



简介:数年前,佛山最大的银楼之一“尚银楼”面临经营危机,银楼当家大少爷尚铿(秦沛 饰)与妻子小蝶(薛家燕 饰)一起苦苦相劝二少爷尚鋆(伍卫国 饰)与沈家小姐结婚,好取得沈家的贷款。当时二少爷已经有了一个谈婚论嫁的恋人秀杏(伍咏薇 饰),但为了家族,也只好忍痛与沈家小姐结婚,婚后到了法国生活。奸诈的尚铿看中了秀杏的美色,与小蝶一起用计将秀杏骗来与自己成了亲。可怜秀杏一直以为当年是尚鋆行礼前远走高飞,自己为保名节才与尚铿行礼。  秀杏嫁入尚家后,一直有丫鬟秋菊(杨思琦 饰)照料,深居简出、与世无争,即使面对霸道的二太太,也处处忍让。大太太小蝶其实所做一切都是为了顺从丈夫,她心地善良,所以也处处照顾秀杏,两人关系亲如姐妹。  一日,二少爷尚鋆携家眷一起回到了尚家探亲,从此原本平静的尚家便激起许多波浪。二少爷长期受到民主、人权的思想渲染,和思想守旧、自私自利的大少爷处处发生冲突,两人经常在争吵得面红耳赤。为了推翻大少爷的“封建统治”,二少爷决定留下来争夺尚银楼的当家之位。另一方面,秀杏终于得知了当年的真相,原本善良的她为了报复尚家,慢慢变得心狠手辣起来……


主演:马修·格拉夫,罗达·格里菲丝,托德·艾伦,阿曼达·沃伦,科琳·福克斯,布雷特·赖斯,布拉德·卡特,伊劳伊·辛格尔顿,詹姆斯·杜蒙特,库尔特·岳,汤姆·诺维茨基,Jay Reeves,亨特·桑索内,Alzie Williams,维克托·麦凯,乔·奈泽维奇,Robert Crayton,迈克尔·比斯利,肯尼·阿方索,卢克·坦尼,雷内尔·吉布斯,Rachael Thompson,Miles Burris
简介:Safety, an Original Film, premieres tomorrow on DisneyPlus. Inspired by the story of former Clemson University football safety Ray McELrathBey, the film follows a young man facing a series of challenging circumstances, whose dedication helps him triumph over adversities.


主演:Val Kilmer,Gabriel Jarret,William Atherton
简介:Siskel and Ebert once ran a special show entitled Movies I'm Embarrassed to Admit I Liked. I suppose that if I composed such a list of guilty pleasures, this one would be one of them . . . but upon reflection, it's really a lot better than that. Fifteen year-old science prodigy Mitch (Gabe Jarret) is recruited by ambitious college professor William Atherton (in yet another of his patented roles as a loathsome character) to work on the professor's prize laser project, not knowing that the prof is really developing a government weapon. Along the way, Mitch is befriended by Chris (Val Kilmer), another prodigy a few years his senior who teaches the Mitch how to loosen up.  This could have degenerated into nothing more than just another teen revenge comedy, but there's so much more the dialogue is laced with sharp wit; there are some lovely scenes that have nothing to do with the story yet are carefully set up, almost as blackouts (e.g., Mitch goes to a lecture at which a few students have left tape recorders instead of attending; later, at another lecture there are more tape recorders than students; and, in a final scene, one large tape recorder gives the lecture to a room populated by nothing but other small recorders!); and throw-away scenes that make you want to stop and back up the tape (e.g., Chris off-handedly cutting a slice off a bar of solid nitrogen to make a slug for the coffee machine).  It's also one of the few movies to boast the presence of the memorable Michelle Meyerink -- as Jordan, the girl-nerd who made being smart and female something to be emulated. And there's Tears for Fears great song, Everybody Wants to Rule the World providing the perfect coda as the closing credits begin to roll . . . . Yes really now, what's there to be embarrassed about
Val Kilmer,Gabrie..


