


主演:Matthew Broderick,Jeanne Tripplehorn,Tim Guinee
简介:Sam (Matthew Broderick) is the reasonable man in a crazy urban world, the man of thoughtfulness and refined taste in a landscape of Leroy Neiman paintings and beer commercials. The guy would sooner cook for an hour over a hot stove than say `supersize it.'  By day he's a store clerk in an upscale gourmet eatery, and these scenes raise a smile, especially for anyone who's visited the actual chain in New York City -- the portrayal isn't far off from the reality. Our man is besieged by hoards of customers who want their imported French cheese cut to impossibly exact standards. His efforts to remain outwardly polite (while you know he'd like to take the cleaver to the relentless clientele) are pretty funny, and will warm the hearts of clerks everywhere. In general, Broderick is in good form and provides the movie with most of whatever lightness it possesses.  Sciorra's lovelorn dental hygienist, Ellen, is fine enough, too, and her unknowing interaction with our cheese-slicing hero shows some hopeful chemistry, and you may begin to feel you want to see these two get together.  One of the main competitors for our lady's affections, a stockbroker (Kevin Anderson), is played as caricature he's the beer swilling frat-boy whose idea of after-sex sensitivity is flipping on the football game. He's kind of funny at times, but the movie might be stronger if he was written or acted for us to like him more, instead of having us merely recognize him as the flat-out `wrong' guy in comparison to Broderick's sensitive man. Think of John Candy in Splash, taking a cigarette and beer can to the racquetball game; we know his lifestyle is not the one our hero should emulate, but we can't help but be charmed by the likeable goon. Whereas this character is merely a goon, and pretty unlikable all around.  While it's a nice enough light movie for the first half, for me the story was somewhat derailed by its unbelievable (Hollywood) presentation of sex and adultery. (SPOILER AHEAD, skip to next paragraph.) When Ellen returns home after an evening's misadventures, she is naturally faced with the questioning husband (Michael Mantell). Quickly admitting her own indiscretion, she then immediately turns the situation around, demanding to know why the guy had gone ahead and bought a house without discussing it. Granted, it's a valid issue, and granted, many people use this countering maneuver in arguments. What's unbelievable is what happens next the guy starts responding to her question, addressing the house-issue in a quiet, thoughtful manner. WHOA. You'd be hard pressed to find a married person in the world who, when faced with hisher partner's totally unexpected adultery, would be ready to address anything so calmly. The guy would surely be bouncing off the walls, or else crushed into silence and tears - but see, then we might actually feel for the poor schnook, and we'd see Sciorra's character in a poor light. And since that particular audience reaction doesn't serve the romantic comedy, the story tries to sneak around it. You may start to feel that, like the husband, you're being taken.  Further dissatisfaction is just around the corner in the ending. We realize this is where misunderstandings will get sorted out, and our couple will finally see a clear path to one another. We want the satisfaction of rooting for them. But it's marred by another unbelievable character reaction, followed by an abrupt conclusion that feels rushed and forced, too easy and unearned. You may feel as though the movie's cheating on you again...
Matthew Broderick..


主演:詹姆斯·弗朗西斯科斯,梅茜·珐玛,韦朗第洛·维朗迪尼,埃德蒙·珀道姆,弗朗切斯科·卡尔内卢蒂,Maria D'Incoronato,伦佐·马里尼亚诺,Renato Cortesi,范·强生,约瑟夫·科顿
简介:一架试飞的协和号超音速飞机在飞往伦敦途中突然坠入大海,机组人员中仅有一空姐幸免于难。此次空难是美国纽约的一个国际飞机制造公司为独霸飞机市场而阴谋策划的,一恐怖组织获悉了内情,囚禁了幸存的空姐,高价勒索纽约公司。  第二架满载乘客的协和号飞机又将起飞,纽约公司孤注一掷,再施魔手。为粉碎其阴谋,摩西与纽约公司和黑帮组织展开了殊死搏斗......




主演:Frank Drake,Carolyn Porco,John Casani,Lawrence Krauss,Timothy Ferris,Edward Stone,Nick Sagan,Larry Soderblom,Charley Kohlhase,Fran Bagenal,James F. Bell,Frank Locatell,Suzanne Dodd,Jon Lomberg,Heidi H
简介:Is it humankind's greatest achievement 12 billion miles away a tiny spaceship is leaving our Solar System and entering the void of deep space. It is the first human-made object ever to do so. Slowly dying within its heart is a plutonium generator that will beat for perhaps another decade before the lights on Voyager finally go out. But this little craft will travel on for millions of years, carrying a Golden Record bearing recordings and images of life on Earth. In all likelihood Voyager will outlive humanity and all our creations. It could be the only thing to mark our existence. Perhaps some day an alien will find it and wonder. The story of Voyager is an epic of human achievement, personal drama and almost miraculous success. Launched 16 days apart in Autumn 1977, the twin Voyager space probes have defied all the odds, survived countless near misses and almost 40 years later continue to beam revolutionary information across unimaginable distances. With less computing power than a ...
Frank Drake,Carol..


