



主演:安东尼·鲍伊,托比·琼斯,卡伦·索尼娅·塞沃尔,亚历克斯·费恩斯,莉亚·麦克纳玛拉,萨拉·奈尔斯,奥克利·佩德加斯特,斯派克·莱顿,乔尔·莫里斯,Matt Beauman-Jones,保罗·布莱克维尔,尼玛·塔列格哈尼,Layo-Christina Akinlude,Tommy Finnegan,Rachid Sabitri
简介:The gripping true story of a young man’s journey from hero to alleged war criminal, the determined lawyer on his tail, and their search for truth in the fog of war.  Anthony Boyle plays the real-life soldier Brian Wood, accused of war crimes in Iraq by the tenacious human rights lawyer Phil Shiner, played by Toby Jones.  The two men go head to head in a legal and moral conflict that takes us from the battlefield - at so-called Checkpoint Danny Boy - to the courtroom, and one of Britain’s biggest ever public inquiries, the Al-Sweady Inquiry.  Memory, evidence and trauma collide, as Brian finds himself caught on the fine line between war and unlawful killing. After his service in Iraq and years of legal investigation, will he ever be able to look his family in the eye again and be the husband, father, and son, they need him to be  Danny Boy is an urgent and thought-provoking drama that questions what we ask of those who fight - and kill - for their country.  Danny Boy is made by Expectation for the BBC. It is written by Bafta-winner Robert Jones and directed by Sam Miller, and also stars Alex Ferns, Leah McNamara, Pauline Turner, Kiran Sonia Sawar, and Tom Vaughan-Lawlor. Executive Producers are Colin Barr and Susan Horth for Expectation, with Lucy Richer, Jo McClellan and Clare Sillery for the BBC.


主演:Jane Birkin,Hiram Keller,Françoise Christophe,Venantino Venantini,Doris Kunstmann
简介:In a small Scottish village, horribly murdered bodies keep turning up. Suspicion falls upon the residents of a nearby castle that is haunted by a curse involving a killer cat.
Jane Birkin,Hiram..


主演:泰勒·海涅斯,杰克·曼利,坦娅·克拉克,李康宁,Zoë Belkin,迈克尔·迪克森,Samantha Helt,Eddie G.,Stephane Garneau-Monten,Rj Copan
简介:A widowed mother must help her teenage daughter escape a life of crime after she becomes embroiled in a dangerous scheme to steal luxury cars for her high school teacher.


主演:梅丽尔·斯特里普,山姆·尼尔,戴尔·里夫斯,大卫·霍夫林,杰森·瑞生,迈克尔·韦特尔,多萝西·艾莉森,Maurie Fields,彼得·霍斯金,查尔斯‘巴德’汀格维尔,Bruce Myles,丹尼斯·米勒,刘易斯·菲茨-杰拉德,Sandy Gore,雷格·埃文斯,卢西亚诺·卡蒂纳齐,Jim Holt,约翰·霍华德,Frankie J. Holden,Bill Garner,黛博拉-李·福奈丝,Ch
简介:故事发生在1980年的澳大利亚,迈克尔(山姆·尼尔 Sam Neill 饰)和妻子林迪(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)带着他们的三个孩子正在进行一场家庭旅行。某天夜里,夫妻两人将最小的孩子阿扎利亚留在襁褓之中外出访友,哪知道一场意外的发生夺走了阿扎利亚幼小的生命。  让迈克尔和林迪万万没有想到的是,他们除了要承受失去孩子的巨大悲痛之外,竟然还遭到了指控,指控夫妻两人正是幕后的凶手。随后,法庭开始了对于该案件的漫长的审判,尽管缺乏关键的证据,但林迪还是被判处了终身监禁。在狱中,林迪生下了第四个孩子,孩子被交由迈克尔抚养。漫长的牢狱岁月里,林迪不断的上诉,并最终为自己挣得了清白和自由。


主演:阿迪勒·阿赫塔尔,Kiran Sonia Sawar,Mawaan Rizwan,Salman Akhtar,Reiss Jeram,Ambreen Razia,Simon Nagra,Vineeta Rishi,Manoj Anand,Kay Awasti,Raj Awasti,Aditi Bajpai,Kajal Bhatt,Kishore Bhatt,Tina Chandorkar
简介:Powerful contemporary drama. A young woman falls in love with the wrong man, with tragic consequences for everyone.
阿迪勒·阿赫塔尔,Kiran So..


主演:Zofia Marcinkowska,Henryk Boukolowski
简介:50年代-60年代初波兰电影学院派的经典作品之一,堪称与同时代意大利导演安东尼奥尼的《奇遇》相比,改编自Józef Hen在社会主义波兰时期被禁的小说。  In 1960 his second film NIKT NIE WOLA NOBODY'S CALLING, based on a Jozef Hen novel that was never published in Poland, described the fate of Poles on the Eastern Front. Kutz used the film to explore new formal solutions, collaborating closely with cinematographer Jerzy Wojcik to reveal the psychological landscape of a pair of lovers who are strongly affected by wartime events. The camera recorded the couple's inner experiences, contrasting their muted intimacy against the surrounding scenery of a ruined town. The film did not win over critics at the time of its release. It was not until later that critics recognized Kutz's effort to experiment with aesthetics in a manner akin to that pursued by filmmakers of the new wave. NOBODY'S CALLING came to be compared with Michelangelo Antonioni's THE ADVENTURE, which was produced around the same time.
Zofia Marcinkowsk..


