


主演:詹姆斯·梅森,艾娃·加德纳,奈吉尔·帕特里克,希拉·西姆,阿罗德·沃伦德,马里奥·卡布雷,马留斯·戈尔林,约翰·劳里,帕梅拉·梅森,帕特里夏·雷恩,Margarita D'Alvarez,La Pillina,亚伯拉罕·索费尔,Francisco Igual,Guillermo Beltrán,里卡多·巴列
简介:莫里斯(詹姆斯·梅森 James Mason 饰)是一个名不见经传的小小裁缝,经济非常的拮据,在外债台高筑。一次偶然中,莫里斯被错认成为了一名出身高贵的公爵,被邀请参加了一场只有当地名流才能够参加的酒会。在酒会上,莫里斯温文尔雅的谈吐和谦卑的态度获得了所有人的喜欢,没有人怀疑,眼前这个举止高雅的年轻人,他的真实身份是一个穷光蛋。  只有家里的小女儿珍妮特(艾娃·加德纳 Ava Gardner 饰)对莫里斯始终抱有着怀疑,她想方设法的想要戳穿莫里斯的假面,哪知道,在此过程中,珍妮特被莫里斯的坦率和真诚深深的吸引了,坠入了情网之中。


主演:纳瓦·君拉纳拉,Nusaba Wanichangkul,Pimmada Boriruksuppakorn,沃恩吉莱·勒姆威拉伊
简介:Pong acted as Pummared like the title of this lakorn. The story was about Pummared whom seeking revenge of his family enemy daugthers his dad's old business partner. Pummared's father had a partner in hotel business but they broke off with bad dispute and due to Pummared's father bad management his business collapsed so he tried to borrow money from his ex-business partner but he didn't want to lend him money instead took over the hotel and made Pummared's father became paralysed on both legs. Pummared came to Bangkok when his dad's ex-business partner was dead and came to his funeral pretending that his father was the family friend. Pummared's father ex-business partner had 3 daugthers. The 1st one was Ning, the head of the family good for handling business matter but lousy when it comes to relatioship and socialized with people. The 2nd one was Noy, the strong-will and easy going person who socialized a lot and good in handling matters. The youngest sister was Noi, naive and innocent never know about outside world,love, and lack of confidentlity because she just staying at home and the best she could so just cooking at home. Pummared seduced these 3 sisters, the eldest sister was easy to seduced since she was yearned to be loved, the youngest also easy to seduced because she didn't know what love is until she attracted with Pummared even though she knew that Pummared already with her eldest sister she's willing to be his mistress. Noy was difficult for Pummared to win over because she was smart and not easy to fall for a guy, Pummared was being challanged to win her heart and he fell in love with her because of her behaviour compared to her 2 sisters.When Noy found ot that Pummared was her eldest sis's boyfriend she was very angry and had an argument with her eldest sister because she told her that he was not a nice person but Ning refused to believe her blinded by her love to him. Noy left home insisted couldn't live in the same roof with Pummared. Noy knew from his father's ex-lawyer whom Ning fired because he warned her about Pummared that Pummared and his dad were not decent people that they had motive to get involved in her family business. The fact was Pummared tried to take control of the company for his father's sake but less he knew that his father was the bad guy who tricked his son to pursue his personal ambition and he liked to gamble. Pummared married Ning and soon after Ning gave him power of her company on their wedding day then he showed his true color and didn't want to sleep with her but left to Noy's place but she didn't accept him, later on he ran away from everything. Pummared also impregnate Noi (the youngest sis) who fell head over heal to him and still didn't realize her mistake loving wrong guy.Ning realized her mistakes marrying a wrong guy and Noy reconciled with her. One day Ning knew that Noi was pregnant with Pummared, she's angry and jealous so when Pummared came to her house to talk over with Noi she wanted to shoot him but instead shoot Noi to dead, Ning went berserk hence Noy became all alone. Pummared realized his mistakes and his father misdeed and he wanted return everything to Noy however his father accidentally shoot him. He returned the shares to Noy and admitted that the only person that he truly loved just Noy he refused to go to the hospital and died in Noy's arms. Noy loved him and cried, she just couldn't accept because the way he mistreating his sisters.
纳瓦·君拉纳拉,Nusaba Wa..


