



主演:洛伦扎·伊佐,马克·斯达格,哈莉·奎恩·史密斯,赛斯·格林,克莱尔·格兰特,露丝·布莱德利,阿莱卡萨·帕拉迪诺,艾娃·阿卡雷斯,迈克尔·格罗斯,乔赛琳·唐娜休,Madeleine Coghlan,Savannah Kennick,Harley Morenstein,安德鲁·鲍文,珍妮弗·拉弗勒


主演:阿德莱德·克莱蒙丝,基特·哈灵顿,凯瑞-安·莫斯,肖恩·宾,拉达·米切尔,马尔科姆·麦克道威尔,马丁·唐文,黛博拉·卡拉·安格,罗伯托·坎帕内利亚,艾琳·皮特,彼德·奥德博拉治,杰斐逊·布朗,米歇尔·C·福柯,查得卡米列里,博伊德·班克斯,克里斯·布洛克莱茵斯基,Jordan Clark,James Collins,Anna Cyzon,Carrie Eklund,Shara Kim
简介:《寂静岭2》改编自热爆电子游戏《Silent Hill 3》。  Heather Mason(阿德莱德·克莱蒙丝 Adelaide Clemens 饰)和父亲Harry Mason(肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 饰)在外面逃命已经多年,但她却总不明白那些对他们造成危险的东西是什么。多年来受神秘力量骚扰,更长期被毛骨悚然的恶梦弄得心绪不宁。18岁生日当日,她发现自己被偷偷跟踪,随之而来的事故也让父亲离奇失踪,只遗下一个神秘的讯息。在那场事件中,她发现自己的身份是伪造的,而自己对从前的回忆也成为了梦魇。这一切奇怪的梦和事,引领着她到达那个既陌生又可怕的国度——寂静岭。  踏进这里后,Heather发现很多惊人的真相,路上等待她的是恐惧的威吓,而她的身世之谜也慢慢被揭开。各种可怕的生物在这个地方出现,更有人告诉她她就是那个命中注定要来杀光所有梦魇和怪兽的人……


主演:玛丽萨·特里安德菲里都,Dimitris Imellos,Maria Filini,Eleni Karagiorgi,Konstantinos Gogoulos,Eirini Asimakopoulou,Danae Primali,Dimitra Vlagopoulou,Orfeas Aggelopoulos,Georgia Tsagaraki,Areti Seidaridou,Ioanna Ma


主演:Raphaël Ghrenassia,Joshua Raccah,Géraldine Martineau,Guillaume Cloud-Roussel,Johanna Lindstedt,Max Boublil
简介:Benoit, the new kid at school, is bullied by a gang of arrogant boys. Determined not to be pushed around, Benoit organizes a big party, but only three students turn up. What if this bunch of losers was to be the best gang ever Korean Movie
Raphaël Ghrenassi..


主演:索菲娅·迪·马蒂诺,埃拉-雷·史密斯,乔·哈特利,塞缪尔·安德森,斯戴凡·辛尼德,William Andrews,Tabitha Byron,Anna Antoniades,Nell Barlow,Spike Fearn,Celeste De Veazey
简介:Marley Morrison’s knockout debut feature is a sharply observed coming-of-age story that will make you wince and laugh in painful recognition of universal truths. 17-year-old AJ (Nell Barlow) is not one of life’s shiny, happy people. A family holiday at a caravan park in Dorset is her idea of hell. A moody misfit, she dresses for concealment and lets everyone know that she would rather be anywhere else. Then she spies flirty, free-spirited lifeguard Isla (Ella-Rae Smith) who might just be the girl of her dreams. Can AJ dare to take a first step on the road to happiness


主演:阿尔贝托·索尔迪,布鲁内拉·博沃,莱奥波多·特里耶斯泰,朱丽叶塔·马西纳,埃内斯托·阿尔米兰特,莉莉亚·兰迪,Fanny Marchiò,Gina Mascetti,约莱·西尔瓦尼,恩佐·马焦,Anna Primula,Mimo Billi,Armando Libianchi,Ugo Attanasio,Giulio Moreschi,安东尼奥·阿夸,埃托雷·马里亚·马尔加东纳,乔治·萨尔维奥尼


主演:Dudley Moore,Daryl Hannah,Paul Reiser,马吉·汉
简介:广告人越疯狂,做出的广告就越有笑点。某广告公司的文案编辑安·莫瑞(杜德利·摩尔扮演),发现自己只能想出老实的广告文案之后,被公司送进了精神病院。然而讽刺的是,他的这种直言不讳的文案风格却大受欢迎,并开始和精神病院中的“疯子”们一起合作,写出更多既实在又疯狂得让人拍案叫绝的文案。以下就是几则“疯子”们创作的搞笑文案和片中的部分爆笑点。  爆笑点之一:为美联航空公司做的广告文案——“乘坐美联航空公司的飞机,大部分乘客都能活着回去。”  爆笑点之二:为邮局做的广告文案。一辆飞速行驶的邮车在公路上横冲直撞。邮递员亲切和蔼地说:“为了能把您的信件及时送达,撞死几个人又何妨?”  爆笑点之三:给某旅行社做的巴哈马群岛的旅游广告。一个丰腴性感的比基尼女郎充斥整个画面,她的名字叫做“巴哈马”,广告语为:“进入巴哈马!”镜头一切换,无数接线员在跟投诉者解释:“我们提供的服务不包括‘进入女郎身体’这个项目。”  爆笑点之四:一个亚裔青年精神病患者在得到了一辆汽车的奖赏后,急于试试身手,一边脚踩油门,一边骂骂咧咧:“他妈的,先轧死几个白人。”  爆笑点之五:给纽约市做的形象广告——“这里的谋杀案发生数量比去年少了一件。”  爆笑点之六:给索尼公司做的广告文案。播出前版本(美国人描述):“因为日本人(个子矮)的眼睛离电子元件的距离比较近,所以电器由他们生产。” 播出后版本(日本人描述):“由于西方人(个子高)的眼睛离电子元件的距离比较远,所以这种攒精密仪器的活儿由我们来干,索尼电器。”
Dudley Moore,Dary..