主演:伊萨赫·德·班克尔,阿莱克斯·德斯卡,让-弗朗索瓦·斯泰弗南,奥斯卡·贾恩那达,路易斯·托萨尔,帕兹·德拉维尔塔,蒂尔达·斯文顿,工藤夕贵,约翰·赫特,盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔,西娅姆·阿巴斯,比尔·默瑞,赫克特·科洛梅,玛丽亚·伊萨西,Norma Yessenia Paladines,Miguel Alcíbar,何塞·科尔瓦乔,Richard Diment
简介:故事的主角是一个沉默的独行杀手(Isaach De Bankolé 饰),他永远只点两杯咖啡,在无聊的时候练习太极,不为任何诱惑所动。某日,他接受一项神秘的任务,随后启程前往西班牙马德里。在这里他必须和一个又一个联系人作单线联系,而联系的凭证便是红色或绿色的火柴盒。这些联系人中,有谨小慎微但热爱音乐的中年男子(路伊斯·托沙 Luis Tosar 饰),有打扮出众钟爱电影的白衣女子(蒂尔达·斯维顿 Tilda Swinton 饰),有醉心波希米亚文化的老人(约翰·赫特 John Hurt 饰),更有沉迷分子学的神秘东方女性(工藤夕贵 饰)。按照他们的指引,杀手一步步逼近了他的目标……


主演:吉娜·菲利普斯,贾斯汀·朗,乔纳森·布瑞克,Patricia Belcher,艾琳·布伦南
简介:翠施(吉娜·菲利普斯 Gina Philips 饰)与戴利(贾斯汀·朗 Justin Long 饰)姐弟俩正驾车行驶在乡村公路上返家度假,无聊的二人彼此唇枪舌剑解闷,突然,一辆老旧肮脏的货车试图超车,令二人紧张一场。不久他们看到从货车上下来的人在路边小屋前,将一包带着血迹的东西丢入了一个管道,姐弟二人好奇心大起,不顾刚才被货车追逐的经历,悄悄返回小屋查看。戴利落入管道,发现包裹中居然是腹中被缝入了不明物体的活人,大惊失色的戴利与翠施迅速驾车离开,但一个长着翅膀的鬼影开始一路追踪他们。姐弟俩向路上遇到的各种人求助,这却使这场噩梦般的经历变得更加骇人……


主演:张柏芝,古天乐,甄子丹,刘嘉玲,黄百鸣,闫妮,熊黛林,杜汶泽 Chapman To,杨颖,汪圆圆,郑中基
简介:化妆师沈美(古天乐 饰)在上一档电视节目时出现了尴尬,原来平素娘娘腔的他为了生活一直在伪装。他化妆学校的同学郑宇强(甄子丹 饰)在深圳一家美容专柜做化妆师,以高超的技巧赢得无数粉丝,但惟独没有俘获初恋女友戴梦妮(刘嘉玲 饰))的芳心。后者为了写小说,总是通过易容来贴近人物。陈奇侠(黄百鸣 饰)是石油大亨,唯一怕的就是他女友Dream(闫妮 饰)。后者因为观看电视节目,成了沈美的粉丝。夫妻俩联手,让沈美签下了合同,成了其化妆品公司的CEO。沈美为钱所动,走马上任,发现公司同事清一色都是美女。身为娘子军的他,有一个朴实的助理简洁(张柏芝 饰)。一次偶然的机会,游艇王子滑溜溜(杜汶泽 饰)看上了简洁,两人开始约会。但是经常受到滑溜溜前女友Victoria(熊黛林 饰)的骚扰。在这个过程中,沈美却逐渐发现了简洁与众不同的美……


简介:改编自文学大师康拉德(Joseph Conrad)的经典名著《黑暗之心》,描述年轻船长康拉德,第一次领航就前往神秘的南中国海,但桀骜不驯的中国船员们,却怀疑他和贪心的老板想将船给弄沉骗取保险金,于是百般刁难。趁着停泊在一个不知名的海湾时,船员纷纷跑上岸,此时康拉德竟然在船边发现一个一丝不挂的东方美女,没想到将她救上船后,却发现她被指控为杀人凶手。  本片由奥斯卡最佳外语片得主彼得弗达考斯基导演,并由中外明星:国际女星朱珠,英国小生杰克拉斯基与台湾演员夏靖庭共同出演。


主演:凯特·马伯里,海登·普劳斯,安德鲁·诺,玛吉·史密斯,劳拉·克罗斯利,约翰·林奇,沃尔特·斯帕罗,伊莲娜·雅各布,Frank Baker,Valerie Hill,Andrea Pickering,彼得·莫尔顿,Arthur Spreckley,Colin Bruce,Parsan Singh
简介:孩子眼中的世界在这部电影里美妙的展开,父母双亡的小玛丽(凯特·马伯里 Kate Maberly饰)来到苏格兰的亲戚家住了下来。这是个美丽而又有点神秘的庄园,尤其是秘密花园更是玛丽心中的一个大谜团。原来,玛丽的姨母曾经在自己这个花园的千秋上丧命,姨父便从此紧锁了花园大门。  无意中发现了钥匙的玛丽打开了花园的大门。从此,花园成为了玛丽与大自然水乳交融的圣地。玛丽还带上了长期坐在轮椅上的表弟科林(海登·普劳斯 Heydon Prowse饰),他本来封闭的视野在神奇的大自然面前变得豁然开朗,而朋友迪康(安德鲁诺特 Andrew Knott饰)更是在这里和他的鸟儿朋友们聊天,秘密花园的大门就这样通向了孩子们心中的天堂……