



主演:亚尼克·比森,克雷格·汤姆斯,海琳·乔伊,乔吉娜·瑞利,强尼·哈里斯,Lachlan Murdoch,Nigel Bennett,Jill Halfpenny,Aaron Ashmore,Paul Braunstein,Mike McPhaden,Matt Cooke,Shauna MacDonald,Jennifer Kydd,Brian Fidler
简介:Season five of Murdoch Mysteries opens in unfamiliar territory, as Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) leaves Toronto to try his luck while the Klondike Gold Rush in the Yukon winds down. Suspended for interfering in an investigation, on the run for surreptitiously freeing a murderer to make amends, and nursing a broken heart after Dr. Ogden's marriage to another man, he tries to escape his past, and his passion for detective work. Back in the city, newly promoted Chief Constable Giles (Nigel Bennett) makes it clear to Inspector Thomas Brackenreid (Thomas Craig), that he'll be keeping a very close eye on police matters. Meanwhile, Murdoch's beloved former associate, Dr. Julia Ogden (Hélène Joy), is now working alongside Acting Detective George Crabtree (Jonny Harris) and Dr. Emily Grace (Georgina Reilly), a feisty young protégé. In the remote north, Murdoch is pleased to discover that his fledgling prospecting career may garner great success, a small comfort after Julia's marriage to another man. But as he tries to rebuild his life, he finds himself drawn into the case of Mrs. Elizabeth Bryant (Jill Halfpenny), an innkeeper charged with murder. The plot thickens when writer Jack London (Aaron Ashmore) lends his insights, and Murdoch soon realizes that while he had hoped to leave his shattered heart and tattered career back in Toronto, his days as a detective are not behind him.


主演:亚尼克·比森,海琳·乔伊,克雷格·汤姆斯,强尼·哈里斯,Lachlan Murdoch
简介:Six months have passed since Dr. Ogden moved to Buffalo and Det. Murdoch is constantly a loggerheads with Dr. Francis, her replacement. While Insp. Brackenreid thinks highly of Francis, who was recruited from Scotland Yard, Murdoch finds him stubborn and unimaginative. He also seems to be in no rush to help Murdoch with his latest case where human body body parts were discovered on a riverbank encased in cement. A homeless man living in the woods nearby is questioned and released and Murdoch corresponds with Dr. Ogden who offers him valuable advice in her letters. He also gets help from a retired detective, Malcolm Lamb. Murdoch connects his current investigation a rape and murder that had occurred many years before.


主演:亚尼克·比森,海琳·乔伊,克雷格·汤姆斯,强尼·哈里斯,Patrick McKenna,丽萨·福克纳,Lachlan Murdoch,Warren Kimmel,Andrew Musselman,Duncan McLeod,Dylan Smith,Shaun Austin-Olsen,Mark Bowden,Danny Lima
简介:Murdoch is in Bristol, England, with no memory of who he is and two gunmen chasing him through the streets. With the help of a local pub Landlady he starts to piece together an assassination plot. In Toronto Detective Hamish Sloack is assigned to help find the missing Murdoch.


主演:亚尼克·比森,克雷格·汤姆斯,海琳·乔伊,强尼·哈里斯,乔吉娜·瑞利,Lachlan Murdoch,Kristian Bruun,Ted Whittall,Jane Moffat,Wesley French,Chad Connell,Miranda Millar,Susanna Fournier,Jillian Cook,Doug MacLeod
简介:Murdoch and Inspector Brackenreid are aboard the SS Keewatin after the owner, Clarence MacFarlane, receives what he believes is a threat. The Keewatin is about to depart from Toronto on its maiden voyage destined for Rochester, N.Y. and Murdoch thinks they should stay on board, especially after he sees that Julia is one of the invited guests. Their presence proves useful after MacFarlane's daughter Amy, who is engaged to her father's chief financial officer Owen Mathers, falls overboard and is nowhere to be found. As Murdoch investigates he finds there is a real threat against the Keewatin and the true facts behind Amy's disappearance.


主演:Mark Simich,肖恩·道格拉斯,米尔塔·米切尔
简介:《Femme Fatales》杂志创始人打造的深夜档选集剧(anthology series),主角是那些强势、性感和危险的女人。  本剧启发于低俗小说、绘本小说、黑色电影、以及各种B级片,并以此类作品风格为基调,展开十三个以女性为主角且相对独立叙述的单元剧。
Mark Simich,肖恩·道格..


