主演:Kevin Smith,Nathan Phillips
简介:莱恩和队友代表美国高中生来北京参加国际武术比赛,一个偶然的机会,莱恩和队友查齐来到了一个废弃的工厂外,看到了五行战士的画像,莱恩跟查齐重提了和五行战士有关的神秘的故事,查齐认为那是莱恩的幻觉。次日临晨,莱恩用从恶梦中惊醒,他再次来到那个工厂里,重回桃源,一直召唤他的蒙面人带他去见了桃源的女王——艾米西斯。艾米西斯却拒绝让莱恩帮忙。蒙面人告诉莱恩,桃源正被道刚的黑暗势力控制,五行战士中有四个都被道刚抓了,桃源需要莱恩的帮助。莱恩答应留下来帮助他们,接着,艾米西斯开始训练莱恩。莱恩发现原来蒙面人就是池——五行战士中的“火”,池让莱恩保管自己的胸牌。可是道刚以查齐的性命相逼,莱恩不得不将胸牌给了道刚。道刚凑齐了五块胸牌,接着得到了星水晶,并借助星水晶的力量来到了莱恩的世界。莱恩,艾米西斯和查齐三人随后赶来追赶道刚,三人齐心合力把星水晶放回了原处。可是道刚也回到了桃源,在道刚要杀莱恩等人时,五行战士出现打败了道刚。桃源得救了,莱恩和查齐也成了桃源的英雄。 展开
简介:莱恩和队友代表美国高中生来北京参加国际武术比赛,一个偶然的机会,莱恩和队友查齐来到了一个废弃的工厂外,看到了五行战士的画像,莱恩跟查齐重提了和五行战士有关的神秘的故事,查齐认为那是莱恩的幻觉。次日临晨,莱恩用从恶梦中惊醒,他再次来到那个工厂里,重回桃源,一直召唤他的蒙面人带他去见了桃源的女王——艾米西斯。艾米西斯却拒绝让莱恩帮忙。蒙面人告诉莱恩,桃源正被道刚的黑暗势力控制,五行战士中有四个都被道刚抓了,桃源需要莱恩的帮助。莱恩答应留下来帮助他们,接着,艾米西斯开始训练莱恩。莱恩发现原来蒙面人就是池——五行战士中的“火”,池让莱恩保管自己的胸牌。可是道刚以查齐的性命相逼,莱恩不得不将胸牌给了道刚。道刚凑齐了五块胸牌,接着得到了星水晶,并借助星水晶的力量来到了莱恩的世界。莱恩,艾米西斯和查齐三人随后赶来追赶道刚,三人齐心合力把星水晶放回了原处。可是道刚也回到了桃源,在道刚要杀莱恩等人时,五行战士出现打败了道刚。桃源得救了,莱恩和查齐也成了桃源的英雄。 展开
Kevin Smith,Natha..
主演:安娜·帕奎因,Chevez Ezaneh,奥古斯特·斯彻伦伯格,杜安·霍华德,艾丹·奎因,科鲁姆·费奥瑞,弗雷德·多尔顿·汤普森,Nathan Lee Chasing His Horse,Shaun Johnston,高登·图托西斯,Billy Merasty,莫里斯·博德耶洛海德,艾迪·斯皮尔斯
简介:Beginning just after the bloody Sioux victory over General Custer at Little Big Horn, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee intertwines the perspectives of three characters Charles Eastman (Beach), né Ohiyesa, a young, Dartmouth-educated, Sioux doctor held up as living proof of the alleged success of assimilation; Sitting Bull (Schellenberg), the proud Lakota chief who refuses to submit to U.S. government policies designed to strip his people of their identity, their dignity and their sacred land – the gold-laden Black Hills of the Dakotas; and Senator Henry Dawes (Quinn), who was one of the architects of the government policy on Indian affairs. While Eastman and patrician schoolteacher Elaine Goodale (Paquin) work to improve life for the Indians on the reservation, Senator Dawes lobbies President Grant (Thompson) for more humane treatment, opposing the bellicose stance of General William Tecumseh Sherman (Feore). Hope rises for the Indians in the form of the prophet Wovoka (Studi) and the Ghost Dance – a messianic movement that promises an end of their suffering under the white man. This hope is obliterated after the assassination of Sitting Bull and the massacre of hundreds of Indian men, women and children by the 7th Cavalry at Wounded Knee Creek on Dec. 29, 1890. Written by HBO Films
简介:Beginning just after the bloody Sioux victory over General Custer at Little Big Horn, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee intertwines the perspectives of three characters Charles Eastman (Beach), né Ohiyesa, a young, Dartmouth-educated, Sioux doctor held up as living proof of the alleged success of assimilation; Sitting Bull (Schellenberg), the proud Lakota chief who refuses to submit to U.S. government policies designed to strip his people of their identity, their dignity and their sacred land – the gold-laden Black Hills of the Dakotas; and Senator Henry Dawes (Quinn), who was one of the architects of the government policy on Indian affairs. While Eastman and patrician schoolteacher Elaine Goodale (Paquin) work to improve life for the Indians on the reservation, Senator Dawes lobbies President Grant (Thompson) for more humane treatment, opposing the bellicose stance of General William Tecumseh Sherman (Feore). Hope rises for the Indians in the form of the prophet Wovoka (Studi) and the Ghost Dance – a messianic movement that promises an end of their suffering under the white man. This hope is obliterated after the assassination of Sitting Bull and the massacre of hundreds of Indian men, women and children by the 7th Cavalry at Wounded Knee Creek on Dec. 29, 1890. Written by HBO Films
安娜·帕奎因,Chevez Eza..
