

简介:影片聚焦警界传奇“三叉戟”组合——“大背头”崔铁军(黄志忠 饰)、“大棍子”徐国柱(姜武 饰)、“大喷子”潘江海(郭涛 饰)。三位警界老炮在临近退休之际,意外卷入一场惊心动魄的巨额金融大案!  幕后黑手企图解冻数十亿资产,不惜雇佣黑道势力动用极端手段进行洗钱。一切的背后隐藏着更为错综复杂的罪恶网络与人脉关系。面对对手的诱惑与重重困难,“三叉戟”能否坚定信念,携手破获此案,将罪犯绳之以法?


主演:Linda Lovelace,Harry Reems,Levi Richards
简介:Long out of circulation, Deep Throat Part II was conceived as a soft-core sequel to the highly successful Deep Throat. The film was written and directed by sexploitation virtuoso Joe Sarno and shot on 35mm in the New York City area in early 1973. It was released in the U. S. in early 1974 with an MPAA R rating and quickly disappeared; porn journalist Al Goldstien, writing in Screw, called it the worst film I have ever seen. The existing U. S. version of the film now on DVD is bowdlerized; the Italian DVD release version contains the film's original soft-core sex scenes. There has long been an urban legend that the film was shot hardcore and that the hardcore sex scenes were stolen while the film was in post-production; this claim seems extremely dubious and director Joe Sarno himself has insisted in interview that only soft-core sex scenes were shot for the film. Deep Throat Part II is Linda Lovelace's second feature film (she only officially starred in three). A young Judy Tenuta (comedienne) has a walk-on cameo. The film is one of Sarno's rare comic efforts and contains an unusually polished soundtrack featuring tunes written by, among others, former members of Jay and the Americans.
Linda Lovelace,Ha..