



主演:埃里克·朱多尔,朗齐·贝迪亚,乔纳森·朗贝尔,Vincent Belorgey,Sebastian Akchoté,Laurent Nicolas,Sébastien Tellier,Alain Gendreau,Mark Latrémouille,Marie-Claude Michaud,雨果林·什维特·兰黛斯科,Caroline Bernard,Steve Barry
简介:George is the scapegoat of his classmates. One day he cracks and shoots them. His best and only friend Blaise is accused in his place and sentenced to 7 years in a psychiatric hospital. At the day of his release, Blaise realizes he only has one family his best friend George. But he does not want to hear about his childhood friend, as he tries to integrate with the Chivers a gang whose members wear red jackets and boots, drink milk, drive sport trucks and play an incomprehensible and violent game that mixes cricket and mental arithmetic.


主演:汤姆·希林,莎斯琪亚·罗森道尔,阿尔布雷希特·舒赫,梅雷特·贝克尔,米夏埃尔·维滕博恩,安妮·贝南特,Thomas Dehler,Petra Kalkutschke,Elmar Gutmann,Aljoscha Stadelmann,Eva Medusa Gühne,Luise Aschenbrenner


主演:Mohamed Djouhri,Hania Amar,Hassan Kachach,Mehdi Ramdani,Nadia Kaci,Sonia Mekkiou,Chawki Amari,Lamri Kaouane,奥雷·阿蒂卡,Abdelaziz Zeghbib,Zineddine Hamdouche,Saadia Gacem,Hamid Ben Si Amor,Samir El Hakim,M
Mohamed Djouhri,H..


主演:陈伟霆,钟欣潼,卫诗雅,曾国祥,周俊伟,向佐,杜汶泽 Chapman To
简介:恋爱超过一次的人,分了手的人,属于过去的人;毕竟都是我们爱过的──《前度》。刚从外地回港的陈均平(陈伟霆 饰)及其现任女友阿诗(诗雅 饰),在机场巧遇前度女友──周怡(钟欣桐 饰)。周怡与旅行作家阿树(周俊伟 饰)正准备出发前往长途旅行,却发生争执闹至分手。为这次旅行而下定决心辞职、退掉公寓的周怡,一时无家可归,获对她念念不忘的陈均平和其女友阿诗收留。周怡前往二人的新居暂住,发现眼前追求物质生活的陈均平,早已不是曾经拥有梦想,一起共渡患难的陈均平。唯一不变的,是陈均平对周怡这位曾经分分合合,纠缠多年的前度思念如昔,始终没有放下过。  短短两天内, 面对新居中熟悉的一事一物,处处勾起周怡与过往前度的回忆,30小时,回顾六年来的爱情游历。  在和陈均平分手后,她遇上为她治疗失恋情伤的医生(杜汶泽 饰),也爱过刺激浪漫的古惑仔阿升(向佐 饰),有些人在她生命中仅短暂停留却刻骨铭心,有些人守候在身边却浑然不觉,就像陈均平的死党阿苏(曾国祥 饰),见证着周怡与陈均平的几度复合与分手,只是默默地以朋友的身分守护着二人。  每一次分手都是遇上下一位的机会,每一次错误结合令大家成为“前度”。可是周怡与陈均平又再共处一室,连番斗气却又极具默契,明明关系亲密却又刻意保持距离,二人曾经相爱的证据一一涌现,多年来纠缠累积的思念瞬间爆发……


主演:Charlotte Barbier-Krauss
简介:Julien Duvivier最好的作品之一也是他认为自己所有默片中最喜欢的一部。  Summary  Bullied by his matriarchal mother, abused by his siblings, ignored by his father, Poil de Carotte's childhood is as miserable as it could be.  An illegitimate child, he is the main reason for the enmity which exists between his parents, who continue to live together just to keep up appearances. In the end, Poil de Carotte's suffering becomes more than he can bear...  Review  Drawing heavily on the poignant novel by Jules Renard on which it is based, Poil de carotte is a modest yet appealing film which has stood the test of time mainly because of the quality of its acting performances and its inherent humanity. It is more memorable than Julien Duvivier's earlier silent version of 1925, also named Poil de Carotte.  The part of Poil de Carotte was played by 11 year old Robert Lynen, who was alleged to have been discovered whilst walking down the Champs-Elysées in Paris. Lynen is totally captivating and the film made him an instant star, launching what looked like becoming a very promising film career – until he was shot dead whilst fighting against the Germans in 1944.  Harry Baur, a legendary stage and film actor (who also died during World War II, allegedly at the hands of the Gestapo), also turns in a typically fine performance.  The reconciliation between father and son at the end of the film provides its most enduring image, enough to melt the heart of all but the most stoical of spectators.
Charlotte Barbier..


