



主演:雷娜特·赖因斯夫,安德斯·丹尼尔森·李,巴哈·帕斯,比约恩·桑德奎斯特,扬·海恩凯维奇,本特·博瑟姆,Denise Trankalis,Olga Damani,Inesa Dauksta,Kian Hansen
简介:Renate Reinsve and Anders Danielsen Lie see the dead come to life in a confidently executed zombie drama based on John Ajvide Lindqvist's acclaimed horror novel.  Fifteen years after Let the Right One In John Ajvide Lindqvist is back with an existentially high-octane horror film that leaves no one untouched. With emotional depth, visual power, and a perfect tone, director Thea H...


主演:亚历山德拉·豪格,米娅·汉森,Wenche Hauglum,Sigmund Hauglum,Angela Hansen,Andy Hansen
简介:故事发生在2003年,米亚(米娅·汉森 Mia Hansen 饰)和艾利克斯桑德拉(亚历山德拉·豪格 Alexandra Hauglum 饰)这对孪生姐妹尚在襁褓之中,便遭到了残酷的遗弃。无处可去的两人被送往了孤儿院,在那里,她们渐渐长大,等待着不知道在哪里的好心人,能 够将她们领走,给她们一个温暖的家。  之后,米亚和艾利克斯桑德拉分别被两个不同的家庭收养,从此天各一方,她们一个在挪威,一个在加利福尼亚,在并不知道彼此存在的情况下,两人走上的各自的人生道路。随着时间的推移,在米亚和艾利克斯桑德拉之间,出现了科学无法解释的感应现象,以此为线索,米亚的养父母带着米亚踏上了寻亲之旅。


主演:大卫·爱登堡,格蕾塔·通贝里,Michael E. Mann,James Hansen,Sunita Narain,Mark Maslin,Andrew Shepherd,Peter Stott,Richard Black,Richard Lazarus,Catherine Mitchell,Naomi Oreskes,Tim Lenton,Colette Pichon Battle,Sarabp
简介:Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change The Facts for BBC One.  The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on our planet with interviews from some of the world’s leading climate scientists.  After one of the hottest years on record, climatologists and meteorologists explain the effects of climate change on both the human population and the natural world. Scientists, including Dr James Hansen, Dr Michael Mann and Professor Catherine Mitchell will forensically unpack the science behind the extreme weather conditions of recent years, which have seen unprecedented storms and catastrophic wildfires; as well as detailing how the accelerating rate at which the world’s ice is melting is causing sea level rises, and how deforestation is exacerbating the problem of global warming by adding to CO2 in the atmosphere.  The film will deliver an unflinching exploration of what dangerous levels of climate change could mean for human populations, what is likely to happen if global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees and if major reductions in CO2 emissions are not made in the next decade.  The documentary looks too at potential solutions, exploring the innovations, technology and actions the world's governments and industries are taking to prevent further warming and showcasing individuals who are creating change at grassroots levels.  In the film, Sir David Attenborough says In the 20 years since I first started talking about the impact of climate change on our world, conditions have changed far faster than I ever imagined. It may sound frightening but the scientific evidence is that if we have not taken dramatic action within the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies. We're running out of time but there's still hope… I believe that if we better understand the threat we face, the more likely it is that we can avoid such a catastrophic future.”


主演:弗洛里安·大卫·菲茨,Nikolaus Barton,Hans Löw
简介:故事发生在1929年的德国柏林。埃里希(弗洛里安·大卫·菲茨 Florian David Fitz 饰)是一位小有名气的作家,创作过很多脍炙人口的作品。一天,一个名叫汉斯(尼科·拉莫·克莱曼 Nico Ramon Kleemann 饰)的小男孩出现在了埃里希的家门口,他告诉埃里希自己是他的超级粉丝。  刚开始,埃里希对于汉斯的存在并没有太过在意,但随着时间的推移,他发现这个脑袋里充满了奇思妙想的男孩能够成为自己创作的灵感来源。在埃里希的推荐之下,汉斯也得到了一个在电影里扮演角色的机会,一来二去之间,一老一少两人结下了深厚的友谊。二战爆发了,纳粹的铁蹄踏破了埃里希和汉斯的宁静生活。


