



主演:Blu Yoshimi,米雪拉·塞尚,Sergio Pierattini,Luigi Fedele,Francesco Colella
Blu Yoshimi,米雪拉·塞..


主演:Seo Hyun-woo,Han Sa-myung,徐进元,俞智妍,金大镇,Im Ho-kyoung
简介:小新(徐贤宇 饰)收到他的25年前失踪的表哥春培(韩思明 饰)的来信,内容是给春培旧情人博顺(俞智妍 饰)和其他人的信。小新找到了博顺,并将信交给她,后来一起去见张班长。三人在回想25年前的记忆时,终于遇见发送信件的人,开始揭开那段纠结的真相…
Seo Hyun-woo,Han ..


主演:布瑞亚·格兰特,娜嘉拉·汤森德,Laura Kirk,Kyle Ament,Millie Milan,Sarah McGuire,Jennifer Seward,Steven Hugh Nelson,Davis DeRock,Edward Patterson,Lindsay Solomon,Kimberly Igla,贝蒂·黎,Jimmy Darrah,Vienna Maas
简介:每个人都梦想成为另一个人……但对Claire(娜亚拉唐珊德Najarra Townsend 饰)来说,这个梦想从痴迷变成一场恶梦。白天是发型师,晚上是连环杀手兼头皮收藏家。当常客Olivia(布瑞亚格兰特BreaGran t饰)聘请Claire担任她婚礼当天的发型师,寂寞的Claire的生活开始陷入混乱。痴迷于Olivia看似完美无缺的生活,Claire誓言要金盆洗手,改邪归正。却发现压抑自己的欲望说起来容易,做起来可没那么简单……。


主演:特拉维斯·特纳,唐纳利·罗德,玛丽莲·江恩,谢拉赫·霍斯达尔,Sydney Imbeau
简介:马利和我2 小狗岁月非常搞笑。世界上最糟糕的(也是最可爱的)狗更加淘气,更加胡闹。 但是这次,他有了自己的声音,真的。在本片中,马利的声音可爱又精神。 他和他的夏日伙伴Bodie Grogan与Dobermans(杜宾犬), Shepherds(牧羊犬)和Collies(科利犬)挑战,参加一个社区狗狗比赛。


主演:Ruby Larocca,布兰登·萨拉格尔,Joey Smack
Ruby Larocca,布兰登·..


主演:埃朗·哈斯米,Esha Gupta,Randeep Hooda,Imran Zahid,Manish Chaudhary,Arif Zakaria
埃朗·哈斯米,Esha Gupta..


简介:After years of tracking down international criminals, a trip to a remote jungle prison will force Chinese cop Xin to become human prey to fight for his freedom - and to save his own life.


主演:Eimutis Kvosciauskas,杜嘉克·伊迪兹,达里娅·叶卡马索娃,Denisas Kolomyckis,Danilas Pavilionis,Neringa Bulotaite,艾斯特·蒂奇,Naglis Bierancas,Simonas Mozura,Clotilde Rigaud,Aiste Gramantaite,Jelena Stupljanin
简介:影片讲述两个男人之间复杂的情感故事,gay社团律师马吕斯(Eimutis Kvosciauskas饰)的生活一直在流逝,他整日都在与朋友玩乐、追逐年轻的恋人。而当马吕斯疏远已久的父亲去世。马吕斯发现他与一名困在塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的叙利亚难民、性工作者阿里(Doğaç Yıldız饰)有着意想不到的联系,哀悼也悄然间转变为了爱情。
Eimutis Kvosciaus..


