简介:赫兹克家人总是生活在忙碌中,托马斯和苏珊娜整天忙个不停,只好经常拜托别人照顾孩子eee。当一个特殊的保姆到来后,孩子们才发现她没那么好打发。梅奇塞尔德,不仅年轻优雅,会功夫,还会讲古老的中国故事。一天梅奇塞尔德终于吐露了指引她来到赫兹克家的秘密:她是为一个音乐盒而来,托马斯从中国带回来的古老纪念品。r 很久以前,一位中国王子想娶一位名叫梅奇塞尔德的德国女孩为妻,但是邪恶的王后极力反对,并企图杀害女孩。无奈王子与爱人只好变作音乐盒上的两个木头人,以期日后重逢。王后得知后,便命人将王子与女孩分开,让两人永远无法相见。为了破除诅咒,必须找到音乐盒。而这个古老的音乐盒已经被孩子们在网上卖掉,如今为了帮助梅奇塞尔德与王子重逢,赫兹克家人决定开始寻找音乐盒……
简介:赫兹克家人总是生活在忙碌中,托马斯和苏珊娜整天忙个不停,只好经常拜托别人照顾孩子eee。当一个特殊的保姆到来后,孩子们才发现她没那么好打发。梅奇塞尔德,不仅年轻优雅,会功夫,还会讲古老的中国故事。一天梅奇塞尔德终于吐露了指引她来到赫兹克家的秘密:她是为一个音乐盒而来,托马斯从中国带回来的古老纪念品。r 很久以前,一位中国王子想娶一位名叫梅奇塞尔德的德国女孩为妻,但是邪恶的王后极力反对,并企图杀害女孩。无奈王子与爱人只好变作音乐盒上的两个木头人,以期日后重逢。王后得知后,便命人将王子与女孩分开,让两人永远无法相见。为了破除诅咒,必须找到音乐盒。而这个古老的音乐盒已经被孩子们在网上卖掉,如今为了帮助梅奇塞尔德与王子重逢,赫兹克家人决定开始寻找音乐盒……
主演:妮可·希尔兹,特雷斯·阿德金斯,普瑞斯西拉·巴恩斯,Stefanie Black
简介:Based on the popular Imperium Comics series, Trailer Park of Terror. Six troubled high school students and their chaperon, an optimistic youth ministries Pastor, return from an outdoor character building retreat in the mountains. During a raging storm, their bus crashes, hopelessly stranding them in the middle of the Trucker's Triangle, a forgotten locus of consummate evil in the middle of nowhere. The hapless group seeks shelter for the night in a seemingly abandoned trailer park they find down the road. However, when the sun sets, it's not refuge they find. Instead, terror finds them in the form of Norma, a damned redneck reaper with a killer body who dispenses vengeance and death aided by her cursed companions, a bloodthirsty brood of Undead trailer trash. Written by Anonymous
简介:Based on the popular Imperium Comics series, Trailer Park of Terror. Six troubled high school students and their chaperon, an optimistic youth ministries Pastor, return from an outdoor character building retreat in the mountains. During a raging storm, their bus crashes, hopelessly stranding them in the middle of the Trucker's Triangle, a forgotten locus of consummate evil in the middle of nowhere. The hapless group seeks shelter for the night in a seemingly abandoned trailer park they find down the road. However, when the sun sets, it's not refuge they find. Instead, terror finds them in the form of Norma, a damned redneck reaper with a killer body who dispenses vengeance and death aided by her cursed companions, a bloodthirsty brood of Undead trailer trash. Written by Anonymous
主演:Melony Feliciano,Cris Colicchio,Alex Olson,Alex Hammerli,Donna Pastorello,Sarah Kuklis,Joseph Scotto,Stephanie Beauchamp,Isa Camyar,Kevin Delano,Alicia Erlinger,Marla Freeman,Ashley Rose Folino,Paul F
Melony Feliciano,..
主演:丹尼尔·阿尔希诺夫,Asel Kaliyeva,Azamat Marklenov,Yerlan Primbetov,Dulyga Akmolda,Almat Sakatov,Rustem Zhanyamanov,Yerkebulan Daiyrov,Bekaris Akhetov,Kadirgali Kobentay,Kilishbek Kassymbek,Gauhar Sagingalieva,
简介:入围2020年华沙电影节自由精神单元 It all starts trivially – with a quarrel between a young married couple. The spouses are waiting for their first baby which is due very soon. Every day the situation is heating up. There comes a point when the main character – Dastan – can no longer stand the constant pressure from his wife. He decides to escape, just for one day, to go on a fishing trip with two friends. The future father, the unlucky businessman and the local police officer plan to get away from it all and just focus on fishing. However, a series of unforeseen events, turns their trip into a wild Tarantino-esque rollercoaster. A dynamic, ironic and funny story about real male bonding.
简介:入围2020年华沙电影节自由精神单元 It all starts trivially – with a quarrel between a young married couple. The spouses are waiting for their first baby which is due very soon. Every day the situation is heating up. There comes a point when the main character – Dastan – can no longer stand the constant pressure from his wife. He decides to escape, just for one day, to go on a fishing trip with two friends. The future father, the unlucky businessman and the local police officer plan to get away from it all and just focus on fishing. However, a series of unforeseen events, turns their trip into a wild Tarantino-esque rollercoaster. A dynamic, ironic and funny story about real male bonding.
丹尼尔·阿尔希诺夫,Asel Ka..
