



主演:Danny Aiello,Anne Archer,安吉丽娜·朱莉
简介:AlMcCord在他最喜爱的餐厅里遇上了一个年轻漂亮的女子。当时,这位女子想乘车去她妈妈的家---摩哈维沙漠。故事就在这里开始了,Al并不知道 Ellie已经爱上了他,但无论Julie的男朋友对Al如何百般刁难,他还是义无返顾地爱上了Ellie的妈妈,Archer。于是,更加离奇古怪的事 情相继发生了,Al的故事由此改写。  在加州的沙漠,月亮的魔力令人放纵。一纽约来客被一对母女的艳色所吸引,尽情沉迷于爱欲中,但他不知大难将至,一个充满妒忌的暴力狂已在黑暗中眈视着他们…
Danny Aiello,Anne..

生物钟 Clock

简介:This film by writerdirector Alexis Jacknow will follow a woman's desperate attempt to fix her broken biological clock.


主演:丹尼尔·克雷格,阿比盖尔·斯宾赛,巴克·泰勒,Matthew Taylor,Cooper Taylor,克兰西·布朗,保罗·达诺,克里斯·勃朗宁,亚当·比奇,山姆·洛克威尔,安娜·德拉·雷古拉,诺亚·林格,Brian Duffy,奥利维亚·王尔德,基思·卡拉丹,布伦丹·维恩,加文·格雷泽,托比·哈斯,怀亚特·拉塞尔,哈里森·福特,沃尔顿·戈金斯,胡里奥·赛迪罗,大卫·奥哈拉,Troy Gilber
简介:1873年的美国西部,杰克·洛根(丹尼尔·克雷格 Daniel Craig 饰)突然醒来,发现自己身处荒漠。自己为什么会在这儿,完全不记得了,身上仅有手腕上的一个神秘金属装置。为了找回失去的记忆,杰克回到了小镇上。但是他发现小镇上的居民对他却不怎么友好,而且想要在小镇上呆下去,必须得到伍德罗(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)这位小镇开拓者的首肯才行。可是,最恐怖的事情却发生了,几艘诡异的外星飞船突然出现,并用劫掠走了小镇上的很多人。这时,杰克突然触动了手腕上的金属装置,将一艘外星飞船打了下来,并组建找回了部分记忆。为了救回被抓走的人们,查明这些不明外星飞船的意图。小镇上团结起来,在杰克和伍德罗的带领下,向着外星飞船飞走的方向,去寻找答案。


主演:昂格利基·帕普利亚,Youla Boudali,克里斯特斯·帕萨利斯,Argyris Xafis,Thanasis Dovris,Laertis Malkotsis,Maria Filini,Michalis Kimonas,Christian Culbida,Thanos Tokakis,莱尔提斯·瓦斯里欧,Katerina Helmy,Alkistis Poulopoulou,Romanos
简介:The newest film from Greek director Syllas Tzoumerkas and his second collaboration with Angeliki Papoulia, star of the New Greek Cinema (Dogtooth, The Lobster), is a fierce and untamed crime tale, told in larger-than-life images.  柏林电影节全景单元
昂格利基·帕普利亚,Youla B..


主演:维尼·琼斯,山姆麦地那,Alyssa Lozovskaya


主演:Paul Naschy,Julia Saly,Lola Gaos
简介:PANIC BEATS begins with a totally nude woman with welts on her body, running through a misty forest full of decayed skeletons. A knight on horseback is chasing her, and we soon learn that he is Alaric de Marnac (a wicked character Naschy first created for HORROR RISES FROM THE TOMB), viciously killing her for her unfaithful ways. After the credits role, we are taken to the present where a descendent of Marnac named Paul (Naschy) is married to the wealthy Geneviève (Julia Saly) was has some serious heart problems. Paul decides to take her to his ancestral home in the country for some peace and quiet, but the superstitious-filled setting opens a Pandora’s Box of terrible occurrences.  We soon discover that Paul is a real son-of-a-bitch who plans to scare his wife to death, planning to control her fortune and continue his secret affair with seductive bad girl Mireille (Silvia Miró), who happens to be the niece of the tarot card-reading housekeeper, Mabile (Lola Gaos). Paul’s malevolent scheme works, but he still has to worry about an additional money-hungry mistress (this guy really gets around!), the unforgiving Mabile, as well as new fianceé Mireille who might be hiding a thing or two herself. More grisly murders follow, and the ghost of Marnac returns from hell to punish the most despicable human character in the film.  PANIC BEATS was also written by Naschy (under his real name Jacinto Molina) who injects the film with an old-fashioned spooky house motif, beefed up with a modern movie sense of violence and sexuality. The film offers nothing too innovative storywise, and even Naschy admits on the disc’s extras that it was partly inspired by GASLIGHT and REBECCA, but he seems to just toss in a hodgepodge of exploitation and horror ingredients, while delivering a stylish and enjoyable effort with a number of twists and some genuinely chilling moments. The camera shots and lighting are both effective, and there's even does a cool set-up (much like what Freddie Francis did in THE SKULL and THE CREEPING FLESH) where we see the point of view of Marnac through his dark helmet as he stalks his female prey. Graphically, we are exposed to everything from a plate of bloody eyeballs, to victims being beaten relentlessly with the various Medieval weapons affixed on the house’s walls (for example, someone is axed in the stomach, followed by the soaked entrails oozing out!). Naschy’s most frequent 1980s leading lady, Julia Saly, is not given much to do, but with her offbeat looks, is a nice presence nonetheless. The prominent female star here is Silvia Miró who is seen in the buff frequently, and she certainly makes for some well-appreciated Euro starlet eye candy. Naschy himself is very good in the film, putting on conniving facades, carrying a number of women on a string,
Paul Naschy,Julia..


