


主演:Kushtrim Hoxha,Adriana Matoshi,埃米尔·哈齐哈夫茨比哥维奇,Fatmir Spahiu,Gordana Boban,May-Linda Kosumovic,Aurita Agushi,Irena Aliu,Mal Cahani,Avdullah Gjikokaj,Arjanit Hoti,Vesa Konjufca,Blerim Krasniqi,Labinot La
简介:In the early '90s, the Yugoslavian Government cancelled the autonomy of Kosovo, dissolved its Parliament and closed down the National Television. All institutional life was reorganized by the new authorities, while the majority of the citizens responded with peaceful demonstrations. During this terrible time, Fadili, who works as an archivist, has to choose between two options, knowing that both of them are wrong. He therefore involuntarily and unwillingly swallows the shame, endures the pressure bearing down from all sides and puts up with the bad reputation for only one reason to provide for his family.
Kushtrim Hoxha,Ad..


主演:Susie Donkin
Susie Donkin


主演:阿诺·施瓦辛格,Sinbad,菲尔·哈特曼,丽塔·威尔逊,罗伯特·康瑞德,马丁·马尔,杰克·洛伊德,詹姆斯·贝鲁什,E.J. De la Pena,拉瑞恩·纽曼,Justin Chapman,哈维·科曼,理查德·莫尔,Daniel Riordan,Jeff L. Deist,Nada Despotovich,Bill Schoppert,乔治·费舍尔,克里斯·帕内尔,帕特里克·里奇伍德,凯特·麦克
简介:圣诞节快到了,工作缠身的霍华德(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)早把对儿子的圣诞礼物的承诺丢到脑后了――他答应送儿子一个涡轮超人作为圣诞礼物。这天,经过妻子提醒,霍华德一大早就跑到玩具商店抢购,在玩具商店他结识了同为人父的邮递员马鲁(辛贝 Sinbad 饰),无奈涡轮超人一早都已卖光,两人只能失望而归。  失望的霍华德几乎没有勇气回家面对儿子失望的眼神,他在街上游荡时碰上了冬季大游行。稀里糊涂的他竟被拉上了花车扮演真人版涡轮超人,按照要求涡轮超人可以挑选一名孩子参加游戏并奖给他一个涡轮超人,霍华德在人群中发现了儿子的身影。当他将儿子挑选上来时,却发现扮演反派的竟然是马鲁,马鲁亦要尽力为儿子争取这最后一个涡轮超人!


主演:戈尔迪·霍恩 Goldie Hawn,库特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell,福瑞德·沃德 Fred Ward
简介:二次大战期间,两位丈夫同样被徵召上战场而投身工厂的女人成了好友:凯(歌蒂韩)是个完美的家庭主妇,她的隔壁邻居海柔(克莉丝汀拉蒂)则穿着入时的美丽妇人。 这两个女人同时在一家制造飞机零件的工厂上下午3点到晚上11点的小夜班。在同工厂上班的同事洛奇(寇特罗素)对凯一见锺情,并立刻对她展开追求;由于深闺难耐,凯终于同意让洛奇进入她的家门--以及她的床。 不料,就在凯、洛奇及海柔三人为庆祝洛奇生日而举办的派对上,凯的老公杰克竟意外地返回家门!面对情人和久别的丈夫,凯会决定挽救她的婚姻?还是和洛奇之间的情份?
戈尔迪·霍恩 Goldie Haw..


主演:梅兰妮·马丁内兹,艾玛·哈维,Megan Gage,Maggie Budzyna,Adrian Jurics,Gergely Kiss,Natalia Toth,Tamas Gog,Robert Szabolcs,Bence Balogh,Vilmos Heim,Alissa Torvinen,Anne Wittman,Joel Francis-Williams,托比·艾丁顿,斯科特·亚历山大·杨
简介:《爱哭鬼上学记》(K-12) 是由梅兰妮·马丁内兹指导,梅兰妮·马丁内兹,艾玛·哈维,希安·莫雷诺主演的奇幻歌舞片。仅于2019年9月5日在美国指定影院放映一晚,于2019年9月6日通过网络渠道及DVD碟片发行。该片讲述了Cry Baby(梅兰妮·马丁内兹 饰 )来到了一所学校上学,受尽师生欺辱后与她最好的朋友们结成一对,结束了学校压迫性的K-12制度的故事。


