



主演:Dusan Pekic,米兰·马里奇,德拉甘·比耶洛格利奇,布兰卡·卡蒂奇,米基·马诺伊洛维奇,Gorica Popovic,维斯娜切瓦里克,Andreja Jovanovic,尼古拉·科约,Zorka Manojlovic,达尼罗 -巴塔-斯托科维奇,丹妮卡·马克瑟莫维奇,拉多斯拉夫·米伦科维奇,Nikola Pejakovic,Milorad Mandic,Dragan Maksimovic,
简介:How easy is it for desperate youngsters to become dangerous gangsters in a decaying society washed all over by the blood of war Fairly easy indeed. Rane shows incidents, probably somewhat facts, that took place in Serbia of the war era. Things similar to what you see on this film could happen virtually everywhere, but this film gives a very Yugoslavian feeling to everything. Yugo style mafia, Yugo style murder, and all that. Revolting politicians and their greed are to blame, not only the desperate young men who lose their reasoning while trying to be someone. The film and the casting is overall successful, and it's so very Serbian. I recommend it to anyone who.. well anyone who likes a good film. But don't expect anything American style on this one, as I say it's Yugo to the bone.
Dusan Pekic,米兰·马里..


主演:Slavka Ankova,Emiliya Myrynska,Ivan Stoychev,Borislav Tsankov,Nikolay Velichkov,兰赫尔·伍尔恰诺夫
简介:This is a story of lifetime. A story full of spiritual power biography, behind which stays a whole age in the national development of Bulgaria.  Reality Fantasy, 6 May 2006  Author lordsin from Bulgaria  This is one of the best movies I've seen. Some may say it has no sense, but if you look closely you'll notice that this movie is a philosophical masterpiece. It shows several scenes of life in the village and then the brilliant Rangel Vulchanov puts reality into a boy's fantasies. The movie jumps from birth to death, from wedding to funeral, from joy to sorrow, from reality to fantasy, from war to peace. There are lots of laughable moments for the comedy fans, and there's drama for the drama fans. You won't forget this movie once you've seen it. It's a true gem! It will give you all you want even more...One of the best Bulgarian movies ever made. Better than all of the French movies altogether!
Slavka Ankova,Emi..


主演:比利亚娜·切基奇,兹拉坦·维多维奇,安贾·斯坦尼克,Luka Saranovic,Jakov Saranovic,Simon Saranovic,Marko Pipic,娜塔莎·妮可维奇,伊戈尔·多尔德维奇,马尔科·扬克蒂奇,乌克·科斯蒂奇,博扬·齐罗维奇,Sandra Ljubojevic,Nikola Radulj,Rajko Lukac,Vesna Kljajic-Ristovic,尼科莉娜


主演:Peri Baumeister,David Schütter,Marc Benjamin,Cro,蒂尔·施威格,Sahin Eryilmaz,詹妮特·海因,比亚内·梅德尔,沃坦·维尔克·默林,安雅·克林,蒂姆·维尔德,奥斯卡·奥尔特加·桑切斯,Nikolaus Okonkwo,萨缪尔·芬齐,艾米利亚·舒勒
简介:Dawid, Vanessa and Ludwig are the finalists at a pitch-competition for a movie about the German Rap phenomenon CRO. As the three youngsters work out their extraordinary film ideas, they must fight through unexpected personal challenges.
Peri Baumeister,D..


主演:玛雅·霍克,塞缪尔·杰克逊,乌玛·瑟曼,乔·曼根尼罗,黛比·玛扎,麦克·道尔,马修·马希尔,玛丽安妮·芮登,吉奥娜·达迪奥,拉里·派恩,Brandon Curry,德丽·海明威,詹妮弗·金,贝蒂娜·斯凯,艾米·科姆,Denise Grayson,James Di Giacomo,Leah McSweeney,亚历山大·索科维科夫,Nikolai Tsankov
简介:讲述一个杀手(乔·曼根尼罗 Joe Manganiello 饰)、杀手的老板(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)和一个艺术商人(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰)的故事:一场洗钱阴谋意外地让这个名叫Reggie的杀手一夜成名,成为艺术界的当红先锋人物The Bagman,为此他不得不让艺术世界与地下犯罪世界对上了。


