


主演:Aintzane Krujeiras,Angel Alkain,Joinaz Jáuregui,Ramón Zalakain,因阿基·贝拉尔特,Mikel Hernández
简介:Every year, the elves come from his magical world to bring humans a new spring. Tim is a new one this year. Distracted by the attractive sound of the fair, he wanders away from the other elves, being captured by former trapeze artist Samuel, who brings him to Vladimir, owner of a circus who exploits him as a fairground attraction. Teresa, a naughty 6-year-old girl, is jealous of her little brother, baby Jon. When visiting the fair, she discovers Tim while he is being exhibited and she will become infatuated with him. Tim, at the same time, will see in her an opportunity to escape. Hidden in Teresa's house and protected by her, they live several adventures, becoming inseparable friends. Over time, matching with the end of the spring, Tim begins to transform in a Little tree. He has been away from his world and his people for too long, and only by helping him to return will Tim be saved. There is no time to lose, but be careful Vladimir is lurking.
Aintzane Krujeira..


主演:Maisie Benson,Lina del Roble,Kerry Gudjohnsen,Paul Killam,Alan C. Lim,詹姆斯·奥里亚
简介:《Go! Go! Cory Carson》是一部面向学龄前儿童的动画剧集,由加利福尼亚州伯克利的 Kuku Studios 制作。由亚历克斯·吴(《机器人总动员》《美食总动员》)、斯坦利·穆尔(《海底总动员 2:多莉去哪儿》《怪兽大学》)和托恩·蒂内(《Wonder Pets!》《The Adventures of Napkin Man!》)担任监制。《GO! Go! Cory Carson》改编自 VTech Electronics 的热门玩具产品“Go!Go!智能玩具车”(Go! Go! Smart Wheels),讲述了小汽车科里·卡森在邦波顿丘陵的弯曲小道中穿行的童年冒险故事。
Maisie Benson,Lin..


主演:Eva Noblezada,阿利斯泰尔·布拉默,乔恩·琼·布里恩斯,Jonathan Pryce,Simon Bowman,Rachelle Ann Go,洪光浩
Eva Noblezada,阿利斯..


主演:朱迪·惠特克,布莱德利·沃尔什,托辛·科尔,曼迪·吉尔,约翰·巴罗曼,克里斯·诺斯,哈丽特·瓦尔特,内森·斯图尔特-贾瑞特,莎伦·D·克拉克,露丝·霍洛克斯,格雷·欧布莱恩,纪尧姆·里瓦德,Nicholas Pegg,Nicholas Briggs,Helen Anderson,Nathan Armarkwei Laryea,Barnaby Edwards
简介:The upcoming festive special will see the return of one of the Doctor's biggest and most feared enemies - the Daleks. The Doctor is locked away in a high-security alien prison. Isolated, alone, with no hope of escape. Far away, on Earth, her best friends, Yaz, Ryan and Graham have to pick up their lives without her. But it's not easy. Old habits die hard. Especially when they discover a disturbing plan forming. A plan which involves a Dalek.


主演:亚历克斯·卡塔娜,Jasmine St. Clair,Amaya Harrow,Kira Buckland,Allegra Clark,Faye Mata,Brad Venable,Noveen Crumbie,Kevin Connolly,Jonathan Fahn,Keith Silverstein,Fryda Wolff,Chris Hackney,Phillip Reich,Griffin
简介:Five best friends trying to do the right thing in heartlake city, whilst trying to figure out friendships and what's important along the way.  五个最好的朋友试图在中心湖城市做正确的事情,同时试图找出友谊和什么是重要的一路。
亚历克斯·卡塔娜,Jasmine ..


简介:On 21. September 2013, telecommunications satellite APV-1312 belonging to French media group CanalDouble crashes into the Brandenburg Gate, cutting a trail of destruction as far as the Reichstag. 56 delegates die. Thirteen minutes later, all around the world more and more satellites plummet to earth. Communications, as we have known them, are collapsing everywhere. West of Geneva. At the largest research laboratory in the world, with a budget of one billion dollars, an experiment has failed that is going to throw the whole world off its hinges. Scientists from 80 nations have simulated the Big Bang with the so-called 'God Machine', the world's greatest particle accelerator, and thereby created a Black Hole. Reaching Geneva turns into a tour de force for our heroes, through a country that like its neighbors is in a state of total emergency, but equally into a time of human encounters. A time, where courage overcomes the fear and human beings do not shut themselves off but take decisive action. A time, where the end is a beginning, and where two brothers become soul mates again. A time, where weakness turns into strength and individuals are unified into a single nation. A time, where despair turns into hope, and loneliness into the love of a lifetime. A time, where one look says more than a thousand words, and even the smallest individuals become giants. Europe's darkest hour turns into a time of patriotic heroes. Heroes just like you and me...  - Written by Dreamtool Entertainment


主演:​沃尔克·布鲁赫 汤姆·希林 卡塔琳娜·舒特勒 米莉安·斯坦恩 路德韦希·特莱皮特 马克·瓦斯奇科 亨丽埃特·李赫特·罗赫 Götz Schubert Hildegard Schroedter 克里斯蒂安娜·保罗 西尔维斯特·格洛斯 艾琳娜·莱辛 Lukas Gregorowicz 马克西姆·梅米特 Johanna Gastdorf Peter Kremer
​沃尔克·布鲁赫 汤姆·希林 卡塔..


简介:华灯初上的夜晚,哥谭市正在举行盛大的年度人物颁奖晚会,野心勃勃的总统候选人莱克斯·卢瑟(Clancy Brown 配音)输给风流倜傥的布鲁斯·韦恩(Troy Baker 配音),心有不甘。正在掌声雷动的时刻,小丑(Christopher Corey Smith 配音)带领爪牙大闹典礼,洗劫钱财。关键时刻,蝙蝠侠(Troy Baker 配音)和罗宾(Charlie Schlatter 配音)及时赶到,将这伙盗贼绳之于法,送入牢房。而莱克斯为了除掉绊脚石蝙蝠侠和超人(Travis Willingham 配音),秘密研制新式武器,放跑了大牢中的小丑一伙。在此之后,小丑等人在各地展开一连串的破坏行动,正义的战士一次次勇敢迎战。  莱克斯与超人之间的战争全面拉开序幕……

JOJO的奇妙冒险:不灭钻石 第一章

简介:碧海蓝天、安逸舒适的港口城市杜王町,在过去三年里相继发生离奇诡异的死亡事件。一时间天堂变成地狱,人人自危。废柴男生广濑康一(神木隆之介 饰)上学路上遭到不良少年刁难,不过却由此结识了同班同学东方仗助(山崎贤人 饰)。留着飞机头的东方仗助拥有神秘的“替身”,这让他和他人截然不同。他通过“替身”制止了一场便利店抢劫案,结果反被连续杀人事件的制造者安杰洛——片桐安十郎(山田孝之 饰)盯上。不久后,名叫空条承太郎(伊势谷友介 饰)的男子来到杜王町,东方由此知道了自己的身世。与此同时,名叫虹村形兆(冈田将生 饰)且拥有替身能力的男人露出了他的爪牙,一场大战在所难免……  本片根据荒木飞吕彦的同名漫画改编。