



主演:鲁克·高斯,杜夫·龙格尔,查克·林德尔,米基·洛克,诺阿·西甘,Steven Luke,瑞恩·凯利,Jake Stormoen,K·C·克莱德,Randy Beard,Apostolos Gliarmis,Kellie Hamilton,Nate Harward,Maclain Nelson,Angie Papanikolas


主演:Edward Schaaf,Janet Wood,Robert McLane
简介:This kicks off with the murder of one Adolf Schwartz (who bears a striking resemblance to another famous Adolf) by placing a ravenous piranha fish in his bathtub. Who did it No-one knows or cares, as they're too busy being distracted by busty Margo Winchester, who hitch-hikes into# town and gets involved with all the local men. It all ends with a series of complicated plot twists that reveal that just about everyone is really someone else. And if it gets too confusing, Russ Meyer helpfully arranges for a one- woman nude Greek chorus to pop up at intervals to explain what's going on.
Edward Schaaf,Jan..


主演:Ashley Nicole Williams,格雷格·普罗普斯,卡里姆·J.格里梅斯,维尔·贝布林克,西娅·吉尔,Paulina Alvarez,库尔特·克劳斯,Ren Holly Liu,Malcolm Xavier,Galen Howard,Rachel Lynn David,Tanner Risner,Reed Michael Campbell,Monica Ricketts,Patrick
Ashley Nicole Wil..


主演:Colin Ward,Rebecca Weaver,Matthan Harris
简介:The Richardson family celebrates their 28-year-old daughter's pregnancy in Northern California. The celebration is interrupted when a Satanic cult member, Aksel Brandr, pays them an unexpected visit. Aksel, on behalf of the cult's leader Henrik Brandr, offers to pay the family a large sum for ownership of their land. Jacob Richardson, the father, rejects the offer due to the priceless sentimental value of their home. Henrik and his cult, displeased, begin to put devastating curses on the Richardsons, trying to force them off their land - even if it means murdering them. After suffering unexplainable tragedies, the Richardsons seek help from Marybeth, a white witch high priestess. They soon discover a terrible secret about their home, revealing why it is so valuable to the cult. They realize they must protect their property from the cult at all costs, and a violent battle between good and evil ensues.
Colin Ward,Rebecc..


简介:Volcanic activity frees giant scorpions from the earth who wreak havoc in the rural countryside and eventually threaten Mexico City.


主演:Hannah Hoekstra,Hans Dagelet,里弗卡·罗德森,Mark Rietman,Eva Duijvestein,芭芭拉·萨拉菲安 Barbara Sarafian,Ward Weemhoff,Ali Ben Horsting,Abdullah el Baoudi,Elske Rotteveel,Maarten Heijmans
简介:赫莫尔(汉娜·霍克斯特拉 Hannah Hoekstra 饰)是一位热情奔放的女子,她生性热爱自由,无法忍受任何的束缚。赫莫尔的母亲早早就离开了人世,父亲吉斯(汉斯·达格列特 Hans Dagelet 饰)辛辛苦苦将赫莫尔养育成人,因此,赫莫尔和吉斯之间的感情异常亲近,又是甚至超过了亲情。  吉斯和赫莫尔一样,整日过着花天酒地放浪形骸的生活,父女两似乎在较着劲,比拼着更换伴侣的速度,而他们两人对于这样的游戏乐在其中。某日,一位名叫苏菲(里弗卡·罗德森 Rifka Lodeizen 饰)的年轻拍卖官出现在了吉斯的身边,这一次,吉斯似乎动起了真情,这让赫莫尔第一次品尝到了妒忌的滋味。
Hannah Hoekstra,H..


主演:查尔斯·丹斯,彼得·穆兰,杰西卡·布朗·芬德利,萨姆·斯普卢尔 ,亚历桑德罗·博尔吉,Salóme Gunnarsdóttir,费雷德里克·施密特,Benjamin Noble,安东·桑德斯,Lorenzo McGovern Zaini,Raphael Vicas,Tommy C. Carey,Luca Hayward
简介:On the run from his former employer, a reluctant hitman seeks refuge in an isolated village where he is faced with events that test the true nature of his conscience.


