





主演:Chandana Banerjee,Nripati Chatterjee,Anil Chatterjee
简介:The first story is about Nanda, a young man who leaves Calcutta to work as a postmaster in an isolated malaria-infested village. The postmaster is looked after by a young orphan girl, Ratan. His only solace in the village is in teaching Ratan how to read and write. The second story is about a student, Amulya, who returns to his village after finishing his exams. His widowed mother is very anxious for him to marry, and has already picked out a girl. He rejects his mother's choice and, being forced to choose some girl, marries a lively tomboy who is not ready to give up her freedom.
Chandana Banerjee..


主演:Jannis Niewöhner,Christa Théret
简介:In 1477 Charles the Bolds dies, his only child is a girl which cannot rule wo a husband. Meanwhile in Austria, Emperor Frederick III and his antagonist Louis XI France battle over said marriage prospects, battles ensue, tragedy falls.
Jannis Niewöhner,..


主演:Shiny Dijmarescu,Sunny Dijmarescu,Lhakpa Sherpa,Nima Sherpa
简介:The first Nepali woman to summit and descend Mount Everest — now a single mom working at a Connecticut Whole Foods — heads back to Everest to make a better life for her two daughters.
Shiny Dijmarescu,..


主演:Max von Thun,Vittoria Puccini
简介:巴罗尼斯夫人出落得亭亭玉立的女儿麦瑞闯进鲁道夫王子的生活。在与麦瑞私奔的落脚行宫梅耶林,鲁道夫和麦瑞殉情自杀。鲁道夫王子所预言并一直设法避免的大战在1914年爆发。到1918年战争结束时,奥匈帝国的地图从此消失。  精彩视点:  奥匈帝国的历史和茜茜公主的风流艳史,不止一次地被电影人搬上大银幕,而茜茜公主的后人鲁道夫王子的传奇故事则鲜为人知。2006年出品的大型历史题材影片《王子传奇》,以厚重的历史文化、真实的人物故事、恢弘华丽的画面,讲述了鲁道夫王子纵情声色失意于政治的悲凉人生,再显奥匈帝国的没落。  导演罗伯特·多恩海姆的作品大多有着厚重的历史文化背景,《西部风云》、《安妮日记》、《斯巴达克斯》等作品,无一不是以客观的历史镜头关注历史时代下的人物命运;而对于历史的理解和恢弘场面的掌控,则尽显罗伯特·多恩海姆导演的艺术功底。
Max von Thun,Vitt..


主演:拉里莎·戈卢布金娜,尤里·雅科夫列夫,伊戈尔·伊林斯基,尼古拉·克留奇科夫,Viktor Koltsov,Antoni Khodursky,Tatyana Shmyga,列夫·波利亚科夫
简介:故事发生在俄法战争爆发期间,骠骑兵上尉高城诺夫(尤里·雅科夫列夫 Yuriy Yakovlev 饰)被叔叔勒令迎娶未曾谋面的未婚妻舒络奇卡(拉里莎·戈卢布金娜 Larisa Golubkina 饰),高城诺夫对舒络奇卡完全没有感情,这段婚事他只要一想到就觉得头痛。  在军营里,一位自称是舒络奇卡表弟的骠骑兵少尉阿加罗夫(拉里莎·戈卢布金娜 Larisa Golubkina 饰)吸引了高城诺夫的注意,这个小伙子不仅人聪明,办事还利索,很快就得到了高城诺夫的信赖和喜爱,两人之间结下了深厚的友谊。实际上,阿加罗夫的真实身份正是女扮男装的舒络奇卡,战争爆发之后,满腔的爱国热情驱使她做出了这样疯狂而又危险的举动。


主演:鲁伯特·艾弗雷特,雨果·维文,凯瑟琳·麦克克莱门茨,Arthur Dignam,Jennifer Claire
简介:故事发生在1860年的澳洲,彼时,糖尿病依旧是无法治愈的绝症。一场意外夺去了伯爵之子哈瑞(鲁伯特·艾弗雷特 Rupert Everett 饰)的一只手臂,令从小热爱马匹的他再也无法驰骋于马背之上。哈瑞雇佣了名为奈德(雨果·维文 Hugo Weaving 饰)的马车夫,随着时间的流逝,两人之间产生了坚实的友谊。  哈瑞爱慕名为莎拉(Catherine McClements 饰)的女子,然而,因为哈瑞患有糖尿病,令莎拉的母亲对这门亲事持有坚决反对的态度。日子一天天过去,哈瑞的身体日渐憔悴,在大限之日到来之前,他希望能够留下后代继承他的财产,于是,他想到了奈德,希望他能够代替自己,带给莎拉一个儿子。


