



主演:雷·米兰德,格蕾丝·凯利,罗伯特·卡明斯,约翰·威廉姆斯,安东尼·道森,利奥·布里特,帕特里克·艾伦,乔治·利,罗温·休斯,盖·唐尔曼,贝丝·弗劳尔斯,山姆·哈里斯,哈罗德·米勒,威廉·H·奥布莱恩,George Alderson,Alex Ball,Richard Bender,Sanders Clark,Jack Cunningham,Robert Dobson,Forbes Murray,M
简介:汤尼(雷·米兰德 Ray Milland饰)和玛戈(格蕾丝·凯利 Grace Kelly 饰)是貌合神离的一对夫妻。汤尼常常为了他的事业和爱好,把娇妻忘在一边,二人感情亮出红灯。而生活寂寥的玛戈和作家马克不可避免的擦出爱之火花,他们约会、通信,不料竟被汤尼发现。汤尼没有 声张,只是写了一封匿名信给妻子以示警告。然而现在马克竟然造访家中,为了一雪耻辱,加之图谋得到妻子玛戈的丰厚财产,汤尼暗生毒计。 汤尼向旧时同学列斯开出了一千英镑的价钱,让其参与他布下的一整套严密杀人计划。这套计划有设计精妙的凶手不在场证据,电话、钥匙,窗帘,统统成为这个阴谋的道具设置。然而计划终究赶不上变化,列斯不但得不到赏金,还要赔上自己的性命。而汤尼却也急中生了智……


主演:马克西米利亚诺·吉安尼,诺贝托·冈萨罗,Elvira Onetto,George L. Lewis,朱丽叶·瓦利娜,德米安·萨洛蒙,奥斯汀·利塔诺,Natalia Señorales,Matias Rascovschi,Lorenzo Langer,Bruno Giacobbe,Laura Manzaneda,阿里埃尔·查瓦里亚,Hugo Halbrich,Fernando Díaz,费比安·福特


主演:彼得·乌斯蒂诺夫,劳伦·白考尔,凯丽·费雪,约翰·吉尔古德,派珀·劳瑞,海莉·米尔斯,詹妮·西格芙,大卫·索尔,尼古拉斯·格斯特,Valerie Richards,约翰·特莱斯基,艾梅伯·贝泽,迈克尔·萨恩,迈克尔·克雷格,Dan Muggia,阿里扎·本-莫哈


主演:Richard Egan,Ralph Richardson,Diane Baker
简介:故事发生在公元前480年,精明强悍的波斯士兵在波斯国王薛西斯一世(大卫·法拉尔 David Farrar 饰)的带领下正来势汹汹地朝希腊进军,斯巴达城国王列奥尼达斯(理查德·伊甘 Richard Egan 饰)带领三百勇士和四千联军镇守最前线温泉关。叛徒的出卖让列奥尼达斯的军队成为了瓮中之鳖,情急之下,列奥尼达斯命令联军撤退,自己带领着三百勇士孤军奋战,死守温泉关。  面对敌方无边无际的列队,列奥尼达斯和他的勇士们早已经知道了此战的结局,然而,他们并没有胆怯,反而因为势单力敌而燃起了格外高涨的气势。经过两天两夜的殊死搏斗,波斯大军伤亡惨重,而斯巴达三百勇士亦长眠于温泉关之中。
Richard Egan,Ralp..


主演:凯蒂·菲德斯通,Micah Sloat,Mark Fredrichs
简介:自由职业者米克(Micah Sloat 饰)和女友凯蒂(Katie Featherston 饰)搬到一幢新的房子里,兴奋的米克搞来一台摄像机,跟踪拍摄他们俩人的点点滴滴,起卧坐行。但是,他们的兴奋很快就被莫名的不安所取代。除了他们俩外,似乎还有其他的生命藏在这座空旷的房子内。凌晨两三点钟,卧室房间一角的摄像机便真实记录下那些异常发生的事件。随着时间的流逝,灵异事件愈演愈烈,凯蒂无法忍受想要搬走,米克却兴奋地想将这个事件拍成电影。他不知道,当他真正想离开时为时已晚……  本片为导演Oren Peli的处女作,成本仅为11000美元,却在口耳相传下获得千倍的收益,并荣获2007年惊叫电影节荣誉提及。
凯蒂·菲德斯通,Micah Slo..


