



主演:Estela Inda,Alfonso Mejía,Roberto Cobo,Alma Delia Fuentes
简介:从少管所逃出来的少年哈伊伯(罗伯特·考博 Roberto Cobo 饰)带领小孩子们欺负街市上卖艺的瞎眼老头儿(米格尔·因克兰Miguel Inclán 饰),抢他的钱,敲破了他的鼓。傍晚,一个没名字的乡下孩子“小眼睛”(Mário Ramírez 饰)被父亲遗弃在集市 ,孩子们中一个叫佩德罗的(阿尔方索·梅嘉 Alfonso Mejía 饰)同情他,带他到朋友家的牛棚过夜。佩德罗自己因成天与小混混们在一块儿,不找工作帮衬家里,被妈妈(伊斯特纳·英达 Estela Inda 饰)厌恶,也被赶出了家门。而哈伊伯惦着一年前与另一少年的过节,让佩德罗带着他找其寻仇。佩德罗想要脱离哈伊伯,也想重获母爱回家,可事情却没想象的那么简单……  本片获1951年戛纳电影节最佳影片提名,并获最佳导演奖。1953年,获英国电影电视协会最佳影片奖。
Estela Inda,Alfon..


主演:Marley Shelton,Carla Gugino,Connie Britton
简介:这一天,生活在这座城市角角落落的几个有着千丝万缕联系的女人陷入了各自麻烦之中:艳星埃莱克特拉(卡拉·古奇诺 Carla Gugino 饰)在被诊断怀孕时陷入恐慌,不知所措的她却意外和曾患有精神病的多丽丝被困在电梯里;心理咨询师在接待叛逆少女时却意外发现老公和女孩的妈妈正在屋里偷情,而自己只是被当作临时保姆;气愤的咨询师在驾车离家时意外遭遇虎口脱险的霍利(阿德琳妮·帕里奇 Adrianne Palicki 饰)和斑比,然后三人便一起去了酒吧;美丽的空姐与身为摇滚明星的乘客在万米高空激情一刻时,由于飞机颠簸摇滚明星意外撞死;涉足AV界不久的新人霍利虽然资历尚浅,但却对自己的事业充满信心,只是她与她的应招女郎女友总是为各种各样的事争吵……
Marley Shelton,Ca..


主演:Frankie Muniz,Luke Wilson,Kevin Bacon,Diane Lane,Caitlin Wachs
简介:威利(弗朗基·穆尼兹 Frankie Muniz 饰)是家中的独生子,在那个年代,独生子是十分罕见的,威利因此而受到了同龄人的欺负和排挤,性格也变得愈加的孤僻。只有住在隔壁的丁克(卢克·威尔逊 Luke Wilson 饰)能让威利感到快乐和安全,他甚至向丁克请教成为棒球 投手的方法。可是没过多久,这个值得信赖的朋友就离开了威利走上了战场。为了安慰伤心的威利,母亲送给了他一只名叫斯齐普的小狗,斯齐普聪明又听话,在它的帮助下,威利逐渐的敞开了心门,也有了一群朋友。  丁克回来了,却背负上了逃兵的罪名,威利邀请丁克来参加自己的橄榄球比赛,后者失约了。愤怒的威利将火气发泄到了斯齐普的身上,这直接导致了斯齐普的离家出走,而这时的威利才发现原来斯齐普对他来说是这样的重要,他决心要找到它,并且向它道歉。
Frankie Muniz,Luk..


主演:Maria Figgins,Petra Bryant,
简介:When Hannah's parents took her to a new school, they said it was to give her a new start. However, Hannah is 11, autistic, and due to her condition, unable to speak. She had a twin called Angel, but when Angel died, Hannah was forbidden to grieve by her abusive parents and punished when she sought comfort from her sister's things. Now Hannah lives locked inside a silent life of despair, which she fears will soon end at the hands of her parents. However, when a knife keeps appearing under her pillow, and a voice that she thinks is inside her head won't leave her alone, Hannah begins to realise that just maybe, she may have an ally not of this world, but fear paralyses her. Could it be Angel, who from the 'other side' has come to seek justice for all the abuse she has suffered Can Hannah overcome her fear enough to let her in  - Written by Jane Alexandra Foster
Maria Figgins,Pet..