主演:Edwin S. Nichols III,Austin New,Royce Boswell,Shayla Bagir,Richard Dodwell,拉里·杰克·唐森,Carl Bailey,Everett Ray Aponte,Wes Riddle,Vincent James Prendergast,Kenny Peters,Landon Guyton,Kevin Kinkade,Bill Fr
简介:影片根据真实事件改编,讲述了发生在男孩Shilo Gibson身上的故事。1965年9月17日,原本是一个宁静的夜晚,而Shilo的父亲回到家里,与往常一样喝的烂醉,并对Shilo拳脚相加,而那时他还只是一个孩子,在好心邻居的帮助下,Shilo得到了帮助。二十二年后,Shilo已经长成一个健康的年轻人,庆幸的是,他并没有受到父亲的影响而变得懦弱,相反,他勇敢而勤劳,可是在他的心中仍有一块石头,他必须继续成长,使自己得到真正的救赎。
Edwin S. Nichols ..


主演:耶迪斯·特里贝尔,特里斯坦·勾贝尔,雅基·伊多,安娜·安顿诺威兹,吕斯察德·容兹察夫斯基,Andreas Nickl,Polina Voskresenskaya,亚历山大·谢尔,Hendrik Arnst,Michael Benthin,Tatjana Berges,Angelika Böttiger,Winnie Böwe,Indre Bogdan,Diana Maria Breuer,Juli
简介:We are in  East Berlin, 1978. It’s summer, three years after Wassilly’s death. Nelly’s boyfriend and Alexei’s father died in a car accident in Russia. Since he is dead, Nelly wants to leave too. Away from the GDR, to leave the grief and the memories behind. To get a fresh start. That should be possible in the West, or so Nelly believes.


主演:Sandra Margot,肖恩·杨,Lia Chang,马特·狄龙,James Bonfanti
简介:影片简介  根据世界十大推理小说艾拉李凡的原著改编。剧情描述英俊男子乔纳森利用他的天赋俘虏了煤矿大王女儿桃乐茜的芳心,以为从此可以飞黄腾达。不想情海生变,他竟铤而走险杀了桃乐茜,桃的家人都深信她死于自杀,她的孪生姐妹爱伦也爱上了乔纳森,并嫁了给他。婚后却发现事有蹊跷,乃暗中追查真相。    影片评价  根据世界十大推理小说艾拉李凡的原著改编,由编剧出身的詹姆斯.狄登编导。剧情描述英俊男子乔纳森利用他的天赋俘虏了煤矿大王女儿桃乐茜的芳心,以为从此可以飞黄腾达。不想情海生变,他竟铤而走险杀了桃乐茜,桃的家人都深信她死于自杀,她的孪生姐妹爱伦也爱上了乔纳森,并嫁了给他。婚后却发现事有蹊跷,乃暗中追查真相。西恩.扬在片中一个人分饰个性差异很大的两姐妹,有不俗演出,麦特狄伦扮演负心汉,与将美国青年不择手段追求财富的心态诠释得不错。
Sandra Margot,肖恩·..


主演:Monica Engesser,Owen Conway,Clint James,Sanford Gibbons,Maria Olsen,Shawn Saavedra,Richard Lippert
简介:After the tragic deaths of her husband and daughter, Sarah Doyle moves back to her childhood home with her estranged brother, Richard. It's not long before Sarah begins to experience supernatural phenomena of a violent and hostile nature. Bewildered and desperate, Richard enlists the aid of a paranormal investigator who confirms that Sarah has become possessed by a powerful demon. Together, the three men will go to battle to save Sarah's soul.
Monica Engesser,O..


主演:姜大卫 David Chiang,龙天翔 Tien Hsiang Lung
简介:抢孤是一种庙会活动。通常在每年的夏季举行。台湾部分民间在中元节普渡后,会将祭祀的供品提供民众抢夺,称为「抢孤」。一种说法是为了与孤魂野鬼抢夺祭品,另一种说法是为了吓退流连忘返的鬼魂。案例“抢孤”在我国的一些重要的传统节日中也得到广泛的运用。如中国的“盂兰盆节”又称“中元节  拳师苏望达受日本人佐佐木指示,开设抢孤大会,受到阿善师等爱国人士强烈抵制,阿不幸死在苏手中,其徒弟连与何及西罗七剑等人最终没让佐与苏等人的阴谋得逞,捍卫了自己的民族尊严,打败了苏,佐也战败自尽。  “抢孤”是台湾的一项祭祀亡灵的活动!后来成为权势者铲除异己的工具……本片由 张人杰执导,龙天翔、云中岳、董力主演!
姜大卫 David Chiang,..