主演:Isa Miranda,Andrea Checchi,Irasema Dilián,Gualtiero Tumiati,Nino Crisman,Enzo Biliotti,Ada Dondini,Giacinto Molteni,Corrado Racca,Luigi Pavese,Nando Tamberlani,Doretta Sestan,Paolo Bonecchi,Elvira Bon
简介:This utterly gorgeous Gothic melodrama would be widely hailed as a masterpiece, had it not been made in Italy during the Mussolini regime. A gross injustice, as Malombra - unlike Piccolo Mondo Antico, Mario Soldati's earlier film of an Antonio Fogazzaro novel - contains not one moment of triumphalist flag-waving or Fascist family values. Oddly akin to Rebecca in its atmosphere of death-haunted romance and voluptuous doom, it reaches a peak of visual refinement of which Hitchcock could only dream.  Its star is Isa Miranda (famous, and not without reason, as Italy's answer to Garbo and Dietrich) playing a headstrong but unstable young noblewoman, confined by her uncle to a gloomy villa on the shores of Lake Como. A yellowed and crumbling letter, found in an old spinet, convinces her that she is the reincarnation of her uncle's first wife - another troubled beauty who died a virtual prisoner after being caught in a forbidden love affair. When a handsome young writer (Andrea Checchi) comes to stay, Miranda decides that HE is the reincarnation of the dead woman's lover. Gradually, she lures him into her web of sex and revenge...  What more to say without spoiling the fun Miranda gives a performance to rival any of the great divas of Hollywood. Only Davis and Stanwyck, perhaps, could play a bad girl so boldly without losing all sympathy. The evocation of 19th century aristocracy, in its full decadent splendour, is visually and dramatically flawless - a model for such later Italian gems as Visconti's Senso and The Innocent.  It helped, perhaps, that Soldati himself was a leading novelist. Blessed with an absolute respect for the classics he adapted, but in no way inhibited by them. He was also the guiding spirit of the now-forgotten 'calligraphic' movement, which brought the Italian cinema to such wondrous aesthetic heights during World War Two, only to collapse before the horror of Neo-Realism. Can we blame Soldati for giving up film-making in disgust and going back to writing novels  So if you've ever felt (as I do) that Rossellini's much-touted Rome - Open City is the work of an amateur...well, Malombra is the film you have to see!
Isa Miranda,Andre..


主演:田中绢代,香川京子,花柳喜章,进藤英太郎,河野秋武,清水将夫,三津田健,Kazukimi Okuni,小园蓉子,橘公子,菅井一郎,近江辉子,加藤昌彦,榎并启子,见明凡太郎,浪花千荣子,毛利菊枝,香川良介,小柴干治,荒木忍
简介:平安时代末期,廉政爱民的岩城父母官平正氏(清水将夫 饰)因违反朝廷的命令救济灾民而受到同僚倾轧,被降职派往筑紫。7年后,平正氏的妻子玉木(田中絹代 饰)带着13岁的儿子厨子王(加藤雅彦 饰)、8岁的女儿安寿(榎並啓子 饰)以及女中姥竹(浪花千栄子 饰)启程前往筑紫寻找丈夫。孤儿寡母无所依靠,她们在越后国受到人贩子的欺骗。姥竹身死,玉木被卖到佐渡的娼馆,两个孩子则被卖到丹后的山椒大夫(進藤英太郎 饰)家为奴。十年岁月中,兄妹俩受尽非人的折磨。偶然间得知母亲在佐渡的消息,厨子王(花柳喜章 饰)计划逃出这个魔窟。安寿(香川京子 饰)为助兄长命丧黄泉,历经磨难获得自由身的厨子王决定上京申诉一家的冤屈……  本片根据森鸥外原著改编,并荣获1954年威尼斯电影节银狮奖。


主演:朱丽叶·比诺什,丹尼尔·奥特伊,埃米尔·库斯图里卡,米歇尔·迪绍苏瓦,费利佩·曼吉安,克里斯蒂安·查尔梅坦特,菲利普·杜·詹纳兰德,莫里斯·舍维,Catherine Lascault,Ghyslain Tremblay,Reynald Bouchard,马克·贝兰德,伊夫·雅克,Dominique Quesnel,安妮-玛丽·菲利普,伊莎贝尔·斯帕德,Arianne Mallet,Julián G
简介:1850年,一个遥远的法属小岛发生了一桩命案,醉了酒的渔夫(埃米尔·库斯图里卡 Emir Kusturica饰)犯下杀人罪,被判以极刑。然而这里山高皇帝远,没有铡刀之类的行刑工具,于是岛上的官员们求助于法国本部,让他们千里迢迢运来断头台。  在这个等待的时间里,博爱善良的上尉夫人(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche饰)相信渔夫是一个本质不坏的人。她自从跟随丈夫来到这个荒凉的小岛之后,就一直料理着花园。如今她让渔夫帮她修整花园,干各种琐碎的家务活。渔夫和上尉夫人一同行善,还得到了居民的欢迎。上尉(丹尼尔·奥德耶 Daniel Auteuil饰)知道两人相处得日渐融洽,甚至萌生爱意,但出于对妻子无私的爱,他只是默默选择让妻子得到快乐。  日子渐渐过去,断头台终于送到。上尉、上尉夫人和渔夫,也迎来了各人命运的转折。