主演:丹努什,Lal,拉吉莎·威嘉雅,约吉·巴布,Nataraja Subramanian,Gouri Kishan,Lakshmi Priyaa Chandramouli,G.M. Kumar,Shanmugha Rajan,'Poo' Ram,Subatra,阿扎甘·佩鲁马尔,Akila,Deepa Baskar,Madhan Kumar Dhakshinamoo
简介:泰米尔那都邦南部一个偏远的小村庄Podiyankulam有一项特殊的传统:谁能从悬崖上一跃而起将对岸抛出的鱼劈成两半,谁就能拥有“镇村宝剑”(Village Sword);选择接受该挑战但却无法将鱼砍成两半的人则会被村民斩首。1997年,一位名叫Karnan的青年男子腾空而起,成了宝剑的主人。  Podiyankulam和其隔壁的Melur村颇有宿怨,前者的村民来自更低种姓并因此常年收到压迫,故事的起因,就由一辆不愿经过Podiyankulam的巴士说起。在Melur村民的政治影响下,Podiyankulam村多次上书要求在该村设立巴士站的情愿被拒,村民们想要外出就不得去去Melur村的巴士站等候,且在等候巴士的过程中长期遭到Melur村民的欺辱和骚扰。  数次巴士拒载事件发生后,以Karnan为首的村民砸烂了一辆在他们眼前拒载一位孕妇的巴士,此举在村民议事会上引发诸多争议,但最后村长决定全村人将共同保护为了村民利益出头的Karnan等人,出面与警方交涉。  巴士被砸后,巴士运输公司的老板和一众警察来到Podiyankulam存兴师问罪,迫于其他村民压力,村长被迫供出Karnan等人的藏身之处。但考虑到商业利益,巴士老板决定撤诉并不再追究责任。但一位名叫Kannabiran的警长却在执行此任务时被村民们不卑不亢的态度所激怒——农民的儿子也配叫“皇帝”?并暗下决心要给Karnan一个教训。  日后警方传唤闹事村民去警局问话,为了保护Karnan,村中几位年长的老者自告奋勇前去警局报告和签字。但Kannabiran却用棍子暴打所有老者,重伤大家后把他们仍在警察局的天台上暴晒等死。在警局外等候一日一夜的Karnan等人见形势不对,冲入警察局救出了他的爷爷和其他几位长者,并将警察局砸了稀巴烂。  再次受辱后的Kannabiran警长调用了更多的警力计划捣毁村庄,而村民们则在长者们手上回归后意识到警察并不是因为巴士损坏而暴打他们,而是因为他们作为低种姓农民却在警察问询他们时抬头挺胸地stand tall,全村人也在Karnan的带领下决定奋起反击。  警察如期而至,而此刻Karnan却因为收到了军队职位的录取信而在全村的劝说下已经启程前去履职。攻破村民的抵抗后,警察进入到每一个村民家打砸抢,Karnan的爷爷为了保护屋内正在生产的村妇,自焚后冲进施暴的警察中。  不远处,挎着宝剑的Karnan策马前来,他以宝剑为武器砍倒数个警察,并将Kannabiran关进一间房屋内作为俘虏,而被俘虏后的Kannabiran警长仍然不断对Karnan口出侮辱,并威胁他如果对方敢动他一根汗毛,整个村庄将会被夷为平地。Karnan最终一剑将警长的首级砍下。  这是一个有关荣誉、传统、正义和生命力的真实故事。


主演:奥拉夫·卢巴申科,Piotr Zurawski,塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦齐维兹
简介:In a monastery cult off from the world, the monks run a clinic for the possessed. One day, a young policeman Marek comes to the convent. Posing as a clergyman, he penetrates monastic life and tries to explain the recent, mysterious disappearance of several tormented inmates. It turns out, however, that there is no way out of the monastery .
奥拉夫·卢巴申科,Piotr Zu..


主演:比尔·默瑞,凯伦·阿兰,约翰·福赛思,约翰·格洛弗,博卡·格德斯维特,大卫·约翰森,卡罗尔·凯恩,罗伯特·米彻姆,Nicholas Phillips,迈克尔·波拉德,阿尔法·伍达德,Mabel King,John Murray,杰米·法尔,罗伯特·顾雷特,巴迪·哈克特,约翰·豪斯曼,李·迈杰斯,帕特·麦考密克,布赖恩·道尔,Mary Lou Retton,琼·斯皮格勒·霍华德,玛丽·艾伦·特雷纳,


主演:Akarin Akaranitimaytharatt,Chulachak Chakrabongse,索姆查·肯格拉,Metinee Kingpayom,Billy Ogan,Vasu Peumsakunthai,Dan Aaron Ramnarong,巴东·颂桑
Akarin Akaranitim..