主演:埃米尔·雅宁斯,梅丽· 戴尔沙夫特,赫尔曼·瓦伦丁,格奥尔格·约翰,Max Hiller,Emilie Kurz,Hans Unterkircher,Olaf Storm,Emmy Wyda
简介:本片主人公(爱米尔·强宁斯 Emil Jannings 饰)是一所大旅馆的看门人,一直以来他都为这份体面的工作感到自豪。当他下班后穿着神气的制服,回到自己所居住的贫民区时,邻居们都会向他投来羡慕的眼光。新一天开始了,如常上班的他却被告知老板要辞退他,因为他年纪太大了。但念在他工作多年的份上,老板把他调去打扫厕所,还要收 回他的金边制服。他一下子从神气十足的看门人变成了低三下四的厕所清洁工。不能接受这个事实的他,夜里潜入旅馆把制服偷了回来。他穿着制服去参加侄女的婚礼,没有把被调职一事告诉亲朋好友。很快,他的秘密被别人知道了,大家纷纷嘲笑他。他再也没有颜面去面对别人了,于是跑回旅馆归还了制服,失魂落魄地坐在厕所中。然而故事并没有就此结束……  影片改编自果戈里的小说《外套》。
埃米尔·雅宁斯,梅丽· 戴尔沙夫特..


主演:亚历桑德拉·达尔斯托姆,瑞贝卡·里尔杰伯格,艾丽卡·卡尔松,Mathias Rust,Stefan Hörberg,Josefine Nyberg,拉夫·卡尔松,Maria Hedborg,Axel Widegren,Jill Ung,Lisa Skagerstam,Lina Svantesson,Johanna Larsson,Elinor Johansson,Jessica Melkersso
简介:瑞典小镇,两名情窦初开的花季少女。影片开始在安妮(瑞贝卡·里尔杰伯格 Rebecka Liljeberg饰)写下的生日愿望中展开,内向自闭的她把这个秘密一直封存在自己的电脑中。在学校里,她也觉得自己没有真正的朋友,直到她转校来到伊琳(亚历桑德拉·达尔斯托姆 Alexandra Dahlström饰)的班上。外向叛逆的伊琳美丽早熟,身边总是围绕着一群讨好她的女生跟一堆追求她的男生。安妮一直默默的注视着她,暗暗把伊琳作为自己的爱恋对象。在生日聚会当天,大家发现了安妮的秘密——希望伊琳可以爱上她。伊琳因为一个赌注真的亲吻了安妮,两人的关系发生了微妙的变化。她们之间这纯真的爱情,是否能够抵过父母的质问与同学的嘲弄,终可挽着双手、昂首挺胸地走出人群呢……


主演:罗纳德·刘易斯,奥黛丽·达尔顿,盖伊·罗尔夫,奥斯卡·霍莫尔卡,弗拉迪米尔·索科洛夫,Erika Peters,Lorna Hanson,Ilse Burkert,威廉·卡斯尔,Constance Cavendish,Albert D'Arno,James Forrest,David Janti,Annalena Lund,马维斯尼尔帕尔默,Charles H. Radi
简介:哥特式风格故事,背景设定在1880的伦敦,男爵在挖坟埋在父亲之时偶然的找回了遗留在他父亲口袋的中奖彩票,随后他脸上露出了诡异的笑容。影片的广告噱,”Punishment Poll(惩罚投票)“,当影片情节进行到高潮部分时, 导演Castle突然出现在荧幕上给观众解释如何行使自己的投票权。每一位观众手里拿到了一张印有拇指的卡片,他们可以任一做出上或下的方向以决定Mr. Sardonicus在影片结尾是复活还是死亡?据不完全统计,基本上没有一位观众不是希望电影中反叛得到应有的报应。