主演:艾伦·多丽特·彼得森,亨瑞克·拉斐尔森,薇拉·维塔利,Marius Kolbenstvedt,Stella Kvam Young,Isak Nikolai Møller,Jacob Young,Nikki Butenschøn
简介:《八月三十一日,我在奥斯陆》的金奖编剧艾斯基佛格,今年首执导演筒长片作品《盲》,一鸣惊人横扫国际各大影展,拿下柏林影展最佳欧洲电影奖、日舞影展世界电影单元最佳剧本奖,以及入围挪威奥斯卡七项大奖。透过独特的叙事结构与影像魅力,捕捉盲眼女主角内心的脆弱与偏执。 最近失明的英格丽 几乎足不出户,尽管失去了视力,但她的心与想像力仍旧清晰而活跃,但恐惧却让她在自己的内在世界,书写出另一个人生剧本。 她时常幻想外出上班的丈夫偷溜回家,观察她在家中的一举一动,或是在网路上认识了一名单亲妈妈,偷偷与她约会;英格丽看见他们在餐厅里谈笑着,突然间,女子失去视力... 而察觉到异样的丈夫不久和女子分手,但她却说自己怀孕了,还挺着大肚子到派对上找他对峙。正当女子一身滑稽的礼服成为众人的笑柄,英格丽仿佛走进自己的幻想世界,化身成穿着礼服的女子和丈夫对峙着...


主演:弗洛里安·大卫·菲茨,Nikolaus Barton,Hans Löw
简介:故事发生在1929年的德国柏林。埃里希(弗洛里安·大卫·菲茨 Florian David Fitz 饰)是一位小有名气的作家,创作过很多脍炙人口的作品。一天,一个名叫汉斯(尼科·拉莫·克莱曼 Nico Ramon Kleemann 饰)的小男孩出现在了埃里希的家门口,他告诉埃里希自己是他的超级粉丝。  刚开始,埃里希对于汉斯的存在并没有太过在意,但随着时间的推移,他发现这个脑袋里充满了奇思妙想的男孩能够成为自己创作的灵感来源。在埃里希的推荐之下,汉斯也得到了一个在电影里扮演角色的机会,一来二去之间,一老一少两人结下了深厚的友谊。二战爆发了,纳粹的铁蹄踏破了埃里希和汉斯的宁静生活。


主演:Nikolai Cherkasov,Yuri Tolubeyev
简介:堂吉诃德(尼古拉·切尔卡索夫 Nikolai Cherkasov 饰)是生活在拉曼却的一介小小乡绅,生活不算清贫,但也谈不上富裕。平日里,堂吉诃德只有一个爱好,就是阅读他那些骑士小说,他整天的读啊读啊读啊,读的思维开始发生了扭曲,觉得书中的那些故事在现实里真实的存在。  某一日,堂吉诃德骑上了他那匹瘦的可怜的马,并给其取名罗齐南脱,带上自己破旧的矛和盾,决定走出村子周游世界,做一名真正的游侠骑士。一路上,堂吉诃德自以为解救了被富农鞭打的牧童,将苦役犯错认为遭到迫害的骑士,一路上闹尽了笑话,而堂吉诃德依旧沉浸在自己的世界中无法自拔。
Nikolai Cherkasov..


主演:基里尔·波卢欣 Kirill Polukhin,奥列格·阿巴林,Dmitriy Babichenko,Dmitriy Sutyrin,Sergey Yatsenyuk,亚历山大·安·巴拉诺夫,Viktor Yanishevskiy,Nikolay Zamula,Anton Sychyov,Dmitry Lugovkin,Nikolay Ivanov,Vitaliy Taks,萨维尔·穆日克扬,Ru
简介:Russian sociologist Maxim Shugalei and his colleague interpreter Samer Suifan are still imprisoned in a Libya. For more than a year now they tortured and psychologically abused. Nevertheless while imprisoned, Maksim Shugalei continues to work trying to understand the logic of the global terrorism actions. Collected by the sociologist information is dangerous for the Lybian mili...
基里尔·波卢欣 Kirill Po..