主演:保罗·爱丁顿,奈杰尔·霍桑,德里克·福德斯,伊莲诺·布罗,约翰·内特尔顿,戴安娜·霍迪诺特,Talla Hayes,Richard Simpson,Peter Howell,Jeffrey Segal,Donald Pelmear
简介:本剧叙述在野党影子内阁成员Jim Hacker在帮助本党大选获胜之后得到行政事务部(DAA)部长的职务,从此开始面对以部秘书Sir Humphrey Appleby为首的公务员体系,而他的公派私人秘书、同属公务员的Bernard则夹在了当中。在Hacker所代表的政客以及Appleby所代表的公务员之间因施政而发生的种种冲突之中,两人的关系不停地发生变化,既有互相捂盖子,也有互相揭老底。与此同时,英国政治体制(包括政党体制和公务员体制)中的种种不为外人所知弊端和黑幕也展现在观众眼前。当然所有这些都是通过大量喜剧情节和台词展开。在本系列后半部分的《Yes Prime Minister》中,Hacker通过党内角力当上了首相,而Appleby也已先他一步当上了首相秘书,两人的故事移到唐宁街10号继续展开。


主演:艾米丽·丹斯切尔,大卫·伯伦纳兹,Michaela Conlin,Tamara Taylor,T.J. Thyne,John Francis Daley,Michael Grant Terry
简介:可能骨迷永远也忘不了第六季的季尾,幸福来得是那么悄无声息的突然。似乎是毫无征兆地, Temperance Brennan眼含笑意地对Seely Booth说,我怀了你的孩子。故事戛然而止,丝毫不留空间给处于震惊中的观众,就为第六季画上了一个略显生硬的句号。  或许在粉丝们得知Emily 怀孕后,就应该猜得到会对剧情走向有很大影响。不过被Bones剧组忽悠了这么多年的我们怎么可能想到Hart Hanson大笔一挥,不仅让Bones跨过那条与Booth银河般的鸿沟,而且还慈悲为怀地让她怀上了宝宝!  Bones虽然是一部罪案剧,但是却让我们内心暖流涌动,感动常在。Angela与Hodgins伉俪情深,获得了一个健康可爱,名字又富有纪念意义的宝宝—Michael Stacato Vincent Hodgins。升为家长的他俩将会在第七季里发生一些怎样的温馨又幽默的故事呢?那个傻傻的甜甜又将会对Bones和Booth的关系做出如何的评价?严肃而又冷幽默的Cam又会和她的医生男友擦出什么火花?最牵动人心的,还是BB之间的感情。他俩因为宝宝的关系重新洗牌。无数的可能性摆在观众眼前。从FOX放出的预告片中,他们一片欢乐祥和,可究竟后事如何,还得听凭骨头剧组娓娓道来。


主演:露丝·莱斯利,西奥·詹姆斯,詹森·大卫,Barry Kolman,凯特·西格尔,杰米·雷·纽曼,乔什·斯坦伯,泰勒·理查森,斯潘塞·豪斯,威尔·伯瑞,戴斯敏·博格斯,Chelsea Frei,迈克尔·帕克,马西娅·德波尼斯,Everleigh McDonell,丽贝卡·拉迪西奇,芬纳蒂·斯蒂夫斯
简介:本剧改编自Audrey Niffenegger的同名小说,讲述Clare及Henry之间复杂、科幻的爱情故事。  因为Henry拥有穿梭时空的能力,但他却没法控制,因此两人虽然相爱却经常没法长久待在一起。


主演:查温洛·里奇查力安沙功,彭沙贡·翁皮安,维拉帕特·尼迈农 Mike Weerapat Nimanong,普沙努·翁沙瓦尼查功,皮拉维奇·普洛伊南彭,Cholsawas Tiewwanichkul,Areeya Pholphutrakul,Pat Chatburirak,素撒·猜唷罗,Manao Sornsin Maneewan,帕特斯通.萨利英杜,加图蓬·丹古来,维拉帕特·尼迈农
简介:Tawan是一位医生,Mork是一个摩托车司机。医生经常雇Mork载他去男朋友的公寓,所以两个人的关系很近。  有一天,Mork让医生迟到了约会,无意间却让医生发现被男友欺骗了。这之后,医生和男朋友分手, 他和Mork的距离却越来越近了。  这是一个始于乘客和司机的友情和爱情故事。


主演:艾伦·旁派,吴珊卓,贾斯汀·钱伯斯,钱德拉·威尔森,小詹姆斯·皮肯斯,莎拉·拉米尔兹 Sara Ramirez,帕特里克·德姆西 Patrick Dempsey,埃里克·迪恩,凯乐·利 Chyler Leigh
简介:The fifth-year residents return for the first day of a year that will make or break their careers Meredith faces the consequences of tampering with Derek's clinical trial and is terminated at the hospital; April tries to step up to the plate as Chief Resident in the wake of a giant sinkhole in the middle of Seattle; and Cristina and Owen are still at odds over their drastically different feelings for their unborn child.