主演:哈威·凯特尔,蒂姆·罗斯,迈克尔·马德森,克里斯·潘,史蒂夫·布西密,劳伦斯·蒂尔尼,兰迪·布鲁克斯,柯克·鲍兹,爱德华·邦克,昆汀·塔伦蒂诺,Rich Turner,大卫·斯廷,Tony Cosmo,Stevo Polyi,Michael Sottile,Robert Ruth,劳伦斯·班德,Linda Kaye,Suzanne Celeste,史蒂夫·赖特
简介:黑帮老大乔·卡伯特(劳伦斯·蒂尔尼 饰)和他的儿子“好家伙”艾迪(克里斯·佩恩 饰)召集了六名强盗,准备到珠宝店抢劫一批天然钻石。这六个人彼此各不相识,甚至连对方的姓名都无从得知。乔为了保持机密,以颜色作为代号分别给六人起名为白先生(哈维·凯特尔 饰)、橙先生(蒂姆·罗思 饰)、金先生(迈克尔·马德森 饰)、粉先生(史蒂夫·布斯塞米 饰)、棕先生和蓝先生,并规定他们之间不能透露任何私事。  抢劫时,六人中了警察的埋伏,蓝先生和棕先生当场死亡。白先生带着身受重伤的橙先生回到预定的聚集地——一个仓库。一会儿,粉先生、“好家伙”艾迪和金先生也来到这里,并活捉了一名警察。几人回忆案发时的情景,得出结论,六人中必定有人向警察告密。为了揪出告密者,大家审问拷打那个警察,仍然无法得知事实真相。本就互不了解的几个人,开始互相猜忌,事情的发展完全偏离了预设的轨道。


主演:Cara Gonzales,Ronnie Lazaro,Kylie Verzosa,Zanjoe Marudo
简介:Lira, a prize-winning author, spends a week to finish her final novel. But when she meets Andrei, a young documentarist, her plans start to change.
Cara Gonzales,Ron..


主演:Chris Harris,马特·勒布朗,Rory Reid
简介:Since 2003, our top secret Top Gear test track (based just off the A281 in Surrey) has played host to all manner of glamorous metal in the hands of The Stig, celebrities in an array of afforable hatchbacks, the odd barbeque or two, and John Prescott. Here’s everything you need to know from 13 years of smoke and power - with links to all the behind the scenes footage.
Chris Harris,马特·勒..


主演:莉亚·范登堡,Gabriel Carrubba,Albert Goikhman,Raymond Thomas,Kevin Dee,Gregory J. Fryer,Tim Ferris,Julia Farrell
简介:Willie Bingham is the first man to undergo a radical new justice program under the State's revised stance on capital crime.
莉亚·范登堡,Gabriel Ca..


主演:大卫·爱登堡,格蕾塔·通贝里,Michael E. Mann,James Hansen,Sunita Narain,Mark Maslin,Andrew Shepherd,Peter Stott,Richard Black,Richard Lazarus,Catherine Mitchell,Naomi Oreskes,Tim Lenton,Colette Pichon Battle,Sarabp
简介:Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change The Facts for BBC One.  The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on our planet with interviews from some of the world’s leading climate scientists.  After one of the hottest years on record, climatologists and meteorologists explain the effects of climate change on both the human population and the natural world. Scientists, including Dr James Hansen, Dr Michael Mann and Professor Catherine Mitchell will forensically unpack the science behind the extreme weather conditions of recent years, which have seen unprecedented storms and catastrophic wildfires; as well as detailing how the accelerating rate at which the world’s ice is melting is causing sea level rises, and how deforestation is exacerbating the problem of global warming by adding to CO2 in the atmosphere.  The film will deliver an unflinching exploration of what dangerous levels of climate change could mean for human populations, what is likely to happen if global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees and if major reductions in CO2 emissions are not made in the next decade.  The documentary looks too at potential solutions, exploring the innovations, technology and actions the world's governments and industries are taking to prevent further warming and showcasing individuals who are creating change at grassroots levels.  In the film, Sir David Attenborough says In the 20 years since I first started talking about the impact of climate change on our world, conditions have changed far faster than I ever imagined. It may sound frightening but the scientific evidence is that if we have not taken dramatic action within the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies. We're running out of time but there's still hope… I believe that if we better understand the threat we face, the more likely it is that we can avoid such a catastrophic future.”