


主演:史宾塞·洛克,泰米娜·森尼,法兰·塔希尔,斯科特·麦克洛维茨,丽维·陈,克里斯·梅森,格本加·阿金纳格贝,brandon scott,klement tinaj,derek s. orr,nicole fahel
简介:A young mad genius attempts to 'hack the human mind' in order to fix humanity.


主演:Roshan Abdul Rahoof,Priya Prakash Varrier,Noorin Shereef
简介:Omar Lulu, who shot to fame with the surprise hit 'Happy Wedding,' is known to feature new faces in his projects.
Roshan Abdul Raho..


主演:Anders Borchgrevink,Filip Mathias Eide,Sjur Vatne Brean
简介:Lillebror moves with Knerten and his family to the western part of Norway, but dreams of even bigger expeditions, like going to the North Pole.
Anders Borchgrevi..


主演:William Baldwin,安琪拉·琼斯
简介:盖布丽(安琪拉·琼斯 Angela Jones 饰)的童年里有一段非常可怕的经历,年幼的她曾经在凶杀现场亲眼目睹死尸。这一段奇异的人生经历让盖布丽开始对尸体和死亡产生了好奇之心,这股子好奇随着她年龄的增大越发强烈起来,盖布丽甚至会特意的收藏报纸上的谋杀新闻做成剪报册,时时翻阅温习。  迈阿密接连发生凶杀案,被害者均是养尊处优的阔太太,而且无不身首异处。这起连环杀人案件很快就吸引了盖布丽的注意,为了能够更加接近命案现场,盖布丽来到了一间专门清理命案现场的保洁公司应聘成为了员工,并且在机缘巧合之下同连环杀人犯(威廉·鲍德温 William Baldwin 饰)有了一面之缘。
William Baldwin,安..


主演:Peter Sellers,Robert Morley,Constance Cummings,Jameson Clark,Ernest Thesiger,Donald Pleasence,Moultrie Kelsall,Alex Mackenzie,Roddy McMillan,Michael Goodliffe
简介:Classic British comedy adapted from a James Thurber story about a tweed manufacturer's elderly accountant who devises a plan to save the company from an American takeover bid. The arrival of an efficiency expert from the States causes enough of a stir but, when it turns out to be a woman, the old-fashioned number cruncher declares war. Man-eating businesswoman, Angela Barrows is sent by her US company to Edinburgh to investigate export opportunities. She meets businessman Robert MacPherson en route and he persuades her to help bring his company into the 20th century. The staff, lead by Mr. Martin, have other ideas and a battle between the old and new business methods breaks out.
Peter Sellers,Rob..

红辣椒 Paprika

简介:红辣椒 (Paprika)是由丁度·巴拉斯执导,John Steiner, Martine Brochard, Debora Caprioglio主演的爱情片。影片讲述的是讲的是一个女孩,为了帮未婚夫筹款,自愿去当性工作者的故事。该片于1989年在意大利上映。


主演:Carolina Jurczak,Chloé Berthier,大卫·莫拉,Yannis Bougeard,贝拉明·阿卜杜勒马莱克,Laura Boujenah,纳迪娜·阿拉里,Gautier Dulion,Dimitra Kontou,Pascal Cesari,Jean-Luc Lioult,Olivier Fauroux,Debora Roquebrune
简介:巴黎完美公寓找室友,這回只找 LGBTQ 好朋友。 電影導演克萊蒙跟男友大衛談不攏,大衛要搬去法 國南部工作,克萊蒙只好忍痛分手。大衛前腳才剛 搬出去,克萊蒙和好友亞麗絲就忙著替公寓找室 友。為了找到好住處,小鮮肉雷奧隱瞞性向,讓女 友假扮女同志企圖蒙混過關,然而當真相揭露,愛 情洗牌、情慾輪轉,單身公寓裡的每個人都找到了 新的床位!  旅法導演郭承衢繼《德布西森林》之後,睽違三年 的第二部長片,也是他首部法語發音的電影作品。 改編自個人同名短篇小說,導演這回將故事場景搬 至法國,以寸土寸金的巴黎為背景,將同志日常生 活、青年藝術家困境,化作一曲輕快法蘭西華爾滋; 人生海海,來往過客如千帆,樂曲終了,驀然回首, 看似回到原來港灣,但景色其實早已全然不同。
Carolina Jurczak,..


主演:Reece Presley,艾丽西娅·怀特,亚当·克隆海姆,Jonathan Robbins,Lindsey Middleton,Jeff Sinasac,Raven Cousens,Mike Donis,Yana Gold,Caleigh Le Grand,Steve Kasan,Brianna Love,Matthew Luppino,Alanna Boucher,Andre Guantana
简介:The world has been ravaged by vampires. A group of survivors band together to search for loved ones who may be alive, dead or something in between, eventually taking shelter in what may be the only safe hideout left to them. But well defended hideouts have a way of becoming prisons. And prisons aren't the safest place to be when your friends can turn on you at any time.
Reece Presley,艾丽西..


简介:A fantastic journey sometimes begins with one tiny little hop. Ribbit is a frog with an identity crisis. Unlike frogs, he hates hopping and has a strong aversion to water. Feeling a misfit, he is full of questions about his life... and so together with his best friend, a flying squirrel, he embarks on a soul-searching journey in search of the truth and his rightful place in this world. Set amongst the breathtaking backdrop of the Amazon rainforest, they surge ahead in their quest for the answer to life's mysteries... encountering a zany variety of colourful characters, both friend and foe, along the way. Confusion reigns when Ribbit is accidently hypnotised. Is Ribbit a human prince trapped in a frog's body by an evil curse... or is he merely a confused colourful denizen of the jungle


主演:妮娅姆·威尔逊,Dani Montalvo,Lorena Bobbitt,卢克·汉弗莱,Lindsey Connell,Richard Clarkin,Aniko Kaszas,Jorja Cadence,迈克尔·布朗,兰登·诺里斯,Sam Asante,Beatriz Yuste
简介:An immigrant bride to a battered wife into an unlikely media sensation.
妮娅姆·威尔逊,Dani Mont..