主演:布鲁诺·斯列斯坦,瓦尔特·拉登加斯特,布里吉特·米拉,维利·泽梅尔罗格,Michael Kroecher,Hans Musus,Henry van Lyck,Gloria Doer,福尔克尔·普雷希特尔,赫伯特·阿赫特恩布施,沃尔夫冈·鲍尔,Wilhelm Bayer,Franz Brumbach,若阿内斯·巴尔斯基,Helmut Dring,阿尔弗雷德·埃德尔,弗洛里安·弗里克,莱因哈特·豪夫,
简介:加斯荷伯(布鲁诺·斯列斯坦 Bruno S. 饰)从小生活在不见天日的地下室里,仅靠稀少的水源和面包维持生命,直到数十年后,早已成年的他才被带离地下室,第一次亲眼看到了外面的大千世界。可是,噩梦并没有结束,他只不过是从一个地狱跌落到了另一个。在人们的眼中,加斯荷伯并非一个有血有肉的人类,只是一个可供研究和玩乐的部件罢了。刚开始,人们对加斯荷伯充满了好奇,并且,这些好奇里包含了某些恶意。渐渐地,对这个无趣而可怜的物体,大家都失去了兴趣,加斯荷伯被送进了马戏团。几经波折之后,被一名学者收留的加斯荷伯终于过上了平静安全的生活,学者教会了他读写,为他打开了了解世界的另一扇大门。没想到,加斯荷伯对于文明和文化有着异常敏锐和深刻的见解,面对他尖锐直白的语言,被戳到痛处的人类愤怒了。


主演:沃拉甘·罗娜瓦查拉,辰塔维·塔纳西维,莎琳拉·托马斯,Thanatorn Oudsahakul,Wanchat Kwangmuang,Oraphan Arjsamat,Padiphat Kanokamornsin,Nattaphol Worachalad,Wittawat Jalayondeji,Thanaporn Amornsin,埃迪森·特斯利卡森,Prapassorn Chansatitpo
简介:电影放映员谦(Ter-Chantavit Dhanasevi 饰)因沉迷大麻而陷入经济危机,毒瘾发作之际甚至不惜典当女友诵(Punch-Vorakarn Rojjanavatchra 饰)的手表,为此诵愤然离开。决心洗心革面的谦此时仍在泥潭之中,为了还上欠款,他被黑道人物逼迫盗录还未上映的新片,以谋取不义之财。  某晚,谦和好友育在影院盗录一部即将上映的恐怖片《厉鬼》。中途打瞌睡的谦醒来,却发现育已不见踪影,最后竟发现育的尸体出现在影片之中。不久后他得知,影片根据一个真实事件改编,片中死于吊颈的扶桑嫂竟然确有其人。他和诵共同走访案件发生地,却无意中得知了影片拍摄过程中的秘密……


主演:塔拉·雷德,理查德·格里克,杰西卡·莫里斯,亚伦·格罗本,莎拉·弗伦奇,Mark Justice,Alex Rinehart,Lukas Hassel,Lainee Rhodes,Sergio Rizzuto,Paul Gunn,Hans Hernke,Labrandon Shead,Audrey Holland
简介:When Dylan Wilson purchases a collection of seven paintings to hang in his wealthy estate, he has no idea what horrors he has unleashed for himself, his wife; Gina, his college son; Louis, his teen-age daughter; Donna, and his two little kids. Only Father Mendale knows what evils lurk inside this deadly art and the history of Dorian Wilde; the artist who made a pact with dark forces when he created these paintings that represent the seven deadly sins. Now, anyone who comes in contact with these pictures are corrupted by Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Envy, and Wrath. It's up to Father Mendale and Louis' girlfriend; Kim to save Dylan and his family before they are all destroyed by the Art of the Dead.