主演:埃玛·苏亚雷斯,埃尔南·门多萨,Ivan Cortes,Joanna Larequi


主演:阿南达·爱华灵咸,雅琳达·邦恩纳克,罗恩·斯穆安伯格,Wannasing Prasertkul,Pornwut Sarasin
简介:2013年,泰国大选进入到最紧张的阶段,自由党主席丹迪•雷发表了振奋人心的演说,他承诺当选后停建祸国殃民的核电站,由此得到选民的支持,成功击败人民党,当选新一届的泰国总理。然而政客的承诺从来都不值钱,随着丹迪•雷的践祚,仅仅三年泰国上空便被阴云笼罩,罪恶贪婪如病毒般肆意蔓延到每一个角落,曼谷成为臭名昭著的国际化犯罪之都。在社会道德沦丧到无以复加的地步,一个人们心底期盼已久的英雄横空出世。他就是红鹰侠(阿南达·爱华灵咸 Ananda Everingham 饰),游走于法律之外,身怀绝技,嫉恶如仇,对待罪大恶极的腐坏分子绝不手软。与此同时,头号罪犯马杜里正率领手下进行一项罪不可赦的核武计划,红鹰侠的存在恰恰成为阻挡他计划实施的障碍。  百姓和政府的矛盾愈加激烈,为民请愿的红鹰侠冲在最前段……


主演:弗雷德里克·马奇,伊夫琳·维纳布尔,盖伊·斯坦丁,凯瑟琳·亚历山大,吉尔·帕特里克,凯瑟琳·霍华德,肯特·泰勒,亨利·崔佛斯,G·P·亨特利,莫洛尼·奥尔森,赫克托·萨尔诺,菲利普斯·斯莫利,Helen Westley,Anna De Linsky,Otto Hoffman,Frank Yaconelli
简介:Because I could not stop for Death, he kindly stopped for me; the carriage held but just ourselves and immortality” – Emily Dickinson  If Death took a holiday, the guns would go silent in Iraq, the slaughter on our nation’s highways would cease, and the news media would be compelled to cover positive events in the humanities, arts, and sciences. Unfortunately, Death has not had a vacation in recorded history, but Mitchell Leisen’s 1934 fantasy, Death Takes a Holiday, allows us to consider the possibility. Co-written by Maxwell Anderson and Gladys Lehman and based on the play La Morte in Vacanza by Alberto Casella, Death Takes a Holiday stars Frederic March as the Grim Reaper who takes on human form in an attempt to discover why men fear him so much. Why he has waited 5,000 years to satisfy this curiosity is not explained.  [Spoiler] After a brief tryout as a shadowy figure who scares the daylights out of those that cross his path, Death shows up at, of all places, an upscale party at an Italian villa, posing as the mysterious Prince Sirki. Only one person knows who he really is, the host Duke Lambert (Guy Standing), and he is sworn to secrecy. Sirki proceeds to fascinate the guests. Given to bursts of wit and poetry, he can just as quickly turn sullen and threatening, and some soon find out that it is better not to look too deeply into his eyes. During the three days in which the Prince is at the villa, however, people all over the world miraculously escape death and potential suicides are doomed to frustration.  To see what’s behind all the conversation about love, the suave but naïve Prince Sirki falls for the irresistible Grazia (Evelyn Venable), the daughter of one of Duke’s friends. Grazia knows who Death is but does not fear him, much to the chagrin of her fiancé, Corrado (Kent Taylor) who has developed a strong disdain for Prince Charming.  More sinister than Brad Pitt in the 1998 remake Meet Joe Black, March turns in a very convincing performance as the creepy yet strangely appealing guest. Although the ending is melodramatic, the emotions are very real and the suggestion that Death may in reality be a friend disguised as a foe is quite touching.  (Howard Schumann,  In this wearisome and predictable plot line, Death falls in love and bores us to death talking about it.  (Dennis Schwartz,  I've heard DRACULA was advertised with the tag line The Weirdest Love Story ever told! (this is probably a paraphrase), but at heart, I've never felt that you could honestly call that movie a love story. The tag line would be much more appropriate for this one, since it ultimately boils down to what amounts to a love story. This movie is very good indeed, particularly if you consider that it is built around a concept that could have easily been handled in a cute or facile manner. Instead, it is handled as seriously as possible, with some real thought put into how death would try to come to terms with a life and an outlook that was to that point totally unfamiliar to him; much of the credit does go to Fredric March in the title role. It's quite scary when it needs to be, particularly during the first twenty minutes. From then on, it deals with its themes with subtlety, a quiet wit, an enduring sadness, and an everpresent tension on how Death might react if crossed. It's not perfect; some of the dialogue is self-conscious and artificial, as if the writers knew they were dealing with weighty issues and were trying to be profound. But I am certainly glad they didn't try to turn it into a musical comedy of sorts.  (Dave Sindelar,  See also the remake Death Takes A Holiday (1971)