


主演:Marcello Mastroianni,罗贝托·埃利茨卡,保罗·巴罗尼
简介:故事发生在十九世纪末,开往俄国的游轮上,意大利男子罗马诺(马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰)结识了俄罗斯游客皮托布格(帕维尔·卡道奇尼科夫 Pavel Kadochnikov 饰),两人相谈甚欢。罗马诺开始向对方诉说自己前往俄国的理由。  原来,罗马诺的妻子艾丽莎(肖瓦娜·曼加诺 Silvana Mangano 饰)是衔着金汤匙出生的千金大小姐,性格自然桀骜跋扈些,这好强的性格让罗马诺在婚姻里受了很多的气,可以这么说,虽然他过着衣食无忧的生活,但是却并不觉得快乐。为了排遣心中的郁闷,他前往俄国旅游,邂逅了名为安娜(叶连娜·萨福诺娃 Yelena Safonova 饰)的俄国女子,他们坠入了情网之中。
Marcello Mastroia..


主演:德菲因·塞里格,Richard Leduc,乔治·马沙尔
简介:菲利克斯(理查德·勒杜克 Richard Leduc 饰)从小就没有感受过母爱,这段悲惨的童年经历大大的影响了他的人生轨迹。某日,在一场盛大的晚宴上,菲利克斯邂逅了一位美丽的夫人,这位夫人的出现摄走了菲利克斯的魂魄,让他惶惶不可终日。  之后,菲利克斯得知这位美丽优雅的 女士是居住在安得尔河畔的莫尔索夫人(德菲因·塞里格 Delphine Seyrig 饰),她的丈夫年迈而又脾气暴躁,孩子又体虚多病。莫尔索夫人不幸的遭遇让菲利克斯对她更加的着迷,他想方设法接近这一家人,并最终顺利的登堂入室。面对菲利克斯热烈的追求,恪守妇道的莫尔索夫人一味的闪躲,但她无法忽视自己内心蠢蠢欲动的欲望。
德菲因·塞里格,Richard L..


主演:拜莉·麦迪逊,杰瑞·奥康奈尔,安东尼·图佩尔,Chris Lee,克里斯·巴特勒,豪尔赫·路易斯·帕洛,Kyler O'Neal,Haley Pilz,斯特灵·比尤芒,Josh Harp,Ashad Hashine,Coco Fenton,Greg Wells,Marcel J. Sawyer,Tim Davis,Allen Marsh,Stephanie Rojas,C


主演:Essie Davis,Sean Harris,Marcel Iures
简介:爱尔兰破产农民丹(John Lynch 约翰•林奇 饰)为了挽救他的农场,被迫同意对牲畜作生物实验。生物学家约翰(Marcel Iures 饰)带来一项新技术,可有效对牛类的繁殖进行改性优化,使下一代成长更快,个头更大,能在最短时间内帮丹获得经济效益。  但是,自然法则怎可轻易违背。这项技术存在着一个弊端,那就是牛类不仅会快速繁殖,而且下一代将具有嗜血的凶残特性。护士奥拉(Essie Davis 饰)最先发现这种情况,她想方设法将这群变异杀手扼杀在萌芽状态,然而却有一头逃脱了猎杀……
Essie Davis,Sean ..


主演:萨迪·辛克,埃米莉·拉德,芮安·辛普金斯,麦凯布·斯莱,泰德·萨瑟兰,乔丹娜·斯皮罗,吉莉安·雅各布斯,琪亚娜·玛黛拉,小本杰明·弗洛雷斯,马修·祖克,阿什利·祖克曼,奥利维亚·韦尔奇,基娅拉·奥利勒拉,乔迪恩·迪纳塔莱,伊登·坎贝尔,迈克·普罗沃斯,布兰登·斯平克,德鲁·谢伊德,艾米丽·布罗斯特,迈克尔·钱德勒,弗莱德·赫钦格,嘉娜·艾伦,托德·艾伦·德金,切斯·莱杰伍德,Marcelle Le
简介:1978年,美丽女孩齐格(萨迪·辛克 Sadie Sink 饰)和姐弟们去参加夏令营,谁知却遭到其他女孩们的霸凌。这些女孩模仿对女巫莎拉·费尔的惩罚,将齐格绑在树上凌辱。被解救下来后,齐格在医护室翻到了女医生的日记,那里面则记录了关于女巫的资料以及1965年女明星屠杀案的资料。原来1965年案件的凶手正式女医生的女儿,而她坚信善良的女儿一定遭受了女巫的诅咒附体才有如此可怖的行为。不久之后,女医生惹出了恶性事件,齐格的姐姐辛蒂(埃米莉·拉德 Emily Rudd 饰)认定女医生被女巫附体,她们决定调查背后真相,却不知恐怖的大屠杀将再度上演……  《恐惧街》三部曲改编自R·L·斯坦的畅销恐怖小说系列。


主演:莫里斯·孔特,奥克萨纳·奥兰,Jose Conejo Martin,Ski Carr,蔡斯·科尔曼,Alanna De La Rossa,Maria del Rosario,塞巴斯蒂安·卡瓦哈尔,Juan Camilo Castillo,小戴维·M·桑多瓦尔,Jason Gurvitz,卡洛斯·莫瑞诺,德里克·奥坎波,Marcela Benjumea,Robert Steven Brown,Bil
简介:Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself in a town plagued with violence and corruption. Facing brutal attacks from the police and mafia, Dominique must decide whether to protect herself or an innocent family that has taken her in.


主演:马克斯·佩拉约 , 里斯·冈萨雷斯 , 维罗尼卡·法尔孔 , 欧赫尼奥·德尔维斯 , 伊娃·朗格利亚 , 凯文·阿历詹卓 , Jose Diaz , Maynor Alvarado , 玛琳娜·福特 , 伊莎贝拉·戈麦兹 , Hanani Taylor , 卢娜·布雷斯 , Diego Parra , Marcelo Olivas , Emiliano Torres , Melissa Maced
简介:Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe is an upcoming movie based of the coming-of-age young adult novel by American author Benjamin Alire Sáenz. Set in El Paso, Texas in 1987, the novel follows two Mexican-American teenagers, Aristotle Ari Mendoza and Dante Quintana, their friendship, and their struggles with racial and ethnic identity, sexuality, and family relationships.
马克斯·佩拉约 , 里斯·冈萨雷斯..