简介:赌场上人尽皆知的千手大哥泰有得力手下徐强及段志勇, 一次赌局中,两人助泰骗去彪叔巨款,并将部份据为己有,从此种下祸根。.少女Ice Chan误会勇为泰之子,为向泰报杀父之仇,借意亲近勇,勇以为有艳遇,当年陈父与泰乃沙煲兄弟,因一次于赌局中失手,泰竟杀陈父以求自保。Ice避至美国,练得一副好身手,是次返港一心对付泰,勇经常与Ice来往,加上强欲移民加国,泰不满,知不可再信赖二人,泰告知彪叔,两人合作除去勇及强,强在途中被车撞至重伤,勇则被俘及用刑,伤重不治,勇死前着Ice将一录影带交予强,再交予警方,以将泰及彪绳之于法,过程历尽惊险,彪与泰反目,Ice等伺机击倒泰,警方及时赶至,将彪叔一班恶徒拘捕归案,最后,强要移民,并请Ice路过加国时,大家欢叙一番。


主演:Tommy Lee Jones,Martha Plimpton,Brian Dennehy
Tommy Lee Jones,M..


主演:汤姆·汉克斯,达布尼·柯尔曼,洛里·辛格,查尔斯·德恩,凯丽·费雪,爱德华·赫曼,詹姆斯·贝鲁什,欧文·梅茨曼,汤姆·诺南,格里特·格雷厄姆,大卫·L·兰德尔,里奇·布林克利,Frank Hamilton,Dortha Duckworth,戴维·奥格登·施蒂尔斯


主演:Billy Bob Thornton,Patricia Arquette,William Devane
Billy Bob Thornto..


主演:Jarrid Geduld,Gail Mabalane,安德烈·雅各布斯,Nicole Fortuin,Louw Venter,Abduragman Adams,Qaeed Patel,苏珊·丹福特,Hannes van Wyk,Hlomla Dandala,Beer Adriaanse,Bulelwa Cosa,David Davidoss,Ryle De Morny,Toni Jean Era
简介:Theo Abrams is an ex-Cape Town fireman suffering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unable to return to work due to the psychological trauma sustained during a failed rescue mission, an increasingly frustrated and volatile Theo's world is rocked when one morning, he wakes up next to his wife's murdered corpse with no recollection of what transpired and all evidence suggesting that he's killed her. When the police label him as the prime suspect, Theo goes on the run, and is soon being hunted by Deputy Chief of Police, Alan Shard, a notoriously ruthless soldier of the law, who is hell-bent on catching Theo as one last act of service before he officially retires. However, when an unknown third party is thrown into the mix, Theo discovers an alarming connection between the sinister forces hunting him in an attempt to silence him permanently for a reason he can't comprehend; and a recent investigation his wife was conducting into a global armament contractor. When connecting the dots becomes a matter of life and death, Theo becomes embroiled in a desperate fight for survival and must figure out who really murdered his wife before a terrifying conspiracy changes the course of a nation forever.
Jarrid Geduld,Gai..


主演:Manon Mathews,Shawn Roe,凯蒂·勒克莱齐,黛安·罗宾,马特·雷迪,Rene Hamilton,丹尼尔·休·凯利,明迪·斯特林,Derek DuChesne,珍妮弗·阿斯彭,Lenora May,乔丹·詹姆斯·史密斯,Nancy Van Iderstine,桑妮·马布雷,Hannah Pilkes
简介:Exuberant CHLOE is a whirlwind of energy who acts purely on impulse and has never quite grown up. Industrious JEFF is a hard-working guy who plans his future, step by step. When the two fall in love, they inevitably quarrel and break up. But when they decide to pretend to still be together so that their holiday season won't turn into a pity party, they soon realize that opposites, after all, do attract -- and that, despite their differences, they are still very much in love...
Manon Mathews,Sha..


主演:Christina Aceto,Richard Sutton,Robert Nolan
Christina Aceto,R..