主演:巴斯特·基顿,Howard Truesdale,Kathleen Myers,Ray Thompson,Brown Eyes,罗斯科·阿巴克尔,乔·基顿,Gus Leonard,Babe London
简介:在小镇上,一个年轻人游手好闲无所事事,于是他决定去纽约碰碰运气。影片讲述了1925年发生在美国西部牛仔的故事,风格搞笑幽默。  A young man who doesn't find a job in his small hometown, tries his luck in New York, but is overwelmed by the life of the city, so decides to try his luck somewhere else after a only a few minutes in New York. He falls off a train near a ranch, where he tries his luck as a cowbowy, being in his own way very sucessful. But he shows what he can do when the farm has to bring a 100 head of cattle to the slaughterhouses of Los Angeles to avoid going bankrupt, against the will of his neighbour who wants a better price. After a shoot-out with the neighbour's men he's the only person on a Los Angeles bound train with 1000 cows....
巴斯特·基顿,Howard Tru..


主演:Tom Neal,安妮·萨维奇,克劳迪娅·德拉克 Claudia Drake,Edmund MacDonald,蒂姆·瑞安,Esther Howard,Pat Cleason
简介:試想這樣的情境,你搭便車,結果由於要開長時間的車,於是司機跟你輪流開車。輪到你開的時候,開著開著,發現司機居然死了...  一不做二不休,將屍體棄置荒野後,你弄成他(有那麼一點點《職業:記者》的橋段,但兩者的出發點與情境完全不同,再說這裡證件上也沒有照片,要變換身份更容易),繼續開著車。當你去加油時,順道載了一個女子,在你還在腦裡想著這女子的美貌時,她居然轉過來對你說,他是該車主的前女友(還是前妻,反正是這樣的關係)!你當然絕望,雖然你老實地說,你根本沒有殺害車主(但誰會相信?)  然而更詭異的還在後頭(劇情真的是在不斷迴轉,雖然你只是很單純地想從東岸到西岸跟跑去好萊塢發展的女友結婚),正當你以為你找到一個同夥來解決你的困境,畢竟對你來說,到底車主留下七百多塊還是應該是三千塊,你都不在意,因為你的目的地是去找女友結婚呀。但是她的陰謀卻讓你害怕:車主久未謀面的父親死了,報紙說這家人在找車主來繼承幾十萬的財產...她於是要你假冒到底(這...這似乎在另一部美國片,且有點公路電影的影片中看到類似的情節,在那裡,主角殺害的已經不是原車主,而是另一個貪財之徒,最後他對號入座地到了當地,警方要逮捕的,也就是自稱某某的人,而他以為他因為殺了某某而被定罪,但不然,他是殺了殺某某的人而被捕...無奈吧。然而這到底是哪部片,有人能幫我解答嗎?),但你的良心過不去,畢竟假扮他的這幾天已經夠你累的了。但她卻以報警來要脅你。於是在汽車旅館內發生了另一件離奇死案:隔著反鎖的房,你居然誤殺了她!!  連掩飾都不了,現在你只求她的死會反轉回他身上,最好案情就會這樣被猜測:他殺了她,然後不知何因而死於荒地...  所以,我想,片名應該翻譯成《迴轉》好了。(文肥內)
Tom Neal,安妮·萨维奇,克..


主演:卡罗琳·法里纳,Edward Clements,克里斯·埃吉曼,泰勒·尼科斯
简介:汤姆(Edward Clements 饰)是一名在曼哈顿读书的大学生,爱上了名为塞蕾娜(Ellia Thompson 饰)的美丽女子,然而,塞蕾娜对汤姆森却并没有什么想法,可她的朋友奥德利(卡罗琳·法里纳 Carolyn Farina 饰)却深深的爱上了汤姆。  汤姆得知塞蕾娜和花花公子里克(克里斯·埃吉曼 Chris Eigeman 饰)有着一段牵扯不清的感情,待到他们分手之后,汤姆再度对塞蕾娜展开了热烈的攻势。然而,汤姆的所作所为对于塞蕾娜来说都只是落花有意流水无情,塞蕾娜更是承认,自己将汤姆写给自己的情书全都给了奥德利。直到此时,汤姆才发现自己真正爱着的其实是奥德利,然而此时的奥德利却和里克走得很近。
卡罗琳·法里纳,Edward Cl..