主演:雷娜塔·诺特尼,安赫丽卡·玛丽亚,Jacqueline Bracamontes,Héctor Bonilla,胡安·巴勃罗·德·圣地亚哥,Tina Romero,爱德华多·塔努斯,Benny Ibarra,Tina French


主演:马克·里朗斯,莎莉·霍金斯,瑞斯·伊凡斯,马克·路易斯·琼斯,约翰·迈尔斯,杰克 ·戴维斯,巴里·艾尔德,克莱尔·阿什顿,乔纳·利斯,阿什·坦顿,克里斯蒂安·利斯,Afsaneh Dehrouyeh,Genevieve Florence,John Mcgrellis,Alfredo Tavares,Pierre Bergman
简介:莫里斯·弗利特克罗夫特(里朗斯)是一位坚定的乐观主义者,46岁的他是一名起重机司机、前喜剧特技潜水员,偶然获得了1976年英国公开锦标赛预选赛的资格。他一生中从未打过一场高尔夫球,最终打出了121分的最低记录,被组委会禁赛。  莫里斯并未就此罢休,多次通过猫捉老鼠游戏获得参赛资格,并用越来越滑稽的假名来伪装。他的行为让当局头痛不已,自己则成为了民间英雄、世界上最勇敢并广受欢迎的体育弱者。


主演:Georg Sulzer,Maya Lauterbach,Samuel Jakob,Klara Merkel,亚当·布斯多柯斯,Lotta Mia Bökler,Milena de la Rubia,克里斯托夫·玛丽亚·赫布斯特,Marcus Jakovljevic,Lina Keller,Edita Malovcic,Michelle Monballijn,Pero Radici,Johanne
Georg Sulzer,Maya..


主演:唐·斯卡尔蒂诺,帕特里夏·皮尔西,R.A. Dow,Jean Sullivan,Peter MacLean,Fran Higgins,威廉·纽曼,Barbara Quinn,Carl Dagenhart,Angel Sande,Carol Jean Owens,Kim Iocouvozzi,Walter Dimmick,Leslie Thorsen,Julia Klopp


主演:Anna Neagle,Anton Walbrook,C. Aubrey Smith,Walter Rilla
简介:Sixty Glorious Years is an exercise in the creation of iconography, both for Victoria and its star, Anna Neagle (who subsequently became known as 'Regal Neagle'). Just as Elizabeth I commissioned artists to create flattering iconic images for public consumption, so this film performs a similar function, for Neagle is more beautiful than the real life Victoria. Controversial events (such as the 'Irish problem') are omitted and unpleasant aspects of Victoria's character (her petulance, arrogance, favouritism and 'right to privilege') are glossed over as endearing little 'whims'. Albert acts as a moderating influence when she goes too far.  The film followed a year after the highly successful Victoria the Great (d. Herbert Wilcox, 1937). Again the screenplay is by Miles Malleson and Robert Vansittart, and many of the supporting cast (the cream of acting talent of period) repeat their roles, this time for the colour cameras. This was the first full length Technicolor film of cinematographer Freddie Young, who captures the spectacle of royal weddings, grand balls and opulent interiors, with scenes actually filmed at royal palaces. Vivid battle scenes, set in Alexander Korda's empire territory (Sevastopol and the Sudan), rival those in The Four Feathers (d. Zoltan Korda 1939).  The title music sets the tone a regal choir sings over a shot of the crown. Elgar's 1901 'Pomp and Circumstance' march is heard during the diamond jubilee celebrations and, as Victoria's coffin lies in state, the film concludes with Anthony Collins' stately music accompanied by the text of Rudyard Kipling's 'Lest we forget'. Combined with the emotional appeal of scenes of Victoria connecting with her 'ordinary folk', this is stirring stuff.  The film connects with contemporary events of 1938. The release of two celebratory royal films was intended to boost public affection for the monarchy in the wake of Edward VIII's abdication. Anglo-German relations were another touchy subject. With another war on the horizon, influential voices wanted appeasement, and the film could be seen to fit that agenda. Victoria herself was of mainly German descent, nicknamed 'the grandmother of Europe', while Albert is a 'good German', charmingly played by Anton Walbrook as a cultured, decent man.  Sixty Glorious Years now seems unduly formal and reverential. Had movies existed during Victoria's reign (they only emerged at the end) this might have been the kind of film produced. Unlike Mrs Brown (d. John Madden, 1997), it is all so very 'Victorian'.  Roger Philip Mellor
Anna Neagle,Anton..