



主演:卡蒂·奥廷宁,卡里·瓦纳宁,叶琳娜·萨罗,萨卡里·库斯曼嫩,马库·佩尔托拉,马蒂·奥尼斯马,马蒂·佩龙帕,Pietari,Shelley Fisher,Markus Allan,Pauli Granfelt,Kari Lindqvist,Pentti Mutikainen,Tommi Parkkonen,Taisto Wesslin,Pentti Auer,Solmu Mäkelä,欧提·马纳帕,
简介:爱娜(卡蒂·奥廷宁 Kati Outinen 饰)和凯瑞(Kari Väänänen 饰)是一对感情十分要好的夫妻,他们一个是餐厅经理,一个是电车司机,尽管经济并不宽裕,甚至有些“紧巴巴”,但很显然,照此发展,两人的未来充满了光明和希望。  经济危机的到来让爱娜和凯瑞的家庭也陷入了危机,爱娜所在的餐厅破产倒闭,凯瑞在公司的“裁员抓阄”中不幸中彩,夫妻两人同时失去了工作,家里的贷款还未还完,生活露出了真实而残酷的面孔,爱娜和凯瑞不知该如何是好。虽然丢掉了工作,但夫妻两并没有丢掉斗志和尊严,为了生存,他们做出了种种努力,不幸的是,这些努力均以失败告终。在此走投无路之际,爱娜曾经的老板出现在了爱娜的面前,他带来了一个机会,它有可能坏的,但也有可能是好的。


主演:安吉拉·莫雷纳,Stephanie Raz,米凯拉·拉兹,Kiko Estrada,Benz Sangalang


主演:拉克什·拉尔瓦尼,拉加夫·朱亚尔,坦娅·曼尼克塔拉,Rupesh Kumar Charanpahari,Calib Logan,Moses Marton
简介:In Nikhil Nagesh Bhat’s relentless martial arts thriller, a passenger train bound for New Delhi becomes a bloody battleground of brutal close-quarters combat as a pair of commandos square off against a 40-strong army of invading bandits.


主演:Eiman Yousif,Siran Riak,Nazar Goma,格·达尼,Issraa Elkogali Hggstrm,Mustafa Aiman Khalifa
Eiman Yousif,Sira..


主演:Dilan iek Deniz,杰姆·伊伊特·于聚姆奥卢,Duygu Sarisin
简介:In dem Film wird von den widersprüchlichen Seiten der Liebe und des Glücks erzhlt.
Dilan iek Deniz,杰..


主演:Kovai Sarala,Mullai Arasi,Gnanasambandam Gurunathan
简介:A bus named Anbu narrates the stories of its 24 passengers, giving a glimpse of their journey from Kodaikanal to Dindigul.
Kovai Sarala,Mull..


主演:玛蒂娜·贝兹斯科娃,Sylvie Kraslová,Sára Vorisková,安娜·盖伊斯洛娃
简介:根据捷克民谣改编的七个小故事:  1.一位妇人死在归家的途中,年幼的孩子们每天去坟前看她,呼唤着陷入永眠的母亲;  2.少女不听母亲的劝告,去湖边游玩,落入水中后她与水怪结为夫妻;  3.一对情侣,男人奔赴战场,苦等多年的女子日日祈祷爱人归来,她的愿望成真;  4.一位母亲辛苦 准备晚饭,她年幼的儿子却纠缠不止。母亲一气之下,让门外的百日巫师将儿子带走,不曾想……  5.某国君主在森林中驰骋时,撞见一个正在沐浴的绝世美女,他向女子的继母提亲,为了将亲生女儿将给国王,恶毒的老女人不惜残忍杀害继女;  6.少女承认自己堕胎,深感罪恶的她走向绞刑架,临终前向母亲发出了诅咒;  7.两个女孩聊天,传说在午夜凿开冰层,便能从水中看到爱人的样子。
玛蒂娜·贝兹斯科娃,Sylvie ..


