主演:Yasmin Napper,Arbani Yasiz,Ria Ricis,Whani Darmawan,德尼斯·阿迪斯瓦拉,Hana Saraswati,Keanu Azka,Nasarius Sudaryono 简介:A female student named Ainun, who admires the figure of Abah Mulya, the owner of the Padepokan in Bumi Suwung village who is famous for his supernatural powers in curing various diseases. One day, surprising news came. Abah Mulya was found dead, which made Ainun sad. However, the fact that surprised him more was the fact that Abah Mulya was Ainun's biological father. Armed with...
主演:Reza Rahadian,Shenina Cinnamon,劳拉·巴苏基,Kristo Immanuel,Sal Priadi,Dewi Irawan,Landung Simatupang,Ali Fikry,Shofia Shireen,Iswadi Pratama,Alleyra Fakhira,Whani Darmawan,Eka Tioda,Heru Prasetyo,尤迪·阿末达·祖丁 简介:24 Hours with Gaspar (2023), a film depicting rough characters living on the edgy streets, will have its world premiere. This film, envisioning the emergence of a novel genre infused with science fiction elements into a life of deceitfulness, was chosen as a selection for the 2022 Asian Project Market.