



主演:长谷川一夫,Yasuko Nakata,San'emon Arashi,Narutoshi Hayashi,Mieko Kondo,Jôji Tsurumi
简介:民谷伊右衛門在某夜救了某武士的女兒阿梅,而被阿梅愛上後就成了壞朋友秋山們的搖錢樹。  伊右衛門的妻子阿岩對丈夫衷心侍奉,可是伊右衛門不了解她的心,反而懷疑她和家僕小平之間的關係。  秋山們將出來買藥的小平殺死,又騙阿岩服下毒藥,經過一陣激痛後,阿岩看到鏡中的自己面貌......
长谷川一夫,Yasuko Naka..


主演:Saveliy Albutov,Demid Avdonin,Artyom Bashenin,Nikita Elikarov,Fedor Fedoseev,维塔丽雅·科尔尼扬科,玛丽亚·米罗诺娃,Aleksandr Novikov,Polina Ryashko,Yaroslav Shumenkov,Maksim Titov
简介:In the late 1990s, thirteen-year-old Sonya, along with her mother and younger sister Anya, was forced to move to live in the village. She doesn't like this change of scenery at all. Relations with the locals do not add up, and there is little entertainment here. Except to climb into an abandoned house, shrouded in silly legends about an evil Puppeteer who allegedly steals children and makes puppets out of them. But since the sisters looked into the house, something strange has been happening to the quiet, lonely Anya. After all, if no one is playing with children, a Puppeteer will play with them.
Saveliy Albutov,D..