主演:Terrence Howard,Gabrielle Union,Queen Latifah,Morris Chestnut,Charles Q. Murphy,Katt Williams,Faizon Love,Jill Marie Jones,Rachel True
简介:南希(加布里埃尔·尤尼恩 Gabrielle Union 饰)的前夫是有名的嘻哈歌手杰基(查理·墨菲 Charles Q. Murphy 饰),尽管这段破裂的婚姻带给了南希大笔的补偿金和三个可爱的孩子,但是南希却并不感到快乐,形单影只的生活令她感到窒息,圣诞节将近,她多么希望能有人能够陪伴在自己身边,同她和孩子们一起度过这个阖家团圆的节日。  南希的小女儿艾米丽(Khail Bryant 饰)无意之中得知了母亲的愿望,她找到了由本杰明(摩里斯·切斯塔特 Morris Chestnut 饰)乔装打扮的圣诞老人,将母亲的愿望告诉了他,深受感动的本杰明决定实现南希的愿望,以此为契机,两人之间产生了真挚的感情。可是,本杰明的出现却遭致了大儿子约翰(Malik Hammond 饰)的强烈抵抗,与此同时,杰基突然出现,他想要同南希争夺三个孩子的抚养权。
Terrence Howard,G..


主演:丹尼尔·奥特伊,朱丽叶·比诺什,莫里斯·贝尼舒,安妮·吉拉尔多,贝尔纳·勒科克,沃尔里德·阿非基尔,Lester Makedonsky,丹尼尔·杜瓦尔,娜塔莉·理查德,德尼·波达利德斯,爱伊莎·玛依卡,Caroline Baehr,克里斯蒂安·贝内代蒂,Philippe Besson,Loic Brabant
简介:知名电视节目主持人乔治(丹尼尔·奥特尤尔 Daniel Auteuil 饰)与妻子安娜(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche 饰)、儿子皮埃尔一家三口的平静生活被乔治从家门口捡来的录像带打破,这盒录像带显示有人静静地注视着乔治家的一举一动。很快,更多的录像带 和恐吓性质的明信片寄到了乔治及家人手上。乔治对看不见的敌人殊为紧张,开始小心保护儿子,并且为录像带的内容指引,回想起多年以前,差点成为母亲养子的阿尔及利亚遗孤马吉德。乔治怀疑录像带的始作俑者即为马吉德,于是登门拜访,却引发了意外的结局……  本片获2005年戛纳电影节最佳导演奖、费比西奖等二十余项专业褒奖。


主演:German Jaramillo,Anderson Ballesteros,Juan David Restrepo
简介:一次偶然中,厌世的流亡作家费尔南多(Germán Jaramillo 饰)结识了名叫亚历山大(Anderson Ballesteros 饰)的年轻小伙,后者的青春与活力很快就让费尔南多放弃了轻生的念头。然而,亚历山大出身于梅德林最贫困的地区,那是哥伦比亚罪犯们的天堂,每天,都有无数的人在那里死去,无人问津。从小在那里长大的亚历山大自然习惯了梅德林的一套生存法则,尽管这让费尔南多十分无法接受,但两人还是跨越了年龄和性别的阻碍,走到了一起。遗憾的是,一次暴力事件中,为了保护费尔南多,亚历克斯身中数枪死亡,伤心的费尔南多第一次决定用暴力解决问题,他要提自己的爱人报仇。©豆瓣
German Jaramillo,..


主演:亨利·马斯克,海诺·费尔希,苏珊娜·伍艾斯特,Vladimir Weigl,Arved Birnbaum,克里斯蒂安·卡赫曼,艾略特·科万,Yoan Pablo Hernández,Klaus Schindler,Enad Licina,Manfred Wolke,Arthur Abraham,Ulli Wegner,Michael Becker,Andreas Franke,卢卡·德拉季奇
简介:1930年6月12日,马克斯·施梅琳战胜杰克·沙基,而成为本世记仅有的几位非美国人的世界重量级拳逛之壹。担仅卫冕壹次成攻后,他就于1932年6月21日失手于复仇的沙基,将逛冠拱手相让。 1938年6月22日,他茬响被誉为“褐色轰炸机”的世界重量级冠军桥·露杨斯挑战中败北。