



主演:Monique Spaziani,Gabriel Arcand,Miou-Miou
简介:Set in a small Quebec town in the late-1920′s, this emotional drama follows the life and exploits of Celeste Beaumont, a talented young pianist who gains local celebrity at the town movie theater for her gifts as a silent film pianist.   Awkward Pierre Blaudell is her biggest fan and eventually marries her.   Shortly after this she bears his son, Pierre, who joins the army.   She insists on joining him at the base and his meddlesome, snooty parents insist she give them her son.   Pierre is killed in the war, and Celeste flees to New York where she finds steady employment as a jazz pianist.   She finds a life-long companion with a black musician and chronicles her experiences in a diary that she passes on to her son after he grows up.   Her son becomes a painter and once his own son, Antoine, is grown, reads him the story of Celeste, the youth’s grandmother.   Intrigued, Antoine heads to the Big Apple in hopes of finding her.  This movie is an emotional drama about how Antoine, played beautifully by François Méthé, discovers the details of his heritage.   This film won many awards in Canada and at Cannes in 1988.   François Méthé, who was about 11-years-old, never acted again after this movie.  From IMDb  A quiet painter, separated from his wife for a year, receives a suitcase in the mail from his mother, whom he hasn’t seen since infancy.   He believes she abandoned him to his wealthy, paternal grandparents.   The suitcase contains mementos and a diary, a long letter to him, written over the years, with details of her youth, her first job as a pianist at a cinema, the coming of talkies, her marriage, and how he came to live with his grandparents.   As he reads through the materials and her story comes to life, his son Antoine, who’s about 10 or 12, tries to break through his father’s silence and sorrow by taking matters into his own hands.
Monique Spaziani,..


主演:Cristin Milioti,Dan Soder,Kate Simses,Erica Sweany,Mark Gessner
简介:Sonia is a neurotic jingle writer who's always dreamt of a big and exciting life. Surprised by a sudden proposal and subsequent ultimatum from her easy-going boyfriend, Chris, Sonia has to decide whether she'll join the ranks of her married friends or take a leap and pursue her fantasies. A whimsical romantic comedy that's raunchy and yet gentle, 'It Had To Be You' explores the choices women face today while satirizing cultural expectations of gender and romance.
Cristin Milioti,D..


主演:戴奥·奥柯奈伊,叶缇黛·拜达克,Uche Agada,Ral Agada,Elijah Sholanke,Jaden Osimuwa,Efthimis Chalkidis,帕诺斯·科罗尼斯,曼尼什·达亚尔,McColm Cephas Jr.,Chinua Baraka Payne,Aaron Kingsley Adetola,Jahleel Kamara,克里斯托斯·路易斯,Lina Patsio
简介:故事围绕篮球运动员扬尼斯·安特托昆博(Giannis Antetokounmpo)的早期生活及职业现状展开。扬尼斯为尼日利亚裔希腊籍篮球运动员,绰号为“希腊怪物”,司职大前锋,现效力于NBA的密尔沃基雄鹿队。


主演:Demet Özdemir,布格拉.古尔索伊,Hafsanur Sancaktutan,瑟琳.泰肯多,Hasan Ak,Ibrahim Selim
Demet Özdemir,布格拉..


主演:梅尔·吉布森,丹尼·格洛弗,乔·佩西,蕾妮·罗素,斯图亚特·维尔森,Steve Kahan,达琳·洛夫,特蕾西·沃尔夫,Damon Hines,Ebonie Smith,Gregory Millar,尼克·齐兰德,Jason Rainwater,阿兰·斯卡费,Delores Hall,玛丽·艾伦·特雷纳,马克·佩雷格里诺,约翰·塞纳迭姆博,Andrew Hill Newman,肯尼斯·提加尔,皮特
简介:马丁(梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)与罗格(Danny Glover 饰)这对儿老搭档再次出马,但是一开场就将歹徒的炸弹引爆毁掉了整座大楼,罗格退休前一星期的生活就这样开始了。第二天,两人在街上偶遇假冒解款人员的匪徒,一番苦战将对方擒获,但是警队却将此案移交内政部美丽的女探员劳娜(Rene Russo 饰)负责。关押中的犯人被警察查韦斯射杀,马丁追捕对方但终于错失。罗格在一次街头枪战中射杀了儿子的好友,满心愧疚让他暂时离开调查。马丁与劳娜的组合逐步介入了案件幕后一起武器贩卖集团的交易,该集团实力强大,与近期的大宗枪支失窃案有密切关系,马丁的出现,打乱了对方的步骤。很快罗格归队,三人向犯罪集团发起了最后的冲击。  本片获1993年MTV电影奖最佳动作场面奖。


