主演:奥列格·扬科夫斯基,伊琳娜·库普琴科,叶甫根尼·列昂诺夫,叶甫盖尼娅·西蒙诺娃,Aleksandr Abdulov,叶卡婕琳娜·谢·瓦西利耶娃,安德烈·米罗诺夫,Gennadiy Egorov,Tatyana Ignatova,Vladimir Yanovskis 简介:A wizard invents characters who all come to life and start to arrive at his house a King, his servants, a princes, a bear trapped in a man's body - the usual lot. The Plot mainly rotates around the bear, who the wizard had turned into a man. The Bear, who wishes to be a bear once again, can turn into his old self if he were to kiss a princess. It gets complicated when he falls in love with that princess, that arrived at the wizard's house. For how can they be together, if a single kiss will destroy their love
主演:托马斯·科特,卡雷尔·多布雷,Václav Neuzil 简介:Set in Europe during 2038, a female detective investigates the case of a murdered couple where a restoration team is able to bring one of them back to life.
主演:布鲁诺·斯列斯坦,瓦尔特·拉登加斯特,布里吉特·米拉,维利·泽梅尔罗格,Michael Kroecher,Hans Musus,Henry van Lyck,Gloria Doer,福尔克尔·普雷希特尔,赫伯特·阿赫特恩布施,沃尔夫冈·鲍尔,Wilhelm Bayer,Franz Brumbach,若阿内斯·巴尔斯基,Helmut Dring,阿尔弗雷德·埃德尔,弗洛里安·弗里克,莱因哈特·豪夫, 简介:加斯荷伯(布鲁诺·斯列斯坦 Bruno S. 饰)从小生活在不见天日的地下室里,仅靠稀少的水源和面包维持生命,直到数十年后,早已成年的他才被带离地下室,第一次亲眼看到了外面的大千世界。可是,噩梦并没有结束,他只不过是从一个地狱跌落到了另一个。在人们的眼中,加斯荷伯并非一个有血有肉的人类,只是一个可供研究和玩乐的部件罢了。刚开始,人们对加斯荷伯充满了好奇,并且,这些好奇里包含了某些恶意。渐渐地,对这个无趣而可怜的物体,大家都失去了兴趣,加斯荷伯被送进了马戏团。几经波折之后,被一名学者收留的加斯荷伯终于过上了平静安全的生活,学者教会了他读写,为他打开了了解世界的另一扇大门。没想到,加斯荷伯对于文明和文化有着异常敏锐和深刻的见解,面对他尖锐直白的语言,被戳到痛处的人类愤怒了。