



主演:Dean Kilbey,凯恩·萨里,Ryan Spong,Vanessa Vanderpuye,Lola Wayne,Wale Ojo,Dimeji Ewuoso
简介:Ashionye, a reluctant Nigerian Shaman living in the south of England, who has been hired by an old family friend, Isioma Williams, to investigate and expel a malevolent spirit that has been tormenting her family after the death of her estranged husband, Magnus. To the chagrin of her demon hunting partner, Marv Taylor, Ashionye reluctantly accepts the job as a way to repay an old debt she owes Isioma. As Ashionye digs deeper into Isioma’s family situation, she finds herself standing against a familiar force that brought about her trauma since childhood.
Dean Kilbey,凯恩·萨里..


主演:Emir Mahira,Zee JKT48,Andrew Barrett,Angel Sianturi,Iszur Muchtar,Randhika Jamil,Kezia Caroline,Shatora Narajan,Farandika,Chelcy Clarissa,Gabriela Margareth Warouw,Neysa Chandria,阿里约·瓦哈布,Jenny Zhang
简介:★ 《玉子》《非常母親》王牌製片跨國打造年度破膽懼作  ★韓國賣座恐怖片《怪談少女》印尼版,駭人程度全面升級!  ★《全面突襲系列》副導首度執導恐怖電影  ★14歲獲印尼奧斯卡影帝,印尼演技派男星埃米爾馬希拉領銜主演  ★IG粉絲破百萬,印尼女子偶像團體JKT48人氣成員阿齊齊首部電影作品  ★人鬼戀情 X 索命厲鬼,一片雙重恐怖感受!  拉卡(埃米爾馬希拉 飾)天生能與鬼魂溝通,他為此深感困擾,因為經常有鬼魂想找他幫忙解決問題,也讓他在學校遭到排擠。為了擺脫這些困擾,拉卡決定搬到位於雅加達郊區的茂物,跟擁有相同能力的叔叔阿甲(拉德西卡佳米爾 飾)同住。拉卡在新學校認識一個失去記憶的女鬼蒂妮(阿齊齊阿薩德爾 飾)。蒂妮跟其他鬼魂不太一樣,從來沒有要求他做任何事,兩人漸漸熟稔後,拉卡決定幫她找回記憶。與此同時,拉卡的朋友陸續離奇失蹤,而這似乎跟一個戴著染血口罩的厲鬼有關......。
Emir Mahira,Zee J..


主演:卡拉·坎普拉,Aina Quiñones,Marc Soler,Carlos Oviedo,Olimpia Roch,玛利亚·莫林斯,Xavi Lite,安娜·阿拉康,Victor Solé,Sara Roch,Daniel Rived,Jacob Torres,Manel Barceló,Mercè Llorens,Claudia Riera,Andrea Carrión Samaniego,M
简介:Spain, late 1980s. Newcomer Sara tries to fit in with the other teens in this tight-knit small town in the province of Tarrgona. If only she were more like her extroverted best friend, Rebe. They go out one night at a nightclub, on the way home, they come upon a little girl holding a doll, dressed for her first communion. And that's when the nightmare begins.
卡拉·坎普拉,Aina Quiño..


主演:Vincent Grahl,Fanny Klefelt,Klas Wiljergård,William Wasberg,Felicia Kartal,Emma Valev,Annica Liljeblad,Tora Carlbaum,Alexander Eriksson,Joakim Lundell,Pontus Björlund,Amanda Lundgren,Mirabell Lundgren
简介:Alex是一位充满魅力的电视主持人,他主持的猎鬼节目《Gone Ghosting》相当成功且知名,但当他被揭发捏造超自然现象时,被成千上万的网友攻击。为了挽救他的形象,Alex和他的团队接受了最终挑战:在被遗弃已久且臭名昭彰的乌鸦城堡进行为期一周的实况转播。
Vincent Grahl,Fan..


主演:Pattaravadee Boonmeesup,娜露潘格慕·柴辛,查雅妮·臣姗卡维,纳特·奇查理,布·米帕迪,素皮查·松卡金达,Sutthirak Subvijitra,莎顾恩塔娜·缇安派洛,帕尼莎拉·里库苏拉康,普雷瓦·苏坦蓬,纳塔西特·科蒂马努瓦尼,楠迪·宗拉维蒙,丘普朗·阿瑞昆,茶拉达·瑛拉朋,忖拉维·密通唐,沃拉里·范伽罗马,Yarinda Bunnag,帕兰达·缇塔瓦西娜,Chaiwat
简介:Based on the haunting true stories told on a famous radio show, the new horror series “Terror Tuesday Extreme” will bring eight stories to the screen directed by eight directors in eight episodes of extreme terror with an incredible cast that will give you a series of unexpected fear.
Pattaravadee Boon..


