主演:桑妮·马布雷,Aiden Turner,Chloe Garcia-Frizzi 简介:Mike and Angie Jones are determined to keep their seven-year-old daughter, Sophie, out of a demon’s hands.They will do everything in their power to make her safe and to bring an end to the turmoil the demon is causing their family…
主演:Rui Gomes,Isabel Ruth,Ruy Furtado,Paulo Renato,Óscar Acúrcio,Carlos Jesus Alfonso,Manuel Bento,Ruy Castelar,Julio Cleto,Olga De Campos,曼努埃尔·德·奥利维拉,Victor Dias,Henriqueta Domingues,Carlos Alberto Dos S 简介:甫成年的朱利歐告別鄉村來到里斯本討生活,無奈工作難尋,只能認份地跟著叔叔學做鞋匠。與年輕而命運相仿的管家伊爾達相戀後,對生存與生活的殘酷命題有了更深刻的體悟……葡萄牙新電影先驅,對當時經濟與社會提出最真摯也最具挑戰性的大膽詰問,有評論認為由此開端的電影浪潮,間接引發了終結獨裁的康乃馨革命。