主演:Khatijah Tan,Normah Damanhuri,Raja Azura
简介:Midah, Rohayu and Ani are three widows who happen to be die-hard-fans of singer Aiman Zalini. When the singer's last concert is announced, the three ladies try and do everything they can to raise the money for the tickets. They concocted an additive-free, all natural, and non-tobacco vape juice business. Their vape formula proves to be a success and they make enough for the concert tickets. However, unbeknownst to them - their all-natural vape juice has turned many drug addicts sober and this is causing a demand issue for the drug cartel bosses. This in turn starts a zany and hilarious chain of events that will change the ladies' lives forever.
简介:Midah, Rohayu and Ani are three widows who happen to be die-hard-fans of singer Aiman Zalini. When the singer's last concert is announced, the three ladies try and do everything they can to raise the money for the tickets. They concocted an additive-free, all natural, and non-tobacco vape juice business. Their vape formula proves to be a success and they make enough for the concert tickets. However, unbeknownst to them - their all-natural vape juice has turned many drug addicts sober and this is causing a demand issue for the drug cartel bosses. This in turn starts a zany and hilarious chain of events that will change the ladies' lives forever.
Khatijah Tan,Norm..
主演:埃娃·亨宁,比耶·马尔姆斯滕,比吉特·滕罗特,哈塞·埃克曼,米米·内尔松,本特·埃克隆德,Gaby Stenberg,纳伊玛·维夫斯特兰德,Carl Andersson,维克多·安德松,Verner Arpe,英格玛·伯格曼,Britta Brunius,Calle Flygare,Sven-Eric Gamble,英加·吉尔,Helge Hagerman,Else-Merete Heiberg,
简介:在1946年,神情不安的芭蕾舞演员Rut陪伴他的丈夫Bertil结束了环意大利的学术访问,回到了瑞典。他们在巴塞尔(瑞士西北部城市,在莱茵河畔)的旅店房间里和火车上发生了争吵,他们把食物扔给了窗外饥饿的德国难民。无意间,他们听到了几个瑞典牧师关于婚姻的几句妙语,最终他们两人重修和好…… 在电影主题方面他延续了伯格曼早期电影当中性别对抗以及对婚姻关系的质疑。Rut和Raoul交往的失败以及所导致的不育是剧中关系网的死结,而她后来和丈夫Bertil的结合又产生了Bertil原来的情人Viola的悲剧,这所有一切扭结在一起就像漩涡吞没了生活中的激情。当时伯格曼和她第二任妻子Ellen闹离婚,本片可看作是伯格曼对婚姻的自况。 还有很重要的一点是,《三》是伯格曼早期电影的新尝试,这部电影并不是由故事情节进行推动,而是用人物的心理状态作为电影内部节奏起承转合的离合器,密闭的车厢为人物的情绪主导发挥提供了大舞台。这为他后来更深入的探索奠定了基础。
简介:在1946年,神情不安的芭蕾舞演员Rut陪伴他的丈夫Bertil结束了环意大利的学术访问,回到了瑞典。他们在巴塞尔(瑞士西北部城市,在莱茵河畔)的旅店房间里和火车上发生了争吵,他们把食物扔给了窗外饥饿的德国难民。无意间,他们听到了几个瑞典牧师关于婚姻的几句妙语,最终他们两人重修和好…… 在电影主题方面他延续了伯格曼早期电影当中性别对抗以及对婚姻关系的质疑。Rut和Raoul交往的失败以及所导致的不育是剧中关系网的死结,而她后来和丈夫Bertil的结合又产生了Bertil原来的情人Viola的悲剧,这所有一切扭结在一起就像漩涡吞没了生活中的激情。当时伯格曼和她第二任妻子Ellen闹离婚,本片可看作是伯格曼对婚姻的自况。 还有很重要的一点是,《三》是伯格曼早期电影的新尝试,这部电影并不是由故事情节进行推动,而是用人物的心理状态作为电影内部节奏起承转合的离合器,密闭的车厢为人物的情绪主导发挥提供了大舞台。这为他后来更深入的探索奠定了基础。
主演:吉米·莫瑞,维尔·佩恩,萨沙·帕金森,Chris Waller,John-Christian Bateman,希恩·鲍尔
简介:高中生查理·布瑞斯特(维尔·佩恩 Will Payne 饰)随好友艾德(克里斯·威勒 Chris Waller 饰)来到以吸血鬼传说闻名于世的东欧国家罗马尼亚进行海外修学。在此期间,他希望能够取得前女友艾米(萨加·帕金森 Sacha Parkinson 饰)的谅解,两人能尽快复合,谁知却碰了一鼻子灰。在他们所在的学校里,客座教授格里·丹德里奇(吉米·莫瑞 Jaime Murray 饰)妖艳鬼魅,令人浮想联翩。查理层意外窥见丹德里奇对艾德的诱惑,也曾在幻觉中遭受莫大的惊吓。吸血鬼之说并非虚无缥缈,他和艾米全部意外成为吸血阴谋中最重要的一环。 凶险恐怖的修学之旅,成为查理等人挥之不去的噩梦……
简介:高中生查理·布瑞斯特(维尔·佩恩 Will Payne 饰)随好友艾德(克里斯·威勒 Chris Waller 饰)来到以吸血鬼传说闻名于世的东欧国家罗马尼亚进行海外修学。在此期间,他希望能够取得前女友艾米(萨加·帕金森 Sacha Parkinson 饰)的谅解,两人能尽快复合,谁知却碰了一鼻子灰。在他们所在的学校里,客座教授格里·丹德里奇(吉米·莫瑞 Jaime Murray 饰)妖艳鬼魅,令人浮想联翩。查理层意外窥见丹德里奇对艾德的诱惑,也曾在幻觉中遭受莫大的惊吓。吸血鬼之说并非虚无缥缈,他和艾米全部意外成为吸血阴谋中最重要的一环。 凶险恐怖的修学之旅,成为查理等人挥之不去的噩梦……