





主演:帕丽莱蒂·曹帕拉,施坦·马洛萨,Ammar Taalwala
简介:Based on groom kidnappings in Bihar, where the groom is kidnapped to avoid dowry, the film has Siddharth Malhotra playing a thug who helps kidnap grooms. It also features Parineeti Chopra in a prominent role.


主演:Vakhtang Panchulidze,拉马兹·迟希克瓦泽,阿福坦迪尔·马哈拉泽,Janri Lolashvili,Teimuraz Bichiashvili
简介:The film is set in southern Georgia, which until the end of XIX century was dominated by the Ottoman Empire. The tragic time to be born people of high strength of spirit, such as Antimoz Iverieli - the philosopher-educator. Having experienced in childhood cruelty and injustice, it becomes the path of serving others. Having been removed by the Turks in Romania, a hero at any cost wants to return home. However hard and long this way. Sentenced to death, Antimoz remains in the memory of his countrymen champion of justice.
Vakhtang Panchuli..


主演:Bernard Le Coq,Jacques Dufilho,Laurence Ashley
简介:Plot Summary for  Galopin, Le (1996) (TV)  Victor, an unemployed physicist, is hired to serve at an old champagne manufacturer' house. Old man's obsession with women, especially the one who he loved and then lost during the WWII, makes his children afraid to be left out of the will. That's why they are trying to become legal guardians and counting on Victor's help to prove father's mental condition. Little did they know that Victor has his own game going on in this funny comedy.    故事梗概:    年过三十的维克多是一名出色的物理学家,但因为经济的持续低迷,他被迫离开岗位。而他年轻美貌的妻子却和他正好相反,事业处于巅峰状态,整日忙于工作。另外,富有的服装公司老板整日殷勤地陪伴在妻子身边,也让维克多心里十分不平衡。在妻子远赴罗马出差的日子里,他更是倍感寂寞。在一个偶然的机会下,维克多发现了一则招聘管家的广告,而且报酬不菲,这立即引起了他的兴趣,并前去面试。但没想到的是,他即将要适逢的主人竟是一个既好色又好赌的单身糟老头儿,经常惹出一大堆麻烦,前前后后已经换了十余个管家。    这次,维克多准备迎接挑战,凭借他的智慧和幽默说服了老头雇佣他做管家。工作并不轻松,除了要服侍好老头儿之外,他还要听从老人的儿子多罗贝尔和女儿墨菲尔的指示,以免他又惹出什么麻烦来。谁知,维克多是个绝对忠实于自己主人的管家,不但帮助老头儿偷出家门,还和他一起赌博,泡妞。但这一切都是为了能使这个年过七旬的老头快乐。经过一段时间的相处,维克多得知老人在年轻时曾经有过一个十分相爱的女友。但因为老人被父亲逼迫出国学习政治外交,不得已与女孩分开,但老人对她却一直念念不忘。    在一次舞蹈表演中,一个叫做茱丽的年轻女孩深深地吸引了老人,从此曾经担任过外交家的老人开始拼命发挥自己的所长,并在管家维克多的帮助下,对茱丽展开了猛烈的攻势。而茱丽也为老人的诚恳感动,慢慢对他产生好感。可就在二人准备谈婚论嫁的时候,意外发生了。原来茱丽的外婆居然就是老人当年的初恋情人,更让他意想不到的是,茱丽竟然是他的亲外孙女儿。老人终于明白,他之所以被茱丽吸引是因为她长得实在太像她的外婆了。月老并没有牵错线,有情人终成眷属。    精彩视点:    《非凡管家》是法国1996年推出的又一部喜剧大片,影片以幽默诙谐的笔调向观众们讲述了一个近似荒诞的故事。此外电影画面风格唯美,一经上映就受到了广泛好评,并成为了当时最卖座的热门影片之一。可以说,《非凡管家》这部电影是当年以小成本制作而取得胜利的影片中最成功的一个。    影片中扮演维克多先生的演员是大名鼎鼎的资深老影星贝纳尔•勒科克,他演这部戏的时候事业正处巅峰时期,是最被看好的男主角人选。贝纳尔•勒科克的演艺生涯长近半个世纪,四十几年里演了一百二十余部电影,曾一次获法国凯撒奖影帝桂冠、多次获奖提名。无疑,贝纳尔•勒科克是法国20世纪电影的最有力见证者之一。    10月4日 14:49 CCTV-6播出
Bernard Le Coq,Ja..