主演:Erin Brown,Justin Brown,Amy Bullard,John Bullard,Jerry Byrd,Brad Cooney,Qilin Dai,Michael Dennin,Morgan Gates,Steve Gonsalves,Walter Grayson,Jeanette Harper,Mary Alice Hydrick,Alice Jackson,Ilene Jone
简介:A beautiful documentary telling the real story of a homeowner living with a haunting. Bridging the paranormal, real science and the human experience this documentary shows a detailed look at what could be the most haunted house in America.
Erin Brown,Justin..


主演:Moa Enqvist Stefansdotter,Yohanna Idha,Viva Östervall Lyngbrant,Andreas Rylander,Peter Mörlin,Urban Bergsten,Andrea Larsdotter,Tommi Korkeamäki
简介:811 AD, a family, isolated in their home, deep in the woods a few days travel from Birka. They are poor. The hunting and fishing has been bad for some time, and the father, Joar, takes the desperate measure of going on a Viking raid. Joar does not return for a long time, and the family starts to fear he never will. Runa, the oldest daughter, takes over her fathers chores in his absence. She misses him dearly and nourishes a tender hope that he, once again, will return to them. But in her heart, somehow she knows, that the suffering of the family has just begun. There is something in the air, something in the water, the wind and in the soil. Runa is becoming aware of something vile, something dangerous out in the forest. One day when she is out hunting, she finds a bleeding man, a warrior, almost unconscious. She brings him inside and the family tend to his wounds. As he heals, she realizes he is sent to protect the family from an approaching evil. And he brings news of her father.
Moa Enqvist Stefa..


主演:比尔·哈琴斯,约瑟芬·斯坎迪,乔安娜·希雅,Brutius Selby,Nicholas Vince,Silvio Pollio,Sean James Sutton,Matthew T. Reynolds,Kelly Chen,Nella Scott,Francesco Roder,Alan Cossettini,Daniele Banovaz,Enrico Clarin,Nathaniel Je


主演:米娅·罗斯·弗兰普顿,Stony Blyden,Juliette Angelo,Beth Lacke,佩吉·瓦哈达特,Beau Brooks,Lauren Giraldo,LaRoyce Hawkins,Kate Rachesky
米娅·罗斯·弗兰普顿,Stony ..


主演:Jacob Gregory,Anupama Parameshwaran,Shritha Sivadas,Shine Tom Chacko,Sunny Wayne,Vijayaraghavan,Sreelakshmi,杜奎尔·沙尔曼,娜兹莉亚·那齐姆,Ranjitha Menon,Sohan Seenulal,Neeraja Rajendran,Santhosh Keezhattoor,Nayana
Jacob Gregory,Anu..


主演:詹姆斯·伍兹,索尼娅·史密茨,黛布拉·哈里,彼得·德沃斯基,莱斯利·卡尔森,Jack Creley,Lynne Gorman,朱莉·卡纳,Lally Cadeau,Kay Hawtrey
简介:马克思(James Woods 饰)是一家小型电视台的台长,为提高收视率,马克思四处搜罗带有色情或暴力内容的剧集。马克思的下属哈兰盗用卫星信号,获取了一档名为影视场的节目,内容为写实粗糙的暴力虐待场面,马克思看过这套节目后无法忘怀,对其他剧集丧失了兴趣。电台主播尼奇(Deborah Harry 饰)与马克思相识不久,这名有受虐倾向的女子也被影视场吸引,奔赴节目可能的产地匹兹堡欲参与制作。马克思经人指点拜访影视场的创始人布莱恩教授却没有见到真人,教授寄来的以尼奇为主角的录像让马克思产生了幻觉,马克思再度拜访始知布莱恩早已被杀死,现在的影视场节目由惊人视力公司的巴里负责,马克思一步步落入了巴里设计好的圈套,在巴里与布莱恩两种力量间越陷越深……  本片获1984年加拿大吉尼奖最佳导演奖。