主演:梅尔·吉布森,丹尼·格洛弗,乔·佩西,蕾妮·罗素,克里斯·洛克,李连杰,Steve Kahan,Kim Chan,达琳·洛夫,特蕾西·沃尔夫,高雄,杰克·科勒尔,卡尔文·阮,Damon Hines,Ebonie Smith,李元霸
简介:马丁(梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)和罗杰(丹尼·格洛弗 Danny Glover 饰)是相识多年的老友兼同事,两人都是警察。一次在与共同的好友盖茨(乔·佩西 Joe Pesci 饰)相约出海的途中,三人偶遇了一艘非法偷渡的船只。身为警察的马丁自知绝不能对此坐视不管,于是展开了与黑道分子的激烈斗争。  在这批偷渡客中,有一位名为阿洪(高雄 饰)的男子,善良的罗杰收留了他和他无处可去的家人,没想到正是这一举动激怒了危险的黑帮教头王(李连杰 饰),为了从罗杰的手里将洪抢走,王不惜干下了许多伤天害理的勾当。在阿洪的身上究竟隐藏了怎样的秘密?王千方百计的想要得到阿洪又究竟是为了什么?


主演:亚米·高塔姆,阿图尔·库尔卡尼,内哈·迪胡皮阿,迪宝·卡帕蒂娅,Kalyanee Mulay,卡兰维尔·沙尔马,Maya Sarao,Boloram Das,Sukesh Anand,Adi Irani,Shubhangi Latkar,Divjyot Kaur,Micky Makhija,Sanjeev Jogtiyani,Sulagna Chatterjee,拉杰·夏尔马,阿里夫·扎卡里亚
简介:当一名幼儿园老师——亚米·高塔姆绑架了 16 名小学生并提出一系列要求时,不仅震撼了孟买警察和城市,而且在全国及其政界人士中引起了反响。


主演:梅尔·吉布森,丹尼·格洛弗,乔·佩西,乔斯·雅克兰德,德里克·奥康纳,帕齐·肯西特,达琳·洛夫,特蕾西·沃尔夫,Steve Kahan,马克·罗斯顿,詹妮特·戈德斯坦恩,迪恩·诺里斯,Juney Smith,内斯特·塞拉诺,Philip Suriano
简介:一次偶然中,瑞格(梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)与莫道(丹尼·格洛弗 Danny Glover 饰)这对好搭档撞破了一起走私南非金币的违法勾当,正义感爆棚的两人决心绝不对此坐视不管,于是展开了一系列充满了进场刺激的火爆追击。  随着调查的深入,一个名叫艾金(乔斯·雅克兰德 Joss Ackland 饰)的男人浮出了水面,他的真实身份竟然是享有外交豁免权的南非外交官,瑞格和莫道陷入了举步维艰的境地。两人被上司派去保护一名叫盖茨(乔·佩西 Joe Pesci 饰)的男人,他曾经是帮助艾金洗钱的同谋,如今成为了警方的污点证人。很快,发生的一系列事件就让瑞格和莫道明白了,保护盖茨甚至比追击艾金还要危险和困难。


主演:Manon Mathews,Shawn Roe,凯蒂·勒克莱齐,黛安·罗宾,马特·雷迪,Rene Hamilton,丹尼尔·休·凯利,明迪·斯特林,Derek DuChesne,珍妮弗·阿斯彭,Lenora May,乔丹·詹姆斯·史密斯,Nancy Van Iderstine,桑妮·马布雷,Hannah Pilkes
简介:Exuberant CHLOE is a whirlwind of energy who acts purely on impulse and has never quite grown up. Industrious JEFF is a hard-working guy who plans his future, step by step. When the two fall in love, they inevitably quarrel and break up. But when they decide to pretend to still be together so that their holiday season won't turn into a pity party, they soon realize that opposites, after all, do attract -- and that, despite their differences, they are still very much in love...
Manon Mathews,Sha..


主演:马林·格里戈利,朱迪思·斯泰特,Macrina Barladeanu,Orsolya Moldován,Rácz Endre,József Bíró,Ovidiu Crisan,Zoltán Deák,切拉塞拉·约西费斯库,安德烈·芬蒂,Bacs Miklos,Alin Panc,Victor Benderra,Amitha Jayasinghe,Gihan Edirisinghe,Nuwan K
简介:圣诞前夕,结束国外工作的马蒂亚斯,返回到他土生土长的罗马尼亚特兰西瓦尼亚多民族山村。马蒂亚斯一边担心着儿子鲁迪从罗马尼亚母亲安娜那里受到的教育,一边渴望着再次见到他的匈牙利前情人奇拉。  他发现他的儿子和整座村庄都笼罩在一种奇怪的非理性恐惧和不安的阴影之下。当奇拉管理的面 包店雇佣了两名外国工人时,根深蒂固的冲动和怨恨涌现,冲突横生和情绪爆发,社区和平的表象被打破。