主演:艾米丽·沃森 Emily Watson,伯纳德·希尔 Bernard Hill,杰姆斯·弗莱明 James Frain
简介:玛姬(艾米丽·沃森 Emily Watson 饰)和汤姆(伊弗兰·梅勒蒂斯 Ifan Meredith 饰)是一对感情十分要好的兄妹。父亲爱德华(伯纳德·希尔 Bernard Hill 饰)破产后,汤姆被迫放弃了优渥的留学机会,靠着自己的双手努力支撑起整个家庭的负担,妹妹玛姬亦从一个衣食无忧的天真女孩成长为了勤劳贤惠的女人,最终,汤姆终于攒够了钱赎回了磨坊。  玛姬和律师的儿子菲利普(詹姆斯·弗莱恩 James Frain 饰)相互抱有好感,但汤姆却认为律师正是造成他们家破人亡的罪魁祸首,因而极力反对妹妹同其交往。之后,不幸的玛姬又爱上了表妹的未婚夫,暴怒的汤姆将她逐出门外。一场暴雨引发了洪水泛滥,汤姆被困在磨坊之中,玛姬心急如焚。
艾米丽·沃森 Emily Wats..


主演:司叶子,岩下志麻,Yuki Arikawa,东山千荣子,田村高广,丹波哲郎,Kiyoshi Nonomura,Seiya Nakano,北林早苗,Yasushi Nagata,村濑幸子,柳泽慎一,泽村贞子,志贺真津子,Hatae Kishi,穗积隆信,菅原文太,岩本多代
简介:纪本花在二十二岁那一年嫁入了位于纪州的一个非常传统的家庭之中,她的丈夫虽然十分年轻,却已经身负村长的要职。一年后,纪本花顺利的怀孕了,生下了长子政一郎,遗憾的是,纪本花分娩的当天,丈夫正在为了大堤工程四处奔走,并未能够陪伴在她的身边。  之后,纪本花又生下了长女文绪(岩下志麻 饰),一晃眼十七年过去,文绪出落成为了亭亭玉立的大姑娘,思想先进个性分明的她义无反顾的投入到了女权革命运动之中去,为此不惜和当局之间产生了激烈的冲突,这让身为母亲的纪本花感到十分的担心。唯一令纪本花感到安慰的是,文绪不久之后和银行职员晴海结了婚,组成了家庭。
司叶子,岩下志麻,Yuki Ari..


主演:皮埃尔·布拉瑟,西尔瓦娜·潘帕尼尼,保罗·盖尔,雅克·图亚,Marcel Raine,Constant Rémy,莉娅·迪·雷奥,Cristina Grado,Jacques Mafioli,Rivers Cadet,Hugues Wanner,保罗·德曼格,克洛德·西尔万
简介:Paris, 1315. The Tour de Nesle, a guard tower on the banks of the Seine, has become a symbol of mystery and fear. Each morning, at its base, the bodies of handsome young aristocrats are found floating in the river, all butchered by sword or arrow. One evening, two noblemen, Buridan and Philippe d'Aulnay, find themselves in the infamous tower, lured there on the expectation of a night of unbridled passion. Little do they realise that they are to be the next victims of a woman who is determined to take revenge against all men - Margaret of Burgundy, the present Queen of France. Although Philippe is killed, Buridan escapes, and intends to blackmail the Queen. Unless she makes him her prime minister, he will expose her crimes to Philippe's brother and her husband, King Louis X. When she moves to eliminate Burdan, Margaret makes a terrible discovery...  In the twilight years of his long and pretty uneven career, the great avant-garde film director Abel Gance made a number of films which, whilst not as grand and artistically inspired as his early silent masterpieces (La Roue (1923), Napoléon (1927)), still compared very favourably with the work of his contemporaries.  Of these, La Tour de Nesle is a film that still stands up remarkably well today - an ambitious historical drama based on the famous 1832 play by Alexandre Dumas. It makes a nice companion piece to Gance's subsequent historical romp, Cyrano et d'Artagnan (1964).    Needless to say, the film isn't to be commended on its historical accuracy. As any historian will tell you, the Alexandre Dumas version of French history is wildly fanciful, to say the least. However, this doesn't prevent La Tour de Nesle from being an entertaining and, at times, highly poignant, piece of cinema.  Whilst the characterisation and dialogue leave much to be desired, the plot (a murky tale of cruel revenge and political intrigue) is gripping, and the film's artistic design is exceptional for a film of this period. Gance brings a strangely expressionistic touch to his use of colour and shade, something which adds to the darkly sinister nature of the plot, whilst imbuing the film with a striking sense of historical realism. A propos, Gance's assistant director Nelly Kaplan makes her screen début in a small role, shortly before she herself embarked on a successful film making career.