



主演:纳西姆·斯艾哈迈德,弗雷德·特斯托,茱莉·费瑞尔,海迪·布奇纳法,Aymen Rahoui


主演:Kom Chauncheun,อาทิตย์ สมน้อย,Paitoon Pumrat,อาภาภัทร สุขสวัสดิ์ชล
简介:A strange case occurred in the village of Thung Mha, howling far away. As a result, the government decided to send a skilled police officer, Suchatorn Division, to investigate. Although not very willing with this trip Because the rumors that arose were related to ghosts But the Phatthalung division was obliged to agree to accept Because the superiors are superiors Submitting an ultimatum in this work, with the young man Bum Geum stalking the servants in the house of Mom Bang, who is a resident of that area. Volunteer to be a helper and guide Give to travel willingly Because wanting to go back to the young woman who once secretly loves Eh Eung A journey to find out the truth in a strange case that occurred at seven dogs in a small village. It looks quiet from the outside. But the atmosphere at night returned to be lonely, too scary to say And both meet with Luang Phi Kaew, a senior monk who secretly has many good things concealed within the 3 people Began to join forces to find out exactly what exactly happened here. By beginning by going to E-hung's house to inquire about various matters That occurred within the village. Including the rumors that people accuse Lee Woong of being ghouls, even though he deeply regrets that the person that Lee Woong has chosen to live with is Geum's childhood friend Bak, but the return Come to the field of howling dogs this time He secretly hoped to reconnect with the girl who secretly loved better. Because there is news that Bugs mid died in government service While investigating the truth about the case, Luang Phi Kheo, Moonsatorn and Bakkum are faced with many problems and obstacles, such as the influences of Ko village and their reliant on Tek Tek. With horror and news of ghouls that are constantly rampaging, probably have to come and see what Luang Phi Kaew will have to use to defeat ghosts And will the lieutenant and our assistant captain survive With all the problems and obstacles, such as the influences of Ko village and his reliant on Tek, along with the horror and news of ghouls that are constantly rampaging, they must Come to hope that Luang Phi Kaew will have something good to use to defeat ghosts And can the lieutenant and our assistant lieutenants survive
Kom Chauncheun,อา..


主演:Suresh Gopi,肖巴娜,杜奎尔·沙尔曼,卡尔娅妮·普瑞娅妲珊,Sarvajith Santosh Sivan,Urvashi,Johny Antony,拉鲁·阿列克斯,K.P.A.C. Lalitha,Lal Jose,Major Ravi,Rahul Rajesekharan,Siju Wilson,Theni Murugan,K. Gopal
Suresh Gopi,肖巴娜,杜..


主演:安娜贝尔·布莱特,Ignacyo Matynia,Ryan Tran
安娜贝尔·布莱特,Ignacyo ..


主演:K. Bhagyaraja,Pandiarajan,Chinni Jayanth,马诺巴拉,Pandyarajan
简介:65-year-old Ganeshan has completely lost the zest for life after his wife's passing. But the news of his 7-year-old grandson Aadith's visit to India gives him a new lease of life. When all attempts to bond with the superhero fanatic Aadith fail, Ganeshan and his retired friends join in the madness of pretending to be a superhero league. The idea works like a charm. Little Aadith's excitement knows no bounds when he witnesses a secret meeting of this 'league'. Ganeshan is elated to receive his grandson's genuine affection for the first time. But the happiness is short-lived. The very next day a small girl gets kidnapped from their apartment complex. As the police start a preliminary investigation, Aadith turns to his grandfather with a glint of excitement in his eyes. He knows, just like any superhero, his 'thaatha' will solve the case in no time. Left with no choice, the old man turns to his ageing cronies. And thus, with aching knees, weak eyesights and greying hairlines, this League of Super (senior) Heroes is set upon their first mission.  老伴儿去世后,他为了取悦孙子而组建了一个假扮的超级英雄联盟。当麻烦出现时,他们却不得不在毫无准备的情况下采取实际行动。
K. Bhagyaraja,Pan..


主演:基提哈克·通加姆,抔米提·米弯投瓦兰,巴特潘·忽栓,普姆帕特·伊安查芒,纳塔朋·迪洛那瓦立,帕查差·司隶亚楠让,亚南·翁,瓦纳拉特·拉萨梅拉特,Pimfah Matthawan Akkarapongvikorn,普洛派琳·唐普莱坡恩,苏卡达·顾珑希,缇恰·翁迪普卡侬,婵査勒姆·曼纳萨朋,Milli Danupha Kanateerakul,奔弘·奔提维此弓,Mon Varakorn Warunch


主演:阿莉尔·凯贝尔,尼克·贝特曼,马修·詹姆斯·托马斯,希拉里·杰迪妮,Adil Zaidi,Daryl Shuttleworth,Kathleen Duborg,Brenda Crichlow,Arran Henn,James Rha


主演:凯瑟琳·卓丹,Lorraine Rainer,Sylvain Corthay
凯瑟琳·卓丹,Lorraine R..


主演:Max Thieriot,Denzel Whitaker,Frank Grillo,Zena Grey
简介:在一个名为瑞弗顿的小镇,曾出现过令人闻风丧胆的开膛手。他的真实身份是一个名叫亚伯尔·普林科夫(Raúl Esparza 饰)的普通男子,开膛手似乎是他一个隐藏的人格,又像是潜藏在他体内的罪恶的幽灵。某晚,亚伯尔失心发狂,杀害了待产的妻子。他则被赶来的警察射上,却在回警局的路上引发事故,从此下落不明。与此同时,小镇医院内降生了7名早产儿。  16年过去,当年的7名婴儿成为了好朋友。他们将生日定为开膛手日,每年的这一天都举行奇怪的庆祝仪式,期望借此远离开膛手的梦魇。但是这一年,开膛手亚伯似乎真地回到了瑞弗顿,并将目标锁定在这7个孩子身上……
Max Thieriot,Denz..


主演:Lora Burke,杰克福利,Elitsa Bako
简介:A murderous shapeshifter sets out on a blood-soaked mission to make things right with the woman he loves.
Lora Burke,杰克福利,E..