主演:西蒙·雷克斯,布丽·埃尔罗德,布伦达·戴斯,苏赞娜·桑,邹时擎,布里特妮·罗德里格斯,朱迪·希尔,伊桑·达伯恩,卡伦·卡拉古利安,苏菲,Vickie Pearce,Bashir Abboud,Kevin Cavanaugh,Caressa Garza,Marlon Lambert,Melary Jones,Najeeb Hassan,Leigh Ann Welch,Debra Johnson
简介:《佛罗里达乐园》《橘色》导演肖恩·贝克新片由A24拿下。贝克执导的黑色喜剧片《红色火箭》讲述色情片男优Mikey Saber成天过着吃女人软饭的风流日子,此后他事业完蛋,于是从洛杉矶回到了德州老家,那个小镇住着他关系疏远的妻子和岳母,没有人真心欢迎他回来。好容易跟两个女人改善了关系,这一家人似乎慢慢好起来了,但这时Micky在当地一家甜甜圈店遇上了担任收银员的年轻女子Strawberry,他的老毛病又犯了。  西蒙·雷克斯Dirt Nasty(《惊声尖笑》)、Bree Elrod(《禁闭岛》)、Suzanna Son出演。该片目前已经拍摄完成,在后制中,A24负责北美发行。


主演:Charlie Sheen,Denise Richards,Angie Harmon
简介:Ryan is a womanizing stockbroker whose unethical business practices cost him his job and his trader's license. Unable to find another job, he is forced to move in with his equally self-involved (and completely oblivious) girlfriend, Cindy, an insensitive advice columnist on the cusp of losing her own job due to her poor advice and slow work habits. Finding that the truth behind his moving in has nothing to do with romance, Cindy runs off with another man. Ryan decides to stay in the apartment and earn a living by doing Cindy's job. Ryan establishes himself with Cindy's editor, Page, as Cindy's go-fer, collecting Cindy's paychecks and mail and delivering her columns. Initially as hopelessly inept as Cindy in giving advice, he nearly gets the column canceled. However, he rapidly grows into the job and the combination of forced introspection, research and the growing knowledge that he is touching other people's lives transforms him. The column becomes an amazing success. Ryan finds his initially superficial attraction to Page growing into love, but he cannot reveal his feelings while he is a deceptive fraud. Meanwhile, Cindy becomes aware of her growing fame, and returns to cash in, at the same time that the owner of a rival newspaper chain attempts to force Page to sell Cindy's column to him.
Charlie Sheen,Den..


主演:米凯亚·巴瑞辛尼科夫,Stephen Boss,Viktor White,Allison Holker,泰勒·佩克,康福特·费达克,Kida Burns,Joseph Simmons,JabbaWockeez,Dushaunt Fik-Shun Stegall,Bdash,Konkrete,Cache Melvin
简介:Run-D.M.C.'s Rev Run brings us along for a hip-hop reimagining of The Nutcracker ballet set in New York City. It's the night of the annual New Year's Eve block party and Maria-Clara's (Caché Melvin) mom and pop (Allison Holker Boss and Stephen tWitch' Boss) aren't getting along... and it's bringing her down. Maria-Clara embarks on a holiday adventure to bring her parents back together, finding help along the way from the magical toymaker, Drosselmeyer (Comfort Fedoke), and the Nutcracker (Du-Shant Fik-shun Stegall) whom she brings to life. Maria-Clara's journey takes her from the streets of New York to fantasy worlds where she battles with mice and toy soldiers (Viktor White, BDash, Kevin Konkrete Davis), and back in time to the Land of Sweets in order to find the key to unlock her holiday wish. Will it be enough to rekindle her parents' lost love before the clock strikes midnight The special features best-in-class dancers Mikhail Baryshnikov, Tiler Peck, KidaTheGreat AKA Kida Burns, the Jabbawockeez as magical snowflakes, and more.


主演:珍娜·德·瓦尔,罗伊·哈特拉姆,Erin Davie,朱迪·凯,Zach Adkins,Tessa Alves,Ashley Andrews,Austen Danielle Bohmer,Holly Butler,Bruce Dow,Lauren E.J. Hamilton,André Jordan,Gareth Keegan,Nathan Lucrezio,Tomas Matos


主演:Shaghayeh Djodat,Behzad Dorani,Feizola Gashghai
简介:本片导演马克马巴夫计划拍摄一部关于电影百年的片子,需要雇用100名临时演员,他登了一个报纸广告. 然而当数以百计人们出现的时候,场面失控,临时他改变了注意。用摄影机记录下那些应聘者的陈述和想法,真实展露了伊朗社会各阶层的风貌。
Shaghayeh Djodat,..


主演:Rolonda Watts,凡妮莎·李·艾维甘,艾什莉·斯科特Ashley Scott,Mimi Cozzens
Rolonda Watts,凡妮莎..