



主演:Nadiah m Din,Yu Lin Ng,Vanessa Vanderstraaten
Nadiah m Din,Yu L..


主演:Zsolt Anger,Iván Kamarás,Oszkár Gáti
Zsolt Anger,Iván ..


主演:艾伦·艾克哈特,丽亚娜·莱伯拉托,欧嘉·柯瑞兰寇,加里克·哈根,艾力克·高敦,雅辛·法德尔,尼尔·纳皮尔,大卫·巴克·琼斯,亚历山大·费林,Ronnie Commissaris,Katelijne Verbeke,John Dobrynine,Ben Van Ostade,Jade Hassouné,Richard Robitaille,凯特·林德尔,Steve Barry,Damien Marc
简介:CIA顶尖探员罗根(艾伦·艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart 饰)在前妻过世之后,想要修补与女儿艾美(丽亚娜·莱伯拉托 Liana Liberato 饰)的关系,于是辞去了中情局顶尖探员的职务,带着和他关系疏远的艾美,搬到了安特卫普开始尝试过一般人的生活。  随后,罗根进入比利时一家资金亿万美元的跨国公司的安全系统部门,担任安全顾问一职。某次,在整个团队的共同努力下,他们成功破解一个高度机密的安全装置。但第二天清晨,当罗根神采奕奕地到达办公地点时,却发现与公司相关的所有人事物通通凭空消失,而且所有证明公司存在过的证据也全被销毁。与此同时,罗根发现他的助理竟然是一名训练有素的特工,负责的任务就是杀死自己和自己的女儿。更让罗根感到意外的是,他在CIA的前同事兼女友也奉命将其追捕归案。  为了活命并找出幕后凶手,罗根和女儿艾米在被一群训练有素的杀手团队追杀的同时,开始了一段逃亡之旅。在这个过程当中,父女之间开始慢慢相互了解,并重新建立起信任和亲情......然而威胁和阻碍不断升级,并逐渐将父女二人卷入一场更大的、国际性的阴谋当中....


主演:伊梅雅格特伊·科伦尼伊乐迪,保罗·沃尔特·豪泽,安东尼·安德森,乌佐·阿杜巴,Ariana Burks,Dave East,Julian Williams,Ashley Jackson,Khalil Everage,Megan Sousa,Israel Idonije,Dreezy,Ahmad Nicholas Ferguson,Evan J Simpson,Jeremy Phillips,Ale
简介:在这部成长题材剧情片中,一位退隐的音乐神童(卡希尔·伊夫雷奇饰演)与一位倒霉的高中保安(安东尼·安德森饰演)意外成为了朋友。他们因为对嘻哈音乐的共同热爱而走到一起,他们试图努力让对方从过去的痛苦中摆脱出来,同时希望登上舞台表演。《节拍救赎》由克里斯·罗宾逊(《新美国故事》《New Edition 的故事》)执导,伊夫雷奇、奥卓·阿杜巴和伊梅雅格特伊·科伦尼伊乐迪共同主演,这也是伊夫雷奇的电影处女作。《节拍救赎》是对芝加哥南区的终极颂歌,其创造音乐的悠久历史不断地为这个城市注入活力。


主演:David Rysdahl,Sarah Wharton,Nicole Pursell,Mark Berger,Tommy Nelms,Elizabeth Gray
简介:That's Not Us is an intimate portrait of three twenty-something couples as they travel to a beach house to enjoy the last days of summer. But what should be a fun and carefree weekend becomes an exploration of what it takes to sustain a healthy relationship and make love last in what is now being called the gayest generation. Through each of the three couples - one gay, one lesbian, and one straight - That's Not Us explores sex and relationships with a fresh perspective, finding that while sexuality and gender may vary, the struggles to keep love alive do not.
David Rysdahl,Sar..


主演:Ottaviano Dell'Acqua,Geretta Geretta,Massimo Vanni
Ottaviano Dell&am..


主演:Vanessa Hernández,Andrea Henry
简介:Claudia and Maria, roam the streets of the city of Guatemala. Claudia works at a call center and is uninterested in the world around her. She lives with her activist grandfather, who tries to persuade her to join his cause. Maria unlike Claudia, is more spontaneous and lives with her mother in the outskirts of the city. The chaotic streets are filled with common stories of abuse, unforgiving police officers, and charming secret corners. Everything changes one night when they are attacked by three men. Although they manage to escape, Claudia is faced with the dilemma of choosing revenge or listening to her grandfather’s advice.
Vanessa Hernández..


主演:Gilles Vandeweerd,维克多·弗拉代特,Xavier Clion,Jonathan Turnbull,Thomas Landbo,Bernadette Chapron,Domitille Chambon,Lionel Charbaut
简介:从近处看,米克尔似乎在欲望的笼罩中四处走动:找到他失踪的猪,获得生物学证明,在菜子沙漠中打破孤独。 但是,更进一步,米克尔似乎反而吸引了保罗。
Gilles Vandeweerd..


主演:卢克·纽伯里,汤姆·普赖尔 Tom Prior,吉娜维芙·冈特,伊恩·格雷,伊恩·哈特,莱斯利·夏普,Lee Ross,本·巴特
简介:Autumn 1977. Derek Springfield is an 18-year-old misfit, who 5 years earlier was plucked from his home in the industrial outskirts of Leeds to attend Public School on a scholarship. He has just returned home at the end of his studies to await his Oxbridge results that he's hoping will result in his permanent escape. Life at home is awkward for the brainy lad and embarrassing for his working class family who can't relate his feckless dad, no-nonsense mum and two older brothers, one a football hopeful and the other a distinctly dodgy acquirer of flash consumer goods.  Derek kills time by walking a no hope greyhound, Slapper, and loving out-of-his league Chrissie from afar. But under Derek's loving care Slapper gets faster - so fast she's stolen for her racing potential. Derek despairs at being completely alone once more but Chrissie gets the local community to keep watch. Slapper eventually escapes from her furious captors at an illegal flapper track. Exhausted, she somehow finds her way back and is reunited with Derek who tries to nurse her back to health his bedroom without his family finding out.  Derek, Chrissie and Slapper disguise themselves to avoid the dognappers and try their luck at racing her at a proper dog track. The dognappers and all the Springfields converge on the stadium for the exciting climax.  Its also the day Derek's results are due...
卢克·纽伯里,汤姆·普赖尔 Tom..


主演:Levan Tedaishvili,Giorgi Tabidze,卡希·卡夫萨泽,娜杰日达·米哈尔科娃,Irakli Kavsadze,Tornike Bziava,Anastasia Romashko,Giorgi Kipshidze,Laura Rekhviashvili,Irma Gachechiladze,Lew Gardner,Tsutsa Kapanadze,Archil Makala
简介:当前摔跤冠军卡基得知他的儿子搜搜陷入困境时,他从佐治亚州前往纽约帮助他并了解发生了什么……莱万·科瓜什维利将他的最新作品放在了布鲁克林的布莱顿海滩,捕捉到了来自前苏联的移民所居住的社区的多元氛围——在这个地方,语言和种族混合在一起,大多数商店的招牌都是西里尔文,人们对祖 国的怀念与他们当前的痛苦交织在一起。这部电影充满了深深的忧郁,充满了悲喜剧时刻和对主角的理解,捕捉到了一个父亲和他成年儿子之间的纽带,这是一种古老的纽带,无论在什么情况下,年长的人都会觉得有必要保护他的血液。
Levan Tedaishvili..