主演:Steward Granger,琼·格林伍德,弗劳拉·罗博森,弗朗索瓦丝·罗赛,弗雷德里克·瓦尔克,Peter Bull,安东尼·奎尔,迈克尔·高夫
简介:年轻的索菲·多萝西娅嫁给了乔治王子,但这远非爱情。后来,她爱上了瑞典伯爵Philip Christoph von Königsmark。
Steward Granger,琼..


简介:年轻贵族蓝郎爱上富商女儿玛丽芭。蓝郎的仆人Sempronio 建议找女巫Celestina来促进此事。但另外一个仆人Parmeno 对女巫深感怀疑,因为他清楚知道她的把戏。其后女巫让玛丽芭深信蓝郎对他的爱 ,并安排一个秘密会面, 蓝郎给了女巫子一条昂贵的金链子。两位仆人都不满意女巫提供给他们的妓女,他们提出更多的要求,因此引发了一连串的戏剧化事情。


主演:杰拉·菲利浦,玛丽亚·卡萨雷斯,Lucien Coëdel,路易斯·萨罗,路易斯·塞格纳
简介:法布里斯(杰拉·菲利浦 Gérard Philipe 饰)从小就是一个极受女性欢迎的男孩,长大后更是如此,从战场回到帕尔玛后,法布里斯成为了一名副主教,并且遇见了一位女演员。哪知道女演员有一个情夫,在一场误会中,法布里斯杀死了她的情夫,因此被迫踏上了逃亡博洛尼亚的旅途。  途中,法布里斯又邂逅了歌唱家福斯塔(尼里奥·贝尔纳迪 Nerio Bernardi 饰),两人之间碰撞出了激情的火花,但对于法布里斯来说,他同这些女人们都不过是逢场作戏。直到要塞司令的女儿克莱利亚(瑞奈·福尔 Renée Faure 饰)出现在他身边后,他才品尝到了爱情的甜美与苦涩。


简介:水滑洗凝脂,莉吉雅布拉妮丝全裸登场,在导演兼丈夫博罗夫兹克的镜头下,如笼中白鸽纯洁无瑕,不带半点香艳,是其后《不道德的故事》 (1974)等情色话题作的精神先驱。以油画般美感重塑中世纪氛围,古堡男爵夫人白兰琪倾国倾城,不单令继子心生爱慕,更令到访的帝王及侍卫神魂颠倒,为伊人倾轧角力。男爵(传奇演员米修西蒙)妒火中烧陷入疯狂,终酿成悲剧结局。博氏将激情欲念的残酷与哀愁拍得精准细致,典雅建筑、雕琢装饰在优美摄影下飘逸浓厚欧洲古典气息,足以荣登艺术电影的殿堂。


主演:安娜·卡里娜,杰拉尔·巴里,安东尼奥·维拉尔,朱利亚诺·杰玛,玛丽卢·托洛,福斯托·托齐,Gil Vidal,豪尔赫·米斯特拉尔,费尔南多·雷伊,Joëlle Latour,Rafael Albaicín,Karamoko Cisse,María Calvi,何塞·卡尔沃,费利克斯·费尔南德斯,何塞·曼努埃尔·马丁,洛雷拉·德卢卡,让-吕克·戈达尔
简介:Sheherazade is promised to a powerful Sultan as a gift in exchange for free passage to the Holy Land. When the Sultan's underling saves her from certain death, she falls madly in love with her hero.




简介:Vanina Vanini, a bored, spoiled Roman countess, falls in love with a dedicated young patriot who is in Rome to assassinate a traitor to the brotherhood of the Free Masons.