主演:李屏宾,杜笃之,张艾嘉,王家卫,陈昌纶,侯孝贤,舒淇,吉尔·布尔多,徐静蕾,陈英雄,姜文,蓝祖蔚,袁庆国,是枝裕和,姚宏易,王永珠,林鸿钟,Justin Lee 简介:导演关本良、姜秀琼追随李屏宾的足迹,走访日本、法国、挪威等地,除了忠实记录李屏宾的工作状态,平时隐身在摄影机后的大师也首度在镜头前,畅谈自己的学习、成长、手法与哲学。
主演:德米特里·哈拉季扬 Dmitri Kharatyan,安德烈·米亚赫科夫,Kelly McGrill,米哈伊尔·科克申诺夫,Yuri Volyntsev,Emmanuil Vitorgan,阿尔缅·哲加科汉良 Armen Dzhigarkhanyan,马姆卡·基卡列伊什维利,鲁斯兰·艾赫迈托夫,Vladimir Ferapontov,Mentay Utepbergenov,列昂尼德·库拉夫廖夫,V 简介:The presidents of two superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States, are expected to meet for important negotiations. However, the meeting in jeopardy due to raging of the Russian Mafia, settled in America. Mafioso Rabinovich even interfere with the conversation of top secret hotline between the presidents. So begins a comedy, in which KGB agent Fyodor Sokolov and CIA agent Mary Star expose the Artist, a head of the Mafia, feigning of various Soviet leaders.