主演:莫温娜·班克斯 妮科尔·奥利弗 塔比莎·杰曼 凯莉·梅茲格 布里特妮·威尔逊 Bethany Brown 阿里·利伯特 玛德琳·彼得斯 和美·埃文斯 珊农·陈-肯特 李·陶克 凯西·薇瑟乐克 米兰达·拉姆-诺尔特 Miranda Ram-Nolte
简介:苏菲亚(Diana Kaarina 配音)是一位出生高贵的公主,不幸的是,很小的时候,她的母亲就遭到邪恶的德温女爵士陷害,去世了,而苏菲亚也就此下落不明。为了扶持自己的女儿德兰西公主登上王位,德温女爵士不惜向世人谎称苏菲亚已死,以完成自己的野望。
莫温娜·班克斯 妮科尔·奥利弗 ..


主演:扎克·埃夫隆 罗素·克劳 比尔·默瑞 凯尔·艾伦 杰克·皮克金 威尔·罗普 阿奇·雷诺 Christopher Reed Brown 乔·阿德勒 MacGregor Arney Hal Cumpston Kristin Carey 保罗·安德斯坦 Shirleyann Kaladjian Kevin K. Tran 鲁比·阿什伯恩·瑟金斯 罗恩·斯穆安伯格 保罗·
简介:该片编剧为法雷利和《绿皮书》的联合编剧Brian Currie及Pete Jones(《嘿咻卡》),改编自纪实书《The Greatest Beer Run Ever A True Story of Friendship Stronger Than War》,讲述John Chickie Donohue的真实故事:越南战争时期的1967年,26岁的前美国海军陆战队成员Donohue从纽约出发,去越南寻找正在当兵的三个儿时好友,给他们送去啤酒。
扎克·埃夫隆 罗素·克劳 比尔..


主演:佐伊·索尔达娜 , 赛琳娜·戈麦斯 , 卡拉·索菲娅·加斯科恩 , 阿德里安娜·帕兹 , 埃德加·拉米雷兹 , 马克·伊瓦涅 , Eduardo Aladro , Emiliano Edmundo Hasan Jalil , Gaël Murgia-Fur , Tirso Pietriga , Xiomara Melissa Ahumada Quito , Magali Brito , Jarib
简介:丽塔是一位资历很高但总被低估的律师。她工作的事务所更感兴趣的是让罪犯摆脱困境,而不是将他们绳之以法。  有一天,她得到了一条意想不到的出路。毒枭头目马尼塔斯雇佣她来帮他金盆洗手,并实现他多年来秘密准备的计划:像他一直梦想的那样,成为一个女人。
佐伊·索尔达娜 , 赛琳娜·戈麦斯..


主演:Latkamon Pinrojkirati,Anchalee Saisoontorn,加图蓬·丹古来
简介:Assigned by the professor, 5 senior university students were invited to the old mansion belongs to ML.Salukjit, an old elite who welcomes them with her weird attitude. Before the decision to leave or stay has been made, ML.Salukjit terrifies them and reveals her demonic power.
Latkamon Pinrojki..


主演:Saveliy Albutov,Demid Avdonin,Artyom Bashenin,Nikita Elikarov,Fedor Fedoseev,维塔丽雅·科尔尼扬科,玛丽亚·米罗诺娃,Aleksandr Novikov,Polina Ryashko,Yaroslav Shumenkov,Maksim Titov
简介:In the late 1990s, thirteen-year-old Sonya, along with her mother and younger sister Anya, was forced to move to live in the village. She doesn't like this change of scenery at all. Relations with the locals do not add up, and there is little entertainment here. Except to climb into an abandoned house, shrouded in silly legends about an evil Puppeteer who allegedly steals children and makes puppets out of them. But since the sisters looked into the house, something strange has been happening to the quiet, lonely Anya. After all, if no one is playing with children, a Puppeteer will play with them.
Saveliy Albutov,D..