主演:Garland Scott,弗兰克·莫斯利,艾莉克希娅·拉斯姆森,吉尔达内尔,达莎·内克拉索娃,Nattalyee Randall,Linda Kennedy,Peter Mayer,Curtis York,Dennis Lebby,Destiny Bauer,Mueen Jahan,Harpinder Singh,Tim Cunningham,Jaye Hodges,Jilanne Klaus,
简介:An imprisoned criminal rats out his former boss for one last chance to reunite his family and become the father he never was.
简介:An imprisoned criminal rats out his former boss for one last chance to reunite his family and become the father he never was.
Garland Scott,弗兰克..
主演:Caitlin Halderman,Jefri Nichol,Marsha Aruan,Ciccio Manassero,Susan Sameh,Irsyadillah,米勒·可汗,Mike Lucock,Cathy Natafitria Fakandi,汉娜·阿尔·拉希德,Salvita Decorte,Rima Melati Adams
简介:高中生潔西卡、班尼、迪安、艾瑞克和琳達,打算用手機拍攝他們的冒險經歷影片,只為了能在社群網站上獲得人氣。他們決定潛入一間有名的廢棄公寓,琳達說服管理員讓他們進去後,五人發現了一間被警用封鎖線圍起來的公寓,在好奇心驅使下他們闖入了公寓。 他們四處搜索,並在房間裡發現了一張老舊的牛皮紙,身為唯一看得懂牛皮紙上文字的人,琳達朗讀紙上咒語,一個神秘的入口突然出現…五人發現自己無意間打開了通往神秘世界的入口,不僅如此,還觸怒了守護入口的超自然生物⋯。一場變調的試膽大會,喚醒了驚悚的靈異殺機,現在他們心中只剩下對死亡的恐懼、與回家的渴望……
简介:高中生潔西卡、班尼、迪安、艾瑞克和琳達,打算用手機拍攝他們的冒險經歷影片,只為了能在社群網站上獲得人氣。他們決定潛入一間有名的廢棄公寓,琳達說服管理員讓他們進去後,五人發現了一間被警用封鎖線圍起來的公寓,在好奇心驅使下他們闖入了公寓。 他們四處搜索,並在房間裡發現了一張老舊的牛皮紙,身為唯一看得懂牛皮紙上文字的人,琳達朗讀紙上咒語,一個神秘的入口突然出現…五人發現自己無意間打開了通往神秘世界的入口,不僅如此,還觸怒了守護入口的超自然生物⋯。一場變調的試膽大會,喚醒了驚悚的靈異殺機,現在他們心中只剩下對死亡的恐懼、與回家的渴望……
Caitlin Halderman..
主演:帕查农·昂萨阿德,维查·萨凡,坤朋·库塔纳鲁安侬,康纳拉·安萨兰农,托卢·龙泽,皮扬库尔·萨欧亨,塔纳塔特·库纳内克辛,阿索沃瑞·皮尼甘渣纳潘,塔雷·萨古安迪坤,尼替通·詹鲁柴,Win Jirapat Uttayananon,Milk Natchanon Supravorawong,琵拉达·楠翁,Mark Nathaphon Buasee,查帕特·孔苏布,Hymnnae
简介:真正的战争不是武器,而是人。这是一场充斥着狡诈、怨恨和背叛的战争的表现。 Y 战争分为四个关于娱乐圈斗争的故事。 故事 1 新CP 組成容易,如何继续营业下去是很难… 万一在腐圈迷失了方向,他能找回自己的路? 故事 2 经纪人之战 经理之间发生戏剧化冲突,直到这对夫妇被迫分开。 故事 3 腐圈新人 寻找新演員的现实条件,他们可以唱歌、跳舞和表演。新人们参加综艺养成营里的混乱事情,到底发生激烈的竞争。 故事4 妻子 当一对CP的另一半有了妻子,他们在这个行业的未来会被毁掉吗?
简介:真正的战争不是武器,而是人。这是一场充斥着狡诈、怨恨和背叛的战争的表现。 Y 战争分为四个关于娱乐圈斗争的故事。 故事 1 新CP 組成容易,如何继续营业下去是很难… 万一在腐圈迷失了方向,他能找回自己的路? 故事 2 经纪人之战 经理之间发生戏剧化冲突,直到这对夫妇被迫分开。 故事 3 腐圈新人 寻找新演員的现实条件,他们可以唱歌、跳舞和表演。新人们参加综艺养成营里的混乱事情,到底发生激烈的竞争。 故事4 妻子 当一对CP的另一半有了妻子,他们在这个行业的未来会被毁掉吗?
主演:Volodymyr Babynych,Petro Benjuk,安纳·祖马克,Yanina Fayad,Olesia Halkanova-Lan,Rinat Khairullin,Olena Khymych,Sehij Iarmoshenko,Volodymyr Klymuk
简介:This is the story about man who had a great way. His adventures and losses, his life make you to be surprised. We invite you in the middle ages - a times of darkness, of heroes, of big power and of eternity love.
简介:This is the story about man who had a great way. His adventures and losses, his life make you to be surprised. We invite you in the middle ages - a times of darkness, of heroes, of big power and of eternity love.
Volodymyr Babynyc..
主演:Daniel Lissing,John Bach,Nathalie Boltt
简介:The film is about a young female researcher whose life is in danger when she discovers the pharmaceutical company she works for had developed a cure for cancer many years earlier. They haven't released it because that would destroy their chemotherapy drug sales. She must now escape and release the cure to world while the company tries to stop her.
简介:The film is about a young female researcher whose life is in danger when she discovers the pharmaceutical company she works for had developed a cure for cancer many years earlier. They haven't released it because that would destroy their chemotherapy drug sales. She must now escape and release the cure to world while the company tries to stop her.
Daniel Lissing,Jo..