主演:Ben Cross,Anouk Aimée,Vivica A. Fox
简介:David, now an old man, is still king of Israel. Among his sons, the ambitious Adonijah and the clever Solomon. The two young men are fierce rivals, since both are prospective heirs to the throne and only one can be successful. During a hunting expedition, Adonijah challenges his younger brother Solomon to a chariot race. While Solomon, though brave, still retains a modicum of caution, the daredevil Adonijah is eager to win at all costs -- and loses control of his chariot. Solomon takes the seriously injured Adonijah back to Jerusalem. On the way there they meet the attractive Abishag, who despite her youth is versed in the use of healing herbs. She actually succeeds in helping the prince. Adonijah falls in love with Abishag -- but Bathsheba arranges things so that she works for David, hoping that her youth, her beauty and her healing powers will soothe the old king's suffering. Several members of the influential priesthood and also the respected army general Joab, who served David loyally for many years, support Adonijah's claim to the throne-- even though David has still not made any decision with regard to a potential successor. The battle-experienced Joab regards Solomon as an indecisive weakling, under whose leadership the kingdom would soon fall apart. When the prophet Nathan finds out about Adonijah's conspiracy he informs Bathsheba and Solomon, who urge David to take immediate action. And so it comes to pass that preparations to anoint the future king of Israel are made both at the Spring of Enrogel, where Adonijah and his men are encamped, as well as in Jerusalem. The festive procession for Adonijah has already been assembled and the people enticed with delicious delicacies to cheer him on, when the news of Solomon's coronation reaches Enrogel. The people promptly acknowledge the will of King David and stream off to Jerusalem in their hordes to greet Solomon, their future ruler. Adonijah remains behind with a handful of loyal followers. He realizes that he has lost -- for the time being. Humbly he places his life in his brother's hands. Adonijah is forgiven on one condition that he always remains loyal to his brother Solomon. The great King David is dead, and his son Solomon has succeeded him as the rightful ruler of Israel. Adonijah now has a request to make of Bathsheba he wants to marry Abishag. Solomon hears about this seemingly innocent wish, and recognizes it as a renewed ploy on behalf of his brother to reclaim the throne -- Adonijah's marriage to the last woman to share King David's bed would strengthen his political position considerably. Solomon knows that he has to act quickly and decisively if he is to secure his own power. He has his brother Adonijah and the latter's closest associate Joab executed. After this radical decision, Solomon withdraws to present sacrifices. In a dream the Lord appears to him and grants him the fulfillment of a wish, whatever it may be. Solomon merely asks for wisdom -- in order to become a good ruler and judge. War with Egypt is looming. To arm his kingdom against the territorial ambitions of its powerful neighbors, Solomon not only introduces several reforms but also decides to marry the daughter of the pharaoh. The Egyptian princess does not remain Solomon's only wife, however as time goes by the king marries numerous noble women from many different countries for political and economic reasons. In this way he preserves peace for his people, and creates great prosperity. By allowing the women to continue practicing their domestic customs and religious rituals in Jerusalem as well, he comes into regular conflict with the priesthood, who see the foreign religions as endangering Israel's sole covenant with the Lord. The wisdom granted to Solomon by God becomes fully evident when the king sits in judgment. One day two harlots each claim to be mother of the same baby. Solomon's decision seems utterly cruel he says that the child should be cut in two so that each woman receives half. Solomon can now determine who the real mother is from her reaction she will not allow her child to be harmed. Solomon hands the child back to its true mother amid cheers of approval. One of the most important tasks handed down to Solomon by his father David is building the great Temple to house the Ark of the Covenant. It has to be larger and more magnificent than all other temples in the world, and Solomon now sets about fulfilling his father's wish. He places Jeroboam in charge of the Israelite workers as chief overseer. Seven years later, the work is completed. The expensive construction materials have been brought from far-off lands, and the people of Israel have paid exceedingly high taxes without complaint in order to finance the construction work. The Ark of the Covenant can now finally be taken to the Temple in a triumphant procession. After so many years of wandering, the Israelites' most sacred possession now has a fixed home of its own. People stream to Jerusalem from across the entire country to celebrate the great day. Abishag, now married, comes too and brings her family. Solomon has decided to mingle among the people in disguise, and he and Abishag are overjoyed when they accidentally meet again after so many years. The Temple makes Jerusalem and its king famous throughout the world. Even the dark-skinned Queen of Sheba sets off with a large retinue to visit the wise and cultivated Solomon and admire his magnificent city. The admiration turns out to be mutual Solomon, captivated by her beauty, falls deeply in love with her. The two of them have a child, Menelik, but one day the Queen of Sheba decides to leave. She does not want Menelik to be deprived of the regal dignity awaiting him in his home country. Solomon stays behind, with a heavy heart. The king has now achieved everything he set his heart on, but with the passing of the years the wise Solomon gradually becomes a melancholy, skeptical old man who regularly questions his very existence. Material things seem to represent the only reality for him. He also refuses to adopt any kind of steady policy, especially in religious matters. With his foreign wives, Solomon sacrifices to foreign gods, and this incurs the wrath of the priesthood. The loyal Jeroboam appeals to his king's conscience, but to no avail. During one of Solomon's sorties in disguise among his people, a simple farmer reminds him of the first of the Ten Commandments revealed by the Lord to Moses You shall have no other gods before me. At another decisive moment, God Himself speaks to Solomon and announces the punishment for his sinfulness the kingdom will collapse after Solomon's death. The king has grown old and weary. He has lost touch with the people of Israel, who are suffering from heavy taxation and forced labor. Solomon has treated his long-standing companion Jeroboam, to whom he entrusted the administration of the northern tribes, with murderous anger ever since a prophet predicted the division of the kingdom to him. The king no longer has the strength to change things -- he just leaves them as they are. The consequences of this become clear shortly after his death. Solomon's son and successor Rehoboam treats the country's leaders with arrogance, and provokes the division of the kingdom into two parts the only tribe still loyal to him is that of Judah, while all the others unite under Jeroboam. The prophecy has been fulfilled. The kingdom that Solomon received from his father David, and invested with such might and magnificence, is now divided.
Ben Cross,Anouk A..


主演:艾丽·西蒂,斯蒂夫·古根伯格,费舍·史蒂芬斯,奥斯汀·潘德尔顿,G.W.拜利,布莱恩·麦克纳玛拉,Tim Blaney,Marvin J. McIntyre,John Garber,Penny Santon,Vernon Weddle,芭芭拉·塔拉布克,Tom Lawrence,Fred Slyter,Billy Ray Sharkey
简介:《霹雳五号》是1986年由新力影业旗下子公司——三星影业所推出的科幻喜剧片。  NOVA军火公司开发了五台战争用机器人,而其中一台机器人“No.5”有一天突然被雷打中,而之后便产生了自我意识,并且开始自称自己为“强尼五号”。它逃到了街上,却被人类视为一大威胁,而剩下四台机器人也在追杀它,它必须设法说服发明它的科学家“自己是一种生命,而不是战争用机器人”。在一次短路状况下闯入了热心保护动物的史蒂芬妮家中,并从与人交往的过程中学习到人类的智慧的人性,后来拒